Smoking Marijuana as a CF Patient


New member
just curious cfboy...where are your facts? I have always wondered if it did anything so I was wondering if you could post where you found your info


New member
just curious cfboy...where are your facts? I have always wondered if it did anything so I was wondering if you could post where you found your info


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>cfboy</b></i>

u people need to get some facts. cigs yeah there bad for u. but weed does not mess u up in any way, and it wont mess up ur lungs the smoke is too thin. </end quote></div>
WHAT ???????????
I HOPE you meant this as a joke and dont actually think this is true. Smoke of <b>ANY</b> kind , especially directly inhaled into the lungs is damaging.
PLease get your facts straight before giving bad advice like this.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>cfboy</b></i>

u people need to get some facts. cigs yeah there bad for u. but weed does not mess u up in any way, and it wont mess up ur lungs the smoke is too thin. </end quote></div>
WHAT ???????????
I HOPE you meant this as a joke and dont actually think this is true. Smoke of <b>ANY</b> kind , especially directly inhaled into the lungs is damaging.
PLease get your facts straight before giving bad advice like this.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>cfboy</b></i>

u people need to get some facts. cigs yeah there bad for u. but weed does not mess u up in any way, and it wont mess up ur lungs the smoke is too thin. </end quote></div>
WHAT ???????????
I HOPE you meant this as a joke and dont actually think this is true. Smoke of <b>ANY</b> kind , especially directly inhaled into the lungs is damaging.
PLease get your facts straight before giving bad advice like this.


New member
That's insane! Of course the smoke damages your lungs. What the heck do you think you're exhaling? - fairy dust? Trust me, I did pot for a number of years back in the day and I've seen what it does to your lungs. I'd also be interested in where you got your facts from. In all honestly reading your post, I thought I was listening to an 16 year old.


New member
That's insane! Of course the smoke damages your lungs. What the heck do you think you're exhaling? - fairy dust? Trust me, I did pot for a number of years back in the day and I've seen what it does to your lungs. I'd also be interested in where you got your facts from. In all honestly reading your post, I thought I was listening to an 16 year old.


New member
That's insane! Of course the smoke damages your lungs. What the heck do you think you're exhaling? - fairy dust? Trust me, I did pot for a number of years back in the day and I've seen what it does to your lungs. I'd also be interested in where you got your facts from. In all honestly reading your post, I thought I was listening to an 16 year old.


New member
Lung function at 100%?

Man, do you ever have some catching up to do! You're on the right track, though. Keep smokin' that weed and you'll be down here in the basement with the rest of us.

Unfortunately for some, the word "Chronic" means something else, my friend.

As in "Chronic coughing-up of large amounts of blood", or "Chronic needing of oxygen" or "Chronic use of antibiotics", or just generally, "Chronic illness".

No, seriously though, I don't know where you heard weed isn't bad. That's propaganda from potheads who want an

I can't even handle INCENSE in my room, let alone smoking something. I can't stand beside someone with a cigarette without coughing my guts out.

But if you wanna smoke it, it's your call. You could try eating it or even brewing it as an infusion, then nebulizing it. That's probably less harmful.


New member
Lung function at 100%?

Man, do you ever have some catching up to do! You're on the right track, though. Keep smokin' that weed and you'll be down here in the basement with the rest of us.

Unfortunately for some, the word "Chronic" means something else, my friend.

As in "Chronic coughing-up of large amounts of blood", or "Chronic needing of oxygen" or "Chronic use of antibiotics", or just generally, "Chronic illness".

No, seriously though, I don't know where you heard weed isn't bad. That's propaganda from potheads who want an

I can't even handle INCENSE in my room, let alone smoking something. I can't stand beside someone with a cigarette without coughing my guts out.

But if you wanna smoke it, it's your call. You could try eating it or even brewing it as an infusion, then nebulizing it. That's probably less harmful.


New member
Lung function at 100%?

Man, do you ever have some catching up to do! You're on the right track, though. Keep smokin' that weed and you'll be down here in the basement with the rest of us.

Unfortunately for some, the word "Chronic" means something else, my friend.

As in "Chronic coughing-up of large amounts of blood", or "Chronic needing of oxygen" or "Chronic use of antibiotics", or just generally, "Chronic illness".

No, seriously though, I don't know where you heard weed isn't bad. That's propaganda from potheads who want an

I can't even handle INCENSE in my room, let alone smoking something. I can't stand beside someone with a cigarette without coughing my guts out.

But if you wanna smoke it, it's your call. You could try eating it or even brewing it as an infusion, then nebulizing it. That's probably less harmful.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>cfboy</b></i>

u people need to get some facts. cigs yeah there bad for u. but weed does not mess u up in any way, and it wont mess up ur lungs the smoke is too thin. but to keep everyone off ur damn back just do the brownies.</end quote></div>

MORON! yes i am quite comfortable insulting you because seriously, thats what you deserve if you go around saying that kind of BS. one can only hope that people are smart enough not to listen to you.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>cfboy</b></i>

u people need to get some facts. cigs yeah there bad for u. but weed does not mess u up in any way, and it wont mess up ur lungs the smoke is too thin. but to keep everyone off ur damn back just do the brownies.</end quote></div>

MORON! yes i am quite comfortable insulting you because seriously, thats what you deserve if you go around saying that kind of BS. one can only hope that people are smart enough not to listen to you.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>cfboy</b></i>

u people need to get some facts. cigs yeah there bad for u. but weed does not mess u up in any way, and it wont mess up ur lungs the smoke is too thin. but to keep everyone off ur damn back just do the brownies.</end quote></div>

MORON! yes i am quite comfortable insulting you because seriously, thats what you deserve if you go around saying that kind of BS. one can only hope that people are smart enough not to listen to you.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kybert</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>cfboy</b></i>

u people need to get some facts. cigs yeah there bad for u. but weed does not mess u up in any way, and it wont mess up ur lungs the smoke is too thin. but to keep everyone off ur damn back just do the brownies.</end quote></div>

MORON! yes i am quite comfortable insulting you because seriously, thats what you deserve if you go around saying that kind of BS. one can only hope that people are smart enough not to listen to you.</end quote></div>

There is no conclusive evidence that weed causes the lasting effects as tobacco smoke. I also read a study that says weed does NOT cause cancer. So before everyone goes flaming people, maybe you should do some reseach before you start calling people's all hearsay unless you some up with concrete evidence..

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
It does say in other studies though that it can cause i think that would be your worst worries. Anyways, smoke with a vaporizer...nothing burns, and you get very little of the bad chemicals.

You wanna be brave, ask your cf doctor for thc pills for your appetitie. I heard a cf patient in my clinic asking my doctor for it is possible. I guess it depends how open your doctor is...


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kybert</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>cfboy</b></i>

u people need to get some facts. cigs yeah there bad for u. but weed does not mess u up in any way, and it wont mess up ur lungs the smoke is too thin. but to keep everyone off ur damn back just do the brownies.</end quote></div>

MORON! yes i am quite comfortable insulting you because seriously, thats what you deserve if you go around saying that kind of BS. one can only hope that people are smart enough not to listen to you.</end quote></div>

There is no conclusive evidence that weed causes the lasting effects as tobacco smoke. I also read a study that says weed does NOT cause cancer. So before everyone goes flaming people, maybe you should do some reseach before you start calling people's all hearsay unless you some up with concrete evidence..

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
It does say in other studies though that it can cause i think that would be your worst worries. Anyways, smoke with a vaporizer...nothing burns, and you get very little of the bad chemicals.

You wanna be brave, ask your cf doctor for thc pills for your appetitie. I heard a cf patient in my clinic asking my doctor for it is possible. I guess it depends how open your doctor is...


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kybert</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>cfboy</b></i>

u people need to get some facts. cigs yeah there bad for u. but weed does not mess u up in any way, and it wont mess up ur lungs the smoke is too thin. but to keep everyone off ur damn back just do the brownies.</end quote></div>

MORON! yes i am quite comfortable insulting you because seriously, thats what you deserve if you go around saying that kind of BS. one can only hope that people are smart enough not to listen to you.</end quote></div>

There is no conclusive evidence that weed causes the lasting effects as tobacco smoke. I also read a study that says weed does NOT cause cancer. So before everyone goes flaming people, maybe you should do some reseach before you start calling people's all hearsay unless you some up with concrete evidence..

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
It does say in other studies though that it can cause i think that would be your worst worries. Anyways, smoke with a vaporizer...nothing burns, and you get very little of the bad chemicals.

You wanna be brave, ask your cf doctor for thc pills for your appetitie. I heard a cf patient in my clinic asking my doctor for it is possible. I guess it depends how open your doctor is...


New member
once again, i am quite comfortable in calling cfboy a moron. his so called facts are extremely inaccurate and if taken seriously can be dangerous. it would be by far the most idiotic advice given on this board to date. i make NO apologies whatsoever.

i really dont care what 1 article has to say about the link with <b>cancer</b>. what about all the other side effects? would you like to talk to my ex about his mental problems that were caused by pot?


New member
once again, i am quite comfortable in calling cfboy a moron. his so called facts are extremely inaccurate and if taken seriously can be dangerous. it would be by far the most idiotic advice given on this board to date. i make NO apologies whatsoever.

i really dont care what 1 article has to say about the link with <b>cancer</b>. what about all the other side effects? would you like to talk to my ex about his mental problems that were caused by pot?


New member
once again, i am quite comfortable in calling cfboy a moron. his so called facts are extremely inaccurate and if taken seriously can be dangerous. it would be by far the most idiotic advice given on this board to date. i make NO apologies whatsoever.

i really dont care what 1 article has to say about the link with <b>cancer</b>. what about all the other side effects? would you like to talk to my ex about his mental problems that were caused by pot?