Teacher 'outed' my daughter!


New member
I think there are two separate ways to look at this.

one is from Jess's perspective. and actually she took it much better than I might have at her age under the same circumstances. She was very upset at first. but we talked about it and agreed I wouldn't storm down to her school and demand to speak to the principal.

the other perspective is mine. Maybe I'm a little over protective. I wont apologize for that. But I really do appreciate all your feedback. We've been very fortunate and haven't had a lot of flare ups or an excessive amount of missed school. this whole episode has been sort of a wake up call for us. Sort of like getting diagnosed all over again. The teacher thing is only one facet. This forum has been very helpful.

thanks and best of health to all of you


New member
I think there are two separate ways to look at this.

one is from Jess's perspective. and actually she took it much better than I might have at her age under the same circumstances. She was very upset at first. but we talked about it and agreed I wouldn't storm down to her school and demand to speak to the principal.

the other perspective is mine. Maybe I'm a little over protective. I wont apologize for that. But I really do appreciate all your feedback. We've been very fortunate and haven't had a lot of flare ups or an excessive amount of missed school. this whole episode has been sort of a wake up call for us. Sort of like getting diagnosed all over again. The teacher thing is only one facet. This forum has been very helpful.

thanks and best of health to all of you



I couldn't disagree more with 1/2 the people on this site. For those who claim "get over it", well, grow up, yourselves, and realize that this child's privacy and the family's privacy has been violated. You can be proud to have CF and still want to be private about it. The two don't have to be mutually exclusive.

This teacher took away this child's control and the parent's control to decide who/when and how others should know about her disease. This teacher not only violated their privacy, but didn't even have the PROFESSIONALISM to discuss the issue first with the family to determine the best way to inform the class of why the child was not in school. To then have a discussion and have a boy present the disease to the class is just about the most asinine thing I've ever heard! This teacher has crossed many boundaries in my opinion and if I were you, despite your dght's requests, I would meet with the teacher and principal to discuss and have a strategy for future issues.

YOU and your dght are the ones who should decide who knows about your dght's disease/when and how. Not the teacher. You are 100% right to feel the way you do. Don't ever 2nd guess your gut instinct. It may not be the same as other's gut instincts, but we're all different and if it bothers you then say something. Don't let others convince you otherwise. Stand up for what you believe in.

The greatest gift I was ever given came from my grandmother (orginally from Shakespeare) who said, "To thine own self be true." Never stray from that.



I couldn't disagree more with 1/2 the people on this site. For those who claim "get over it", well, grow up, yourselves, and realize that this child's privacy and the family's privacy has been violated. You can be proud to have CF and still want to be private about it. The two don't have to be mutually exclusive.

This teacher took away this child's control and the parent's control to decide who/when and how others should know about her disease. This teacher not only violated their privacy, but didn't even have the PROFESSIONALISM to discuss the issue first with the family to determine the best way to inform the class of why the child was not in school. To then have a discussion and have a boy present the disease to the class is just about the most asinine thing I've ever heard! This teacher has crossed many boundaries in my opinion and if I were you, despite your dght's requests, I would meet with the teacher and principal to discuss and have a strategy for future issues.

YOU and your dght are the ones who should decide who knows about your dght's disease/when and how. Not the teacher. You are 100% right to feel the way you do. Don't ever 2nd guess your gut instinct. It may not be the same as other's gut instincts, but we're all different and if it bothers you then say something. Don't let others convince you otherwise. Stand up for what you believe in.

The greatest gift I was ever given came from my grandmother (orginally from Shakespeare) who said, "To thine own self be true." Never stray from that.



I couldn't disagree more with 1/2 the people on this site. For those who claim "get over it", well, grow up, yourselves, and realize that this child's privacy and the family's privacy has been violated. You can be proud to have CF and still want to be private about it. The two don't have to be mutually exclusive.

This teacher took away this child's control and the parent's control to decide who/when and how others should know about her disease. This teacher not only violated their privacy, but didn't even have the PROFESSIONALISM to discuss the issue first with the family to determine the best way to inform the class of why the child was not in school. To then have a discussion and have a boy present the disease to the class is just about the most asinine thing I've ever heard! This teacher has crossed many boundaries in my opinion and if I were you, despite your dght's requests, I would meet with the teacher and principal to discuss and have a strategy for future issues.

YOU and your dght are the ones who should decide who knows about your dght's disease/when and how. Not the teacher. You are 100% right to feel the way you do. Don't ever 2nd guess your gut instinct. It may not be the same as other's gut instincts, but we're all different and if it bothers you then say something. Don't let others convince you otherwise. Stand up for what you believe in.

The greatest gift I was ever given came from my grandmother (orginally from Shakespeare) who said, "To thine own self be true." Never stray from that.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Seana30</b></i>

I WOULD BE SO TICKED OFF!!!! This does fall under the HIPAA laws. I work for a lawyer part time and if you would like I could ask him what your rights are.

I am sure the teacher had good intentions, but what she did was VERY wrong!

Seana</end quote></div>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Seana30</b></i>

I WOULD BE SO TICKED OFF!!!! This does fall under the HIPAA laws. I work for a lawyer part time and if you would like I could ask him what your rights are.

I am sure the teacher had good intentions, but what she did was VERY wrong!

Seana</end quote></div>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Seana30</b></i>

I WOULD BE SO TICKED OFF!!!! This does fall under the HIPAA laws. I work for a lawyer part time and if you would like I could ask him what your rights are.

I am sure the teacher had good intentions, but what she did was VERY wrong!

Seana</end quote></div>


New member
I am a HIPAA Privacy Officer and no it is not against HIPAA to release information about a child in front of class. The HIPAA Privacy and security laws only effect the Health Care setting(if the teacher had gotten the information from the hospital without your consent then it would be against the hospital that you would have the complaint not the teacher). Unless you have put it in her file at school that you do not want her disease mentioned then it is not really against the law at all. It probably should have been more thought out and mentioned to your daughter if she wanted info about her illness released but, it was not against HIPAA(Health Insurance Portability and accountability Act) Thanks and I hope that was helpful. Jennifer


New member
I am a HIPAA Privacy Officer and no it is not against HIPAA to release information about a child in front of class. The HIPAA Privacy and security laws only effect the Health Care setting(if the teacher had gotten the information from the hospital without your consent then it would be against the hospital that you would have the complaint not the teacher). Unless you have put it in her file at school that you do not want her disease mentioned then it is not really against the law at all. It probably should have been more thought out and mentioned to your daughter if she wanted info about her illness released but, it was not against HIPAA(Health Insurance Portability and accountability Act) Thanks and I hope that was helpful. Jennifer


New member
I am a HIPAA Privacy Officer and no it is not against HIPAA to release information about a child in front of class. The HIPAA Privacy and security laws only effect the Health Care setting(if the teacher had gotten the information from the hospital without your consent then it would be against the hospital that you would have the complaint not the teacher). Unless you have put it in her file at school that you do not want her disease mentioned then it is not really against the law at all. It probably should have been more thought out and mentioned to your daughter if she wanted info about her illness released but, it was not against HIPAA(Health Insurance Portability and accountability Act) Thanks and I hope that was helpful. Jennifer


New member
I am a HIPAA Privacy Officer and no it is not against HIPAA to release information about a child in front of class. The HIPAA Privacy and security laws only effect the Health Care setting(if the teacher had gotten the information from the hospital without your consent then it would be against the hospital that you would have the complaint not the teacher). Unless you have put it in her file at school that you do not want her disease mentioned then it is not really against the law at all. It probably should have been more thought out and mentioned to your daughter if she wanted info about her illness released but, it was not against HIPAA(Health Insurance Portability and accountability Act) Thanks and I hope that was helpful. Jennifer


New member
I am a HIPAA Privacy Officer and no it is not against HIPAA to release information about a child in front of class. The HIPAA Privacy and security laws only effect the Health Care setting(if the teacher had gotten the information from the hospital without your consent then it would be against the hospital that you would have the complaint not the teacher). Unless you have put it in her file at school that you do not want her disease mentioned then it is not really against the law at all. It probably should have been more thought out and mentioned to your daughter if she wanted info about her illness released but, it was not against HIPAA(Health Insurance Portability and accountability Act) Thanks and I hope that was helpful. Jennifer


New member
I am a HIPAA Privacy Officer and no it is not against HIPAA to release information about a child in front of class. The HIPAA Privacy and security laws only effect the Health Care setting(if the teacher had gotten the information from the hospital without your consent then it would be against the hospital that you would have the complaint not the teacher). Unless you have put it in her file at school that you do not want her disease mentioned then it is not really against the law at all. It probably should have been more thought out and mentioned to your daughter if she wanted info about her illness released but, it was not against HIPAA(Health Insurance Portability and accountability Act) Thanks and I hope that was helpful. Jennifer


New member

Thank you for the HIPAA information.

So if it is stated to the school administration that the information is to be kept private is it then a HIPAA violation? I am a little confused.




New member

Thank you for the HIPAA information.

So if it is stated to the school administration that the information is to be kept private is it then a HIPAA violation? I am a little confused.




New member

Thank you for the HIPAA information.

So if it is stated to the school administration that the information is to be kept private is it then a HIPAA violation? I am a little confused.




New member
No, it is not a HIPAA violation if it is in the school records (I do believe that falls under FERPA, though) It is only a HIPAA violation if it happens within the healthcare system. The School record does not fall under the HIPAA regualtions at all, this means that the school nurse cannot get information from your doctor without consent either. I am sorry if I confused you, The HIPAA privacy regualtions are very long and can be confusing and misinterpreted.


New member
No, it is not a HIPAA violation if it is in the school records (I do believe that falls under FERPA, though) It is only a HIPAA violation if it happens within the healthcare system. The School record does not fall under the HIPAA regualtions at all, this means that the school nurse cannot get information from your doctor without consent either. I am sorry if I confused you, The HIPAA privacy regualtions are very long and can be confusing and misinterpreted.


New member
No, it is not a HIPAA violation if it is in the school records (I do believe that falls under FERPA, though) It is only a HIPAA violation if it happens within the healthcare system. The School record does not fall under the HIPAA regualtions at all, this means that the school nurse cannot get information from your doctor without consent either. I am sorry if I confused you, The HIPAA privacy regualtions are very long and can be confusing and misinterpreted.