to vaccinate or not vaccinate


New member
This is part of the issue.  There is lots of evidence
(medical, anecdotal, personal) suggesting that the more we
interfere... the more we have to continue to interfere.  Of
course, if you take the flu shot every year... you MUST keep taking
it.  You have robed your body of its own inate ability to
fight the infection.  But... that's a non-CF'r talking.
 I have a whole lot more learning to do before I can make any
decisions about that when it comes to a person with Cystic
Fibrosis.  I know that if I COULD avoid the antibiotics and
vaccinations for his first two years, it would be good for his own
natural immune system... it would be stronger and work better for
him for the rest of his life(which could mean he would get sick a
lot less... have to take less antibiotics... have lungs that last
him longer... I think you see my point).  The problem with
that...  he may not have two years if I don't use the drugs.
 I understand that.  Part of me wishes we could live in a
bubble for the first two years.  He's the best company I've
ever had... I'd be up for it!<br>
Anyway, thanks again everyone for sharing .  It's really great
that you are all here.<br>
Take care... and never stop learning.


New member
This is part of the issue.  There is lots of evidence
(medical, anecdotal, personal) suggesting that the more we
interfere... the more we have to continue to interfere.  Of
course, if you take the flu shot every year... you MUST keep taking
it.  You have robed your body of its own inate ability to
fight the infection.  But... that's a non-CF'r talking.
 I have a whole lot more learning to do before I can make any
decisions about that when it comes to a person with Cystic
Fibrosis.  I know that if I COULD avoid the antibiotics and
vaccinations for his first two years, it would be good for his own
natural immune system... it would be stronger and work better for
him for the rest of his life(which could mean he would get sick a
lot less... have to take less antibiotics... have lungs that last
him longer... I think you see my point).  The problem with
that...  he may not have two years if I don't use the drugs.
 I understand that.  Part of me wishes we could live in a
bubble for the first two years.  He's the best company I've
ever had... I'd be up for it!<br>
Anyway, thanks again everyone for sharing .  It's really great
that you are all here.<br>
Take care... and never stop learning.


New member
This is part of the issue.  There is lots of evidence
(medical, anecdotal, personal) suggesting that the more we
interfere... the more we have to continue to interfere.  Of
course, if you take the flu shot every year... you MUST keep taking
it.  You have robed your body of its own inate ability to
fight the infection.  But... that's a non-CF'r talking.
 I have a whole lot more learning to do before I can make any
decisions about that when it comes to a person with Cystic
Fibrosis.  I know that if I COULD avoid the antibiotics and
vaccinations for his first two years, it would be good for his own
natural immune system... it would be stronger and work better for
him for the rest of his life(which could mean he would get sick a
lot less... have to take less antibiotics... have lungs that last
him longer... I think you see my point).  The problem with
that...  he may not have two years if I don't use the drugs.
 I understand that.  Part of me wishes we could live in a
bubble for the first two years.  He's the best company I've
ever had... I'd be up for it!<br>
Anyway, thanks again everyone for sharing .  It's really great
that you are all here.<br>
Take care... and never stop learning.


New member
Well if you're going that route, the flu shot and RSV preventative are a must. I literally thought my son was going to die when he got RSV. Whooping cough too is an important one. Make sure any one that could affect the lungs is done. Although I personally would not risk missing any immunizations. The risk is so remote because they're vaccinated.


New member
Well if you're going that route, the flu shot and RSV preventative are a must. I literally thought my son was going to die when he got RSV. Whooping cough too is an important one. Make sure any one that could affect the lungs is done. Although I personally would not risk missing any immunizations. The risk is so remote because they're vaccinated.


New member
Well if you're going that route, the flu shot and RSV preventative are a must. I literally thought my son was going to die when he got RSV. Whooping cough too is an important one. Make sure any one that could affect the lungs is done. Although I personally would not risk missing any immunizations. The risk is so remote because they're vaccinated.


New member
Well, even vaccinations aren't perfect. My oldest DS (no CF) had whooping cough at 13 m. It was VERY scary. His vaccinations were all on time but he caught it nonetheless. My niece, nephew, and former babysitter's DD all had chickenpox.... They had all been vaccinated and they did NOT all get mild cases. I think every parent has to make an informed choice. For me, that was vaccinations on time but I won't fault another parent for making a different choice so long as they're fully informed and understand the information that's been presented. That is clearly the case with this poster (IMO).

To the OP, I think if you can avoid the antibiotics that's wonderful - <b><i>I would try it if your child is healthy.</i></b> My children all (for various reasons) received lots of antibiotics as infants/toddlers/preschoolers. 2nd DS is 8 and has been on something like 50+ rounds of antibiotics ranging from 3 days IV to 6 weeks oral, mostly for lung/sinus infections or ear infections plus several strep throats. Poor kid has no immune system of his own (no, I'm not speaking literally). I've very often wondered if we didn't sabotage the poor kid with all the antibiotics. It's such a catch 22 though. At least his lung functions are well over 100% when well<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Well, even vaccinations aren't perfect. My oldest DS (no CF) had whooping cough at 13 m. It was VERY scary. His vaccinations were all on time but he caught it nonetheless. My niece, nephew, and former babysitter's DD all had chickenpox.... They had all been vaccinated and they did NOT all get mild cases. I think every parent has to make an informed choice. For me, that was vaccinations on time but I won't fault another parent for making a different choice so long as they're fully informed and understand the information that's been presented. That is clearly the case with this poster (IMO).

To the OP, I think if you can avoid the antibiotics that's wonderful - <b><i>I would try it if your child is healthy.</i></b> My children all (for various reasons) received lots of antibiotics as infants/toddlers/preschoolers. 2nd DS is 8 and has been on something like 50+ rounds of antibiotics ranging from 3 days IV to 6 weeks oral, mostly for lung/sinus infections or ear infections plus several strep throats. Poor kid has no immune system of his own (no, I'm not speaking literally). I've very often wondered if we didn't sabotage the poor kid with all the antibiotics. It's such a catch 22 though. At least his lung functions are well over 100% when well<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Well, even vaccinations aren't perfect. My oldest DS (no CF) had whooping cough at 13 m. It was VERY scary. His vaccinations were all on time but he caught it nonetheless. My niece, nephew, and former babysitter's DD all had chickenpox.... They had all been vaccinated and they did NOT all get mild cases. I think every parent has to make an informed choice. For me, that was vaccinations on time but I won't fault another parent for making a different choice so long as they're fully informed and understand the information that's been presented. That is clearly the case with this poster (IMO).

To the OP, I think if you can avoid the antibiotics that's wonderful - <b><i>I would try it if your child is healthy.</i></b> My children all (for various reasons) received lots of antibiotics as infants/toddlers/preschoolers. 2nd DS is 8 and has been on something like 50+ rounds of antibiotics ranging from 3 days IV to 6 weeks oral, mostly for lung/sinus infections or ear infections plus several strep throats. Poor kid has no immune system of his own (no, I'm not speaking literally). I've very often wondered if we didn't sabotage the poor kid with all the antibiotics. It's such a catch 22 though. At least his lung functions are well over 100% when well<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Last poster here, I meant to say as long as they're fully informed, understand the information that's been presented, and <b><i>are making the decision in the best interest of their child.</i></b> Sadly, there are fully informed intelligent people who do not make decisions in the best interest of their child. But, I don't think the OP is one of them.


New member
Last poster here, I meant to say as long as they're fully informed, understand the information that's been presented, and <b><i>are making the decision in the best interest of their child.</i></b> Sadly, there are fully informed intelligent people who do not make decisions in the best interest of their child. But, I don't think the OP is one of them.


New member
Last poster here, I meant to say as long as they're fully informed, understand the information that's been presented, and <b><i>are making the decision in the best interest of their child.</i></b> Sadly, there are fully informed intelligent people who do not make decisions in the best interest of their child. But, I don't think the OP is one of them.


New member
Hope you found your decision. It's important for all of us to keep an open mind when it comes to healthcare I think. There's so much to learn.

Thanks for the baby vibes!!!! I hope they worked on me!!!


New member
Hope you found your decision. It's important for all of us to keep an open mind when it comes to healthcare I think. There's so much to learn.

Thanks for the baby vibes!!!! I hope they worked on me!!!


New member
Hope you found your decision. It's important for all of us to keep an open mind when it comes to healthcare I think. There's so much to learn.

Thanks for the baby vibes!!!! I hope they worked on me!!!


New member
I agree that we should all try to be more sensitive. We can have
our opinions and not offend, to not do that will drive some people
My three cents......Vaccinate and I would not skip any part of the
Additionally, you and anyone in his direct care (grandparents,
etc.) need a FLU shot. That is the recommendation in the US
for all families of children under age 3....we bring the flu to
them unknowingly. Our big systems may have only mild symptoms or no
symptoms at all.....but those little cute baby bodies can't fight
that off. The flu is usually a different variant or mutation each
year, main reason why we need a shot each year is that we can't
build up a natural resistance to something that is always
Best of luck with your bundle of joy and I can hear the love you
have for him in your writing. You are so right that touch heals by
soothing the body.


New member
I agree that we should all try to be more sensitive. We can have
our opinions and not offend, to not do that will drive some people
My three cents......Vaccinate and I would not skip any part of the
Additionally, you and anyone in his direct care (grandparents,
etc.) need a FLU shot. That is the recommendation in the US
for all families of children under age 3....we bring the flu to
them unknowingly. Our big systems may have only mild symptoms or no
symptoms at all.....but those little cute baby bodies can't fight
that off. The flu is usually a different variant or mutation each
year, main reason why we need a shot each year is that we can't
build up a natural resistance to something that is always
Best of luck with your bundle of joy and I can hear the love you
have for him in your writing. You are so right that touch heals by
soothing the body.


New member
I agree that we should all try to be more sensitive. We can have
our opinions and not offend, to not do that will drive some people
My three cents......Vaccinate and I would not skip any part of the
Additionally, you and anyone in his direct care (grandparents,
etc.) need a FLU shot. That is the recommendation in the US
for all families of children under age 3....we bring the flu to
them unknowingly. Our big systems may have only mild symptoms or no
symptoms at all.....but those little cute baby bodies can't fight
that off. The flu is usually a different variant or mutation each
year, main reason why we need a shot each year is that we can't
build up a natural resistance to something that is always
Best of luck with your bundle of joy and I can hear the love you
have for him in your writing. You are so right that touch heals by
soothing the body.


New member
when joe was due his mmr ( in the uk) we declined like a lot of other parents. mmr was and still is, thought to cause autism in some children. then joe was diagnosed age 6 yrs. we were strongly advised by joe's drs. to get him vaccinated which we did post haste!!!!!!!!!!!! but if he didn't have cf we definately would not have had him vaccinated. joe and us as a family have the flu and pnuemonia shot yearly.


New member
when joe was due his mmr ( in the uk) we declined like a lot of other parents. mmr was and still is, thought to cause autism in some children. then joe was diagnosed age 6 yrs. we were strongly advised by joe's drs. to get him vaccinated which we did post haste!!!!!!!!!!!! but if he didn't have cf we definately would not have had him vaccinated. joe and us as a family have the flu and pnuemonia shot yearly.