U don't look like u have CF


New member
OMG MEL--"that's great "you don't look stupid as you sound!" So is SD's--fart in your hand! I'm cracking up here--hope you are too Kara!!


New member
OMG MEL--"that's great "you don't look stupid as you sound!" So is SD's--fart in your hand! I'm cracking up here--hope you are too Kara!!


New member
OMG MEL--"that's great "you don't look stupid as you sound!" So is SD's--fart in your hand! I'm cracking up here--hope you are too Kara!!


New member
OMG MEL--"that's great "you don't look stupid as you sound!" So is SD's--fart in your hand! I'm cracking up here--hope you are too Kara!!


New member
OMG MEL--"that's great "you don't look stupid as you sound!" So is SD's--fart in your hand! I'm cracking up here--hope you are too Kara!!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kswitch</b></i>

the lower level professionals receive their educations at places like vaterrott and u of pheonix online.
</end quote></div>

I resemble that remark! I got my degree from U of Phoenix, and proud to say, I didn't learn a thing!

I mentioned this in other threads... The two times I've switched clinics the doctors have asked 'Are you sure you have CF?' - Like, No, I take hours out of my day, for the last 30 years, to do nebs because I have an ingrown toenail.... Somone would have to be really pathological to pretend to have CF!

They insist on retesting me with a sweat test, just to make sure.

I blame it on media propaganda. CF is associated with emaciated, under-developed children, how else would they get funding? Peoples perception is you need to 'look' CFish. You can't put a chubby 50 year old on a poster and say send us money cause this man should have died 30 years ago - see how good we're doing because of your money. Just won't work. If it does work for you, put that money in an envelope and pm me for an address.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kswitch</b></i>

the lower level professionals receive their educations at places like vaterrott and u of pheonix online.
</end quote></div>

I resemble that remark! I got my degree from U of Phoenix, and proud to say, I didn't learn a thing!

I mentioned this in other threads... The two times I've switched clinics the doctors have asked 'Are you sure you have CF?' - Like, No, I take hours out of my day, for the last 30 years, to do nebs because I have an ingrown toenail.... Somone would have to be really pathological to pretend to have CF!

They insist on retesting me with a sweat test, just to make sure.

I blame it on media propaganda. CF is associated with emaciated, under-developed children, how else would they get funding? Peoples perception is you need to 'look' CFish. You can't put a chubby 50 year old on a poster and say send us money cause this man should have died 30 years ago - see how good we're doing because of your money. Just won't work. If it does work for you, put that money in an envelope and pm me for an address.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kswitch</b></i>

the lower level professionals receive their educations at places like vaterrott and u of pheonix online.
</end quote></div>

I resemble that remark! I got my degree from U of Phoenix, and proud to say, I didn't learn a thing!

I mentioned this in other threads... The two times I've switched clinics the doctors have asked 'Are you sure you have CF?' - Like, No, I take hours out of my day, for the last 30 years, to do nebs because I have an ingrown toenail.... Somone would have to be really pathological to pretend to have CF!

They insist on retesting me with a sweat test, just to make sure.

I blame it on media propaganda. CF is associated with emaciated, under-developed children, how else would they get funding? Peoples perception is you need to 'look' CFish. You can't put a chubby 50 year old on a poster and say send us money cause this man should have died 30 years ago - see how good we're doing because of your money. Just won't work. If it does work for you, put that money in an envelope and pm me for an address.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kswitch</b></i>

the lower level professionals receive their educations at places like vaterrott and u of pheonix online.
</end quote>

I resemble that remark! I got my degree from U of Phoenix, and proud to say, I didn't learn a thing!

I mentioned this in other threads... The two times I've switched clinics the doctors have asked 'Are you sure you have CF?' - Like, No, I take hours out of my day, for the last 30 years, to do nebs because I have an ingrown toenail.... Somone would have to be really pathological to pretend to have CF!

They insist on retesting me with a sweat test, just to make sure.

I blame it on media propaganda. CF is associated with emaciated, under-developed children, how else would they get funding? Peoples perception is you need to 'look' CFish. You can't put a chubby 50 year old on a poster and say send us money cause this man should have died 30 years ago - see how good we're doing because of your money. Just won't work. If it does work for you, put that money in an envelope and pm me for an address.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kswitch</b></i>

the lower level professionals receive their educations at places like vaterrott and u of pheonix online.
</end quote>

I resemble that remark! I got my degree from U of Phoenix, and proud to say, I didn't learn a thing!

I mentioned this in other threads... The two times I've switched clinics the doctors have asked 'Are you sure you have CF?' - Like, No, I take hours out of my day, for the last 30 years, to do nebs because I have an ingrown toenail.... Somone would have to be really pathological to pretend to have CF!

They insist on retesting me with a sweat test, just to make sure.

I blame it on media propaganda. CF is associated with emaciated, under-developed children, how else would they get funding? Peoples perception is you need to 'look' CFish. You can't put a chubby 50 year old on a poster and say send us money cause this man should have died 30 years ago - see how good we're doing because of your money. Just won't work. If it does work for you, put that money in an envelope and pm me for an address.


Our pediatrician looked at Aidan a few weeks ago and said "I forget he has CF, he looks so good." Then he went on to tell me how bad it used to be as if I hadn't read all the stats.

I just tell myself that CF is still a rare disease so many medical people don't often see CF. Aidan also does look incredible. He is actually overweight at age 2 1/2 and never coughs or has had a lung issue yet. Prevention works!



Our pediatrician looked at Aidan a few weeks ago and said "I forget he has CF, he looks so good." Then he went on to tell me how bad it used to be as if I hadn't read all the stats.

I just tell myself that CF is still a rare disease so many medical people don't often see CF. Aidan also does look incredible. He is actually overweight at age 2 1/2 and never coughs or has had a lung issue yet. Prevention works!



Our pediatrician looked at Aidan a few weeks ago and said "I forget he has CF, he looks so good." Then he went on to tell me how bad it used to be as if I hadn't read all the stats.

I just tell myself that CF is still a rare disease so many medical people don't often see CF. Aidan also does look incredible. He is actually overweight at age 2 1/2 and never coughs or has had a lung issue yet. Prevention works!



Our pediatrician looked at Aidan a few weeks ago and said "I forget he has CF, he looks so good." Then he went on to tell me how bad it used to be as if I hadn't read all the stats.

I just tell myself that CF is still a rare disease so many medical people don't often see CF. Aidan also does look incredible. He is actually overweight at age 2 1/2 and never coughs or has had a lung issue yet. Prevention works!



Our pediatrician looked at Aidan a few weeks ago and said "I forget he has CF, he looks so good." Then he went on to tell me how bad it used to be as if I hadn't read all the stats.

I just tell myself that CF is still a rare disease so many medical people don't often see CF. Aidan also does look incredible. He is actually overweight at age 2 1/2 and never coughs or has had a lung issue yet. Prevention works!



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>ElizabethlovesChris</b></i>

Yes, alas, stupid people are far too abundant in our world, and it seems that an unseemly majority are healthcare workers. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> </end quote></div>


Well, I don't think anyone has ever said anything like that, though I've been going to my clinic for YEARS and they know me, plus I think when I'm in the hospital they all but write it on the door. I've had people say I don't look it, but not in a dumb way (or.... at least that's how I took it?)

Now, last time I got a picc line, the lady who was sticking it in sliced me open and I felt a LOT of tension on my arm, and she goes "OH! Oh shoot!!! Oops.... um.. I hit the artery.. wow that's a lot of blood, man I'm kind of shaken now, I'm not sure if I can do this now... maybe I should.... OH WELL! Here we go!"
Then I felt a sharp shooting pain down my arm, and again she goes
"Oooh, I hit the artery again, wow I'm REALLY shaken now.... I don't think I can do this.... oh well, one more shot!"
So by this time my eyes are about the size of vintage plates and I was about to sit up in bed and go "HELLO!!!! LIVE PERSON HERE!!!"
But thank God she finally second guess herself and this big bearded guy walked over, pushed her out of the way and stuck it in without winking.

But to be talking about how badly you're second guessing yourself, WHILE STANDING OVER THE PATIENT WITH A KNIFE! Gah!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>ElizabethlovesChris</b></i>

Yes, alas, stupid people are far too abundant in our world, and it seems that an unseemly majority are healthcare workers. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> </end quote></div>


Well, I don't think anyone has ever said anything like that, though I've been going to my clinic for YEARS and they know me, plus I think when I'm in the hospital they all but write it on the door. I've had people say I don't look it, but not in a dumb way (or.... at least that's how I took it?)

Now, last time I got a picc line, the lady who was sticking it in sliced me open and I felt a LOT of tension on my arm, and she goes "OH! Oh shoot!!! Oops.... um.. I hit the artery.. wow that's a lot of blood, man I'm kind of shaken now, I'm not sure if I can do this now... maybe I should.... OH WELL! Here we go!"
Then I felt a sharp shooting pain down my arm, and again she goes
"Oooh, I hit the artery again, wow I'm REALLY shaken now.... I don't think I can do this.... oh well, one more shot!"
So by this time my eyes are about the size of vintage plates and I was about to sit up in bed and go "HELLO!!!! LIVE PERSON HERE!!!"
But thank God she finally second guess herself and this big bearded guy walked over, pushed her out of the way and stuck it in without winking.

But to be talking about how badly you're second guessing yourself, WHILE STANDING OVER THE PATIENT WITH A KNIFE! Gah!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>ElizabethlovesChris</b></i>

Yes, alas, stupid people are far too abundant in our world, and it seems that an unseemly majority are healthcare workers. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> </end quote></div>


Well, I don't think anyone has ever said anything like that, though I've been going to my clinic for YEARS and they know me, plus I think when I'm in the hospital they all but write it on the door. I've had people say I don't look it, but not in a dumb way (or.... at least that's how I took it?)

Now, last time I got a picc line, the lady who was sticking it in sliced me open and I felt a LOT of tension on my arm, and she goes "OH! Oh shoot!!! Oops.... um.. I hit the artery.. wow that's a lot of blood, man I'm kind of shaken now, I'm not sure if I can do this now... maybe I should.... OH WELL! Here we go!"
Then I felt a sharp shooting pain down my arm, and again she goes
"Oooh, I hit the artery again, wow I'm REALLY shaken now.... I don't think I can do this.... oh well, one more shot!"
So by this time my eyes are about the size of vintage plates and I was about to sit up in bed and go "HELLO!!!! LIVE PERSON HERE!!!"
But thank God she finally second guess herself and this big bearded guy walked over, pushed her out of the way and stuck it in without winking.

But to be talking about how badly you're second guessing yourself, WHILE STANDING OVER THE PATIENT WITH A KNIFE! Gah!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>ElizabethlovesChris</b></i>

Yes, alas, stupid people are far too abundant in our world, and it seems that an unseemly majority are healthcare workers. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> </end quote>


Well, I don't think anyone has ever said anything like that, though I've been going to my clinic for YEARS and they know me, plus I think when I'm in the hospital they all but write it on the door. I've had people say I don't look it, but not in a dumb way (or.... at least that's how I took it?)

Now, last time I got a picc line, the lady who was sticking it in sliced me open and I felt a LOT of tension on my arm, and she goes "OH! Oh shoot!!! Oops.... um.. I hit the artery.. wow that's a lot of blood, man I'm kind of shaken now, I'm not sure if I can do this now... maybe I should.... OH WELL! Here we go!"
Then I felt a sharp shooting pain down my arm, and again she goes
"Oooh, I hit the artery again, wow I'm REALLY shaken now.... I don't think I can do this.... oh well, one more shot!"
So by this time my eyes are about the size of vintage plates and I was about to sit up in bed and go "HELLO!!!! LIVE PERSON HERE!!!"
But thank God she finally second guess herself and this big bearded guy walked over, pushed her out of the way and stuck it in without winking.

But to be talking about how badly you're second guessing yourself, WHILE STANDING OVER THE PATIENT WITH A KNIFE! Gah!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>ElizabethlovesChris</b></i>

Yes, alas, stupid people are far too abundant in our world, and it seems that an unseemly majority are healthcare workers. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> </end quote>


Well, I don't think anyone has ever said anything like that, though I've been going to my clinic for YEARS and they know me, plus I think when I'm in the hospital they all but write it on the door. I've had people say I don't look it, but not in a dumb way (or.... at least that's how I took it?)

Now, last time I got a picc line, the lady who was sticking it in sliced me open and I felt a LOT of tension on my arm, and she goes "OH! Oh shoot!!! Oops.... um.. I hit the artery.. wow that's a lot of blood, man I'm kind of shaken now, I'm not sure if I can do this now... maybe I should.... OH WELL! Here we go!"
Then I felt a sharp shooting pain down my arm, and again she goes
"Oooh, I hit the artery again, wow I'm REALLY shaken now.... I don't think I can do this.... oh well, one more shot!"
So by this time my eyes are about the size of vintage plates and I was about to sit up in bed and go "HELLO!!!! LIVE PERSON HERE!!!"
But thank God she finally second guess herself and this big bearded guy walked over, pushed her out of the way and stuck it in without winking.

But to be talking about how badly you're second guessing yourself, WHILE STANDING OVER THE PATIENT WITH A KNIFE! Gah!