


Did you ask her what herbal remedy she plans to use to cure her lack of intelligence? On a day like today I think I would have gone off on her!
Good for you for taking the high road!


Did you ask her what herbal remedy she plans to use to cure her lack of intelligence? On a day like today I think I would have gone off on her!
Good for you for taking the high road!


Did you ask her what herbal remedy she plans to use to cure her lack of intelligence? On a day like today I think I would have gone off on her!
Good for you for taking the high road!


Did you ask her what herbal remedy she plans to use to cure her lack of intelligence? On a day like today I think I would have gone off on her!
Good for you for taking the high road!


Did you ask her what herbal remedy she plans to use to cure her lack of intelligence? On a day like today I think I would have gone off on her!
Good for you for taking the high road!


New member
Sometimes people really mean well, even when they say dumb things....... I have had so many ppl say such insane things to me, like once when I was getting a gastrographen enema laying on a freezing cold table the tech told me " You are lucky to be alive, you really should be dead by now" Somehow with a tube up my butt pouring stuff inside of me I didn't feel so lucky..

I have to believe she meant well..but still so rude.....

So many ppl don't have a clue what Cystic Fibrosis is and in all fairness, most people have no reason to know, just like all the other diseases that people have that we don't know about... So many people have never heard of addison's disease and they also tell me they were cured by just stopping the steroids.. which would kill me in a few days if I did that.,.

Anyway... people are people and they are never going to change.. Me included...

Sorry you got so frustrated.


New member
Sometimes people really mean well, even when they say dumb things....... I have had so many ppl say such insane things to me, like once when I was getting a gastrographen enema laying on a freezing cold table the tech told me " You are lucky to be alive, you really should be dead by now" Somehow with a tube up my butt pouring stuff inside of me I didn't feel so lucky..

I have to believe she meant well..but still so rude.....

So many ppl don't have a clue what Cystic Fibrosis is and in all fairness, most people have no reason to know, just like all the other diseases that people have that we don't know about... So many people have never heard of addison's disease and they also tell me they were cured by just stopping the steroids.. which would kill me in a few days if I did that.,.

Anyway... people are people and they are never going to change.. Me included...

Sorry you got so frustrated.


New member
Sometimes people really mean well, even when they say dumb things....... I have had so many ppl say such insane things to me, like once when I was getting a gastrographen enema laying on a freezing cold table the tech told me " You are lucky to be alive, you really should be dead by now" Somehow with a tube up my butt pouring stuff inside of me I didn't feel so lucky..

I have to believe she meant well..but still so rude.....

So many ppl don't have a clue what Cystic Fibrosis is and in all fairness, most people have no reason to know, just like all the other diseases that people have that we don't know about... So many people have never heard of addison's disease and they also tell me they were cured by just stopping the steroids.. which would kill me in a few days if I did that.,.

Anyway... people are people and they are never going to change.. Me included...

Sorry you got so frustrated.


New member
Sometimes people really mean well, even when they say dumb things....... I have had so many ppl say such insane things to me, like once when I was getting a gastrographen enema laying on a freezing cold table the tech told me " You are lucky to be alive, you really should be dead by now" Somehow with a tube up my butt pouring stuff inside of me I didn't feel so lucky..

I have to believe she meant well..but still so rude.....

So many ppl don't have a clue what Cystic Fibrosis is and in all fairness, most people have no reason to know, just like all the other diseases that people have that we don't know about... So many people have never heard of addison's disease and they also tell me they were cured by just stopping the steroids.. which would kill me in a few days if I did that.,.

Anyway... people are people and they are never going to change.. Me included...

Sorry you got so frustrated.


New member
Sometimes people really mean well, even when they say dumb things....... I have had so many ppl say such insane things to me, like once when I was getting a gastrographen enema laying on a freezing cold table the tech told me " You are lucky to be alive, you really should be dead by now" Somehow with a tube up my butt pouring stuff inside of me I didn't feel so lucky..

I have to believe she meant well..but still so rude.....

So many ppl don't have a clue what Cystic Fibrosis is and in all fairness, most people have no reason to know, just like all the other diseases that people have that we don't know about... So many people have never heard of addison's disease and they also tell me they were cured by just stopping the steroids.. which would kill me in a few days if I did that.,.

Anyway... people are people and they are never going to change.. Me included...

Sorry you got so frustrated.


New member
I Have this as a idea these people are suffering from schitzophrenia,they seem dilisional and have some kind of godly plan we on earth don't seem to have...yep they have to be crazy in the head...i dislike insensitive people....


New member
I Have this as a idea these people are suffering from schitzophrenia,they seem dilisional and have some kind of godly plan we on earth don't seem to have...yep they have to be crazy in the head...i dislike insensitive people....


New member
I Have this as a idea these people are suffering from schitzophrenia,they seem dilisional and have some kind of godly plan we on earth don't seem to have...yep they have to be crazy in the head...i dislike insensitive people....


New member
I Have this as a idea these people are suffering from schitzophrenia,they seem dilisional and have some kind of godly plan we on earth don't seem to have...yep they have to be crazy in the head...i dislike insensitive people....


New member
I Have this as a idea these people are suffering from schitzophrenia,they seem dilisional and have some kind of godly plan we on earth don't seem to have...yep they have to be crazy in the head...i dislike insensitive people....