

New member
I just think it's all so sad-- that there are people out there not getting the help they need because somebody has convinced them that a little arsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme has taken care of it for them. I understand the frustration with having to deal with people like that... but as frustrating as their ignorance is to you, it's so much more dangerous for them and those who listen to them!


New member
I just think it's all so sad-- that there are people out there not getting the help they need because somebody has convinced them that a little arsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme has taken care of it for them. I understand the frustration with having to deal with people like that... but as frustrating as their ignorance is to you, it's so much more dangerous for them and those who listen to them!


New member
I just think it's all so sad-- that there are people out there not getting the help they need because somebody has convinced them that a little arsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme has taken care of it for them. I understand the frustration with having to deal with people like that... but as frustrating as their ignorance is to you, it's so much more dangerous for them and those who listen to them!


New member
I just think it's all so sad-- that there are people out there not getting the help they need because somebody has convinced them that a little arsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme has taken care of it for them. I understand the frustration with having to deal with people like that... but as frustrating as their ignorance is to you, it's so much more dangerous for them and those who listen to them!


New member
I just think it's all so sad-- that there are people out there not getting the help they need because somebody has convinced them that a little arsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme has taken care of it for them. I understand the frustration with having to deal with people like that... but as frustrating as their ignorance is to you, it's so much more dangerous for them and those who listen to them!


New member
I have family members who still tell me "Dont worry she'll grow out of it" All I do is say "Ya Think??!!??
No matter how much you try and explain some folks will never get it.


New member
I have family members who still tell me "Dont worry she'll grow out of it" All I do is say "Ya Think??!!??
No matter how much you try and explain some folks will never get it.


New member
I have family members who still tell me "Dont worry she'll grow out of it" All I do is say "Ya Think??!!??
No matter how much you try and explain some folks will never get it.


New member
I have family members who still tell me "Dont worry she'll grow out of it" All I do is say "Ya Think??!!??
No matter how much you try and explain some folks will never get it.


New member
I have family members who still tell me "Dont worry she'll grow out of it" All I do is say "Ya Think??!!??
No matter how much you try and explain some folks will never get it.


New member
Ok, here's my recent story. Hubby and I were at an event at a local park, and in chatting with a vendor, it came out that I had CF. This lady started to tell me about WHEATGRASS and how it cured her mom of some persistent leasion. I informed her I had Cystic Fibrosis and it is a genetic disease, so wheatgrass won't cure it (though it might help in some way?) She said, are you sure it's genetic, my doctor told me that my (whatever) was genetic and now it's better (was something like a cholesterol problem..) I told her that there are propensities towards certain problems (high blood pressure...etc) but CF is not a choice. She continued to talk about wheatgrass I kept stepping further and further away, coughing.

All we can to is try to educate.
But of course that's the joke between John and I now - Wheatgrass can fix that!


New member
Ok, here's my recent story. Hubby and I were at an event at a local park, and in chatting with a vendor, it came out that I had CF. This lady started to tell me about WHEATGRASS and how it cured her mom of some persistent leasion. I informed her I had Cystic Fibrosis and it is a genetic disease, so wheatgrass won't cure it (though it might help in some way?) She said, are you sure it's genetic, my doctor told me that my (whatever) was genetic and now it's better (was something like a cholesterol problem..) I told her that there are propensities towards certain problems (high blood pressure...etc) but CF is not a choice. She continued to talk about wheatgrass I kept stepping further and further away, coughing.

All we can to is try to educate.
But of course that's the joke between John and I now - Wheatgrass can fix that!


New member
Ok, here's my recent story. Hubby and I were at an event at a local park, and in chatting with a vendor, it came out that I had CF. This lady started to tell me about WHEATGRASS and how it cured her mom of some persistent leasion. I informed her I had Cystic Fibrosis and it is a genetic disease, so wheatgrass won't cure it (though it might help in some way?) She said, are you sure it's genetic, my doctor told me that my (whatever) was genetic and now it's better (was something like a cholesterol problem..) I told her that there are propensities towards certain problems (high blood pressure...etc) but CF is not a choice. She continued to talk about wheatgrass I kept stepping further and further away, coughing.

All we can to is try to educate.
But of course that's the joke between John and I now - Wheatgrass can fix that!


New member
Ok, here's my recent story. Hubby and I were at an event at a local park, and in chatting with a vendor, it came out that I had CF. This lady started to tell me about WHEATGRASS and how it cured her mom of some persistent leasion. I informed her I had Cystic Fibrosis and it is a genetic disease, so wheatgrass won't cure it (though it might help in some way?) She said, are you sure it's genetic, my doctor told me that my (whatever) was genetic and now it's better (was something like a cholesterol problem..) I told her that there are propensities towards certain problems (high blood pressure...etc) but CF is not a choice. She continued to talk about wheatgrass I kept stepping further and further away, coughing.

All we can to is try to educate.
But of course that's the joke between John and I now - Wheatgrass can fix that!


New member
Ok, here's my recent story. Hubby and I were at an event at a local park, and in chatting with a vendor, it came out that I had CF. This lady started to tell me about WHEATGRASS and how it cured her mom of some persistent leasion. I informed her I had Cystic Fibrosis and it is a genetic disease, so wheatgrass won't cure it (though it might help in some way?) She said, are you sure it's genetic, my doctor told me that my (whatever) was genetic and now it's better (was something like a cholesterol problem..) I told her that there are propensities towards certain problems (high blood pressure...etc) but CF is not a choice. She continued to talk about wheatgrass I kept stepping further and further away, coughing.

All we can to is try to educate.
But of course that's the joke between John and I now - Wheatgrass can fix that!


Sorry to float this one back to the top. I ran into a guy yesterday who apparently has been in contact with the woman you talked to.

I'm helping this 'nice' old man at the city planning counter (I'm a city planner) and he asks about my bracelet, what it's for, why I'm wearing it, etc. He then launches into a story "...Oh, I remember when I was a school principal and I knew a nice little girl who died of cystic fibrosis...her parents asked me to attend the funeral...used to come in to the office and talk to me about death...You know I read they're getting close to a cure..."

AAARRRGH! I'm well read on CF and fully aware of the facts (as we all are) - but who the hell would say that to a CF parent!!?? Of course being at work I was polite and kept my cool (mostly acted like I hadn't heard him and steered the conversation back to business) but it threw me for one heck of a loop.

I understand that he meant well but you've got to be kidding me.

OK - now I'm better.


Sorry to float this one back to the top. I ran into a guy yesterday who apparently has been in contact with the woman you talked to.

I'm helping this 'nice' old man at the city planning counter (I'm a city planner) and he asks about my bracelet, what it's for, why I'm wearing it, etc. He then launches into a story "...Oh, I remember when I was a school principal and I knew a nice little girl who died of cystic fibrosis...her parents asked me to attend the funeral...used to come in to the office and talk to me about death...You know I read they're getting close to a cure..."

AAARRRGH! I'm well read on CF and fully aware of the facts (as we all are) - but who the hell would say that to a CF parent!!?? Of course being at work I was polite and kept my cool (mostly acted like I hadn't heard him and steered the conversation back to business) but it threw me for one heck of a loop.

I understand that he meant well but you've got to be kidding me.

OK - now I'm better.


Sorry to float this one back to the top. I ran into a guy yesterday who apparently has been in contact with the woman you talked to.

I'm helping this 'nice' old man at the city planning counter (I'm a city planner) and he asks about my bracelet, what it's for, why I'm wearing it, etc. He then launches into a story "...Oh, I remember when I was a school principal and I knew a nice little girl who died of cystic fibrosis...her parents asked me to attend the funeral...used to come in to the office and talk to me about death...You know I read they're getting close to a cure..."

AAARRRGH! I'm well read on CF and fully aware of the facts (as we all are) - but who the hell would say that to a CF parent!!?? Of course being at work I was polite and kept my cool (mostly acted like I hadn't heard him and steered the conversation back to business) but it threw me for one heck of a loop.

I understand that he meant well but you've got to be kidding me.

OK - now I'm better.


Sorry to float this one back to the top. I ran into a guy yesterday who apparently has been in contact with the woman you talked to.

I'm helping this 'nice' old man at the city planning counter (I'm a city planner) and he asks about my bracelet, what it's for, why I'm wearing it, etc. He then launches into a story "...Oh, I remember when I was a school principal and I knew a nice little girl who died of cystic fibrosis...her parents asked me to attend the funeral...used to come in to the office and talk to me about death...You know I read they're getting close to a cure..."

AAARRRGH! I'm well read on CF and fully aware of the facts (as we all are) - but who the hell would say that to a CF parent!!?? Of course being at work I was polite and kept my cool (mostly acted like I hadn't heard him and steered the conversation back to business) but it threw me for one heck of a loop.

I understand that he meant well but you've got to be kidding me.

OK - now I'm better.


Sorry to float this one back to the top. I ran into a guy yesterday who apparently has been in contact with the woman you talked to.

I'm helping this 'nice' old man at the city planning counter (I'm a city planner) and he asks about my bracelet, what it's for, why I'm wearing it, etc. He then launches into a story "...Oh, I remember when I was a school principal and I knew a nice little girl who died of cystic fibrosis...her parents asked me to attend the funeral...used to come in to the office and talk to me about death...You know I read they're getting close to a cure..."

AAARRRGH! I'm well read on CF and fully aware of the facts (as we all are) - but who the hell would say that to a CF parent!!?? Of course being at work I was polite and kept my cool (mostly acted like I hadn't heard him and steered the conversation back to business) but it threw me for one heck of a loop.

I understand that he meant well but you've got to be kidding me.

OK - now I'm better.