What do we say when asked about children



I just say I got dogs instead, easier to train, less mess and when I'm sick of em I can shove em outside LOL

Even my mum plays along when people ask her about grandkids, she just says the same, I wanted grandkids so they bought me a dog to shut me up haha....


I just say I got dogs instead, easier to train, less mess and when I'm sick of em I can shove em outside LOL

Even my mum plays along when people ask her about grandkids, she just says the same, I wanted grandkids so they bought me a dog to shut me up haha....


Staff member
Well, DS does refer to our new dog as his "brudder" (or the hairy guy).

When we used to get asked about kids -- usually it was my FIL -- my husband would say, "well, Dad, you never gave me 'the talk'".


Staff member
Well, DS does refer to our new dog as his "brudder" (or the hairy guy).

When we used to get asked about kids -- usually it was my FIL -- my husband would say, "well, Dad, you never gave me 'the talk'".


Staff member
Well, DS does refer to our new dog as his "brudder" (or the hairy guy).

When we used to get asked about kids -- usually it was my FIL -- my husband would say, "well, Dad, you never gave me 'the talk'".


Staff member
Well, DS does refer to our new dog as his "brudder" (or the hairy guy).

When we used to get asked about kids -- usually it was my FIL -- my husband would say, "well, Dad, you never gave me 'the talk'".


Staff member
Well, DS does refer to our new dog as his "brudder" (or the hairy guy).

When we used to get asked about kids -- usually it was my FIL -- my husband would say, "well, Dad, you never gave me 'the talk'".


Staff member
Well, DS does refer to our new dog as his "brudder" (or the hairy guy).

When we used to get asked about kids -- usually it was my FIL -- my husband would say, "well, Dad, you never gave me 'the talk'".


New member
We have also told our parents that our dog is their grandchild, so they should act accordingly, which they have. My MIL sends mail to our dog and all my FIL wants as gifts are pictures of her <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It is pretty cute!


New member
We have also told our parents that our dog is their grandchild, so they should act accordingly, which they have. My MIL sends mail to our dog and all my FIL wants as gifts are pictures of her <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It is pretty cute!


New member
We have also told our parents that our dog is their grandchild, so they should act accordingly, which they have. My MIL sends mail to our dog and all my FIL wants as gifts are pictures of her <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It is pretty cute!


New member
We have also told our parents that our dog is their grandchild, so they should act accordingly, which they have. My MIL sends mail to our dog and all my FIL wants as gifts are pictures of her <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It is pretty cute!


New member
We have also told our parents that our dog is their grandchild, so they should act accordingly, which they have. My MIL sends mail to our dog and all my FIL wants as gifts are pictures of her <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It is pretty cute!


New member
We have also told our parents that our dog is their grandchild, so they should act accordingly, which they have. My MIL sends mail to our dog and all my FIL wants as gifts are pictures of her <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It is pretty cute!


New member
When I am asked that, I explain that I don't wish to subject an innocent child to the ravages of Cystic Fibrosis. I am thinking about the child instead of myself.

When my mom is asked about grandchildren, she says the same.


New member
When I am asked that, I explain that I don't wish to subject an innocent child to the ravages of Cystic Fibrosis. I am thinking about the child instead of myself.

When my mom is asked about grandchildren, she says the same.


New member
When I am asked that, I explain that I don't wish to subject an innocent child to the ravages of Cystic Fibrosis. I am thinking about the child instead of myself.

When my mom is asked about grandchildren, she says the same.


New member
When I am asked that, I explain that I don't wish to subject an innocent child to the ravages of Cystic Fibrosis. I am thinking about the child instead of myself.

When my mom is asked about grandchildren, she says the same.


New member
When I am asked that, I explain that I don't wish to subject an innocent child to the ravages of Cystic Fibrosis. I am thinking about the child instead of myself.

When my mom is asked about grandchildren, she says the same.


New member
When I am asked that, I explain that I don't wish to subject an innocent child to the ravages of Cystic Fibrosis. I am thinking about the child instead of myself.

When my mom is asked about grandchildren, she says the same.