Who do you want as your next US president?


New member
I don't know, I really don't see any of the candidates as alluring this time around. But if it comes down to Billary and Mccain, I don't think I'll even vote. I mean Clinton is too easily-swayed by the electorate for my tastes. Before, when it was popular, she was behind W and for this quagmire we have going on in Iraq, now, on the other hand, she's totally against it. Not that I wouldn't want a woman as President, just not her. Obama is an excellent inspirational speaker; but he is a newcomer. 6 months ago hardly anyone has ever heard of him. But I guess you need to be a "virgin" in political matters if you want to re-arrange the Oval Office; it's easier to dismantle if you have little connections. Obama's mouth writes a lot of checks, but I guess we'll all see if his ass can cash them. I'm trying to like Obama, but I can't place it-there's something about him that doesn't quite sit well with me. I think it's because too many people seem entranced in what he stands for. Mccain, don't even get me started on that warmonger. If he were to be elected, he'd opt for us staying in Iraq another decade or so. I would vote for Seabiscuit over a Republican at this point. Needlees to say, I think I'll skip the election this time around.


New member
I don't know, I really don't see any of the candidates as alluring this time around. But if it comes down to Billary and Mccain, I don't think I'll even vote. I mean Clinton is too easily-swayed by the electorate for my tastes. Before, when it was popular, she was behind W and for this quagmire we have going on in Iraq, now, on the other hand, she's totally against it. Not that I wouldn't want a woman as President, just not her. Obama is an excellent inspirational speaker; but he is a newcomer. 6 months ago hardly anyone has ever heard of him. But I guess you need to be a "virgin" in political matters if you want to re-arrange the Oval Office; it's easier to dismantle if you have little connections. Obama's mouth writes a lot of checks, but I guess we'll all see if his ass can cash them. I'm trying to like Obama, but I can't place it-there's something about him that doesn't quite sit well with me. I think it's because too many people seem entranced in what he stands for. Mccain, don't even get me started on that warmonger. If he were to be elected, he'd opt for us staying in Iraq another decade or so. I would vote for Seabiscuit over a Republican at this point. Needlees to say, I think I'll skip the election this time around.


New member
I don't know, I really don't see any of the candidates as alluring this time around. But if it comes down to Billary and Mccain, I don't think I'll even vote. I mean Clinton is too easily-swayed by the electorate for my tastes. Before, when it was popular, she was behind W and for this quagmire we have going on in Iraq, now, on the other hand, she's totally against it. Not that I wouldn't want a woman as President, just not her. Obama is an excellent inspirational speaker; but he is a newcomer. 6 months ago hardly anyone has ever heard of him. But I guess you need to be a "virgin" in political matters if you want to re-arrange the Oval Office; it's easier to dismantle if you have little connections. Obama's mouth writes a lot of checks, but I guess we'll all see if his ass can cash them. I'm trying to like Obama, but I can't place it-there's something about him that doesn't quite sit well with me. I think it's because too many people seem entranced in what he stands for. Mccain, don't even get me started on that warmonger. If he were to be elected, he'd opt for us staying in Iraq another decade or so. I would vote for Seabiscuit over a Republican at this point. Needlees to say, I think I'll skip the election this time around.


New member
I don't know, I really don't see any of the candidates as alluring this time around. But if it comes down to Billary and Mccain, I don't think I'll even vote. I mean Clinton is too easily-swayed by the electorate for my tastes. Before, when it was popular, she was behind W and for this quagmire we have going on in Iraq, now, on the other hand, she's totally against it. Not that I wouldn't want a woman as President, just not her. Obama is an excellent inspirational speaker; but he is a newcomer. 6 months ago hardly anyone has ever heard of him. But I guess you need to be a "virgin" in political matters if you want to re-arrange the Oval Office; it's easier to dismantle if you have little connections. Obama's mouth writes a lot of checks, but I guess we'll all see if his ass can cash them. I'm trying to like Obama, but I can't place it-there's something about him that doesn't quite sit well with me. I think it's because too many people seem entranced in what he stands for. Mccain, don't even get me started on that warmonger. If he were to be elected, he'd opt for us staying in Iraq another decade or so. I would vote for Seabiscuit over a Republican at this point. Needlees to say, I think I'll skip the election this time around.


New member
I don't know, I really don't see any of the candidates as alluring this time around. But if it comes down to Billary and Mccain, I don't think I'll even vote. I mean Clinton is too easily-swayed by the electorate for my tastes. Before, when it was popular, she was behind W and for this quagmire we have going on in Iraq, now, on the other hand, she's totally against it. Not that I wouldn't want a woman as President, just not her. Obama is an excellent inspirational speaker; but he is a newcomer. 6 months ago hardly anyone has ever heard of him. But I guess you need to be a "virgin" in political matters if you want to re-arrange the Oval Office; it's easier to dismantle if you have little connections. Obama's mouth writes a lot of checks, but I guess we'll all see if his ass can cash them. I'm trying to like Obama, but I can't place it-there's something about him that doesn't quite sit well with me. I think it's because too many people seem entranced in what he stands for. Mccain, don't even get me started on that warmonger. If he were to be elected, he'd opt for us staying in Iraq another decade or so. I would vote for Seabiscuit over a Republican at this point. Needlees to say, I think I'll skip the election this time around.


New member
<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/reagan-1.jpg">

Hah, Shane--where have you been the last 6 months??? There's no "quagmire" in Iraq--that's an old word for old news! The "quagmire" is in our Congress!!! The Iraq government has accomplished more than OUR Congress has--*can you say "steriods" and "Let's go to recess"??

We need answers for real-world problems--not Cinderellabama solutions and pretty talk! The world leaders of Iran, China, Russia, Vensuaela (sp)--AND let's not forget the UN--are rubbing their hands in anticipation of an untried "diplomat" of a President in Obama! Can you imagine him as "Commander in Chief"?

Oh, I forgot--911 was not the result of terrorists--President Bush had it all planned before he even took office. We don't have to worry about terrorists--there's no such thing...all we have to do is "<b>talk"</b> to them and ask them to please not do that aymore....

These leaders KNOW that McCain won't fool around--and we have been in Korea for over 50 years, and still have bases all over the world---get real, of course we will still be in Iraq, but the Iraqi's are well on the way to taking care of themselves--something that was stressed over and over--give them time--they will take care of themselves!

We need an experienced leader, one who has his own set of principals, but is not closed-minded, and willing to consider other's opinions, and advice. Someone that can work with Democrates and Republicans.

A war-monger-humph! Today is the anniversary of the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima--I guess we needed "war-mongers' then--'cause the people who believed in talking had given Hitler most of Europe, trying to appease him.

I think this is a great thread--good discussion, and varied opinions--and we won't get shot for disagreeing with each other!

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/shortattention-1.jpg">

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/schoolnowthankyou.jpg">


New member
<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/reagan-1.jpg">

Hah, Shane--where have you been the last 6 months??? There's no "quagmire" in Iraq--that's an old word for old news! The "quagmire" is in our Congress!!! The Iraq government has accomplished more than OUR Congress has--*can you say "steriods" and "Let's go to recess"??

We need answers for real-world problems--not Cinderellabama solutions and pretty talk! The world leaders of Iran, China, Russia, Vensuaela (sp)--AND let's not forget the UN--are rubbing their hands in anticipation of an untried "diplomat" of a President in Obama! Can you imagine him as "Commander in Chief"?

Oh, I forgot--911 was not the result of terrorists--President Bush had it all planned before he even took office. We don't have to worry about terrorists--there's no such thing...all we have to do is "<b>talk"</b> to them and ask them to please not do that aymore....

These leaders KNOW that McCain won't fool around--and we have been in Korea for over 50 years, and still have bases all over the world---get real, of course we will still be in Iraq, but the Iraqi's are well on the way to taking care of themselves--something that was stressed over and over--give them time--they will take care of themselves!

We need an experienced leader, one who has his own set of principals, but is not closed-minded, and willing to consider other's opinions, and advice. Someone that can work with Democrates and Republicans.

A war-monger-humph! Today is the anniversary of the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima--I guess we needed "war-mongers' then--'cause the people who believed in talking had given Hitler most of Europe, trying to appease him.

I think this is a great thread--good discussion, and varied opinions--and we won't get shot for disagreeing with each other!

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/shortattention-1.jpg">

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/schoolnowthankyou.jpg">


New member
<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/reagan-1.jpg">

Hah, Shane--where have you been the last 6 months??? There's no "quagmire" in Iraq--that's an old word for old news! The "quagmire" is in our Congress!!! The Iraq government has accomplished more than OUR Congress has--*can you say "steriods" and "Let's go to recess"??

We need answers for real-world problems--not Cinderellabama solutions and pretty talk! The world leaders of Iran, China, Russia, Vensuaela (sp)--AND let's not forget the UN--are rubbing their hands in anticipation of an untried "diplomat" of a President in Obama! Can you imagine him as "Commander in Chief"?

Oh, I forgot--911 was not the result of terrorists--President Bush had it all planned before he even took office. We don't have to worry about terrorists--there's no such thing...all we have to do is "<b>talk"</b> to them and ask them to please not do that aymore....

These leaders KNOW that McCain won't fool around--and we have been in Korea for over 50 years, and still have bases all over the world---get real, of course we will still be in Iraq, but the Iraqi's are well on the way to taking care of themselves--something that was stressed over and over--give them time--they will take care of themselves!

We need an experienced leader, one who has his own set of principals, but is not closed-minded, and willing to consider other's opinions, and advice. Someone that can work with Democrates and Republicans.

A war-monger-humph! Today is the anniversary of the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima--I guess we needed "war-mongers' then--'cause the people who believed in talking had given Hitler most of Europe, trying to appease him.

I think this is a great thread--good discussion, and varied opinions--and we won't get shot for disagreeing with each other!

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/shortattention-1.jpg">

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/schoolnowthankyou.jpg">


New member
<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/reagan-1.jpg">

Hah, Shane--where have you been the last 6 months??? There's no "quagmire" in Iraq--that's an old word for old news! The "quagmire" is in our Congress!!! The Iraq government has accomplished more than OUR Congress has--*can you say "steriods" and "Let's go to recess"??

We need answers for real-world problems--not Cinderellabama solutions and pretty talk! The world leaders of Iran, China, Russia, Vensuaela (sp)--AND let's not forget the UN--are rubbing their hands in anticipation of an untried "diplomat" of a President in Obama! Can you imagine him as "Commander in Chief"?

Oh, I forgot--911 was not the result of terrorists--President Bush had it all planned before he even took office. We don't have to worry about terrorists--there's no such thing...all we have to do is "<b>talk"</b> to them and ask them to please not do that aymore....

These leaders KNOW that McCain won't fool around--and we have been in Korea for over 50 years, and still have bases all over the world---get real, of course we will still be in Iraq, but the Iraqi's are well on the way to taking care of themselves--something that was stressed over and over--give them time--they will take care of themselves!

We need an experienced leader, one who has his own set of principals, but is not closed-minded, and willing to consider other's opinions, and advice. Someone that can work with Democrates and Republicans.

A war-monger-humph! Today is the anniversary of the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima--I guess we needed "war-mongers' then--'cause the people who believed in talking had given Hitler most of Europe, trying to appease him.

I think this is a great thread--good discussion, and varied opinions--and we won't get shot for disagreeing with each other!

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/shortattention-1.jpg">

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/schoolnowthankyou.jpg">


New member
<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/reagan-1.jpg">
<br />
<br />Hah, Shane--where have you been the last 6 months??? There's no "quagmire" in Iraq--that's an old word for old news! The "quagmire" is in our Congress!!! The Iraq government has accomplished more than OUR Congress has--*can you say "steriods" and "Let's go to recess"??
<br />
<br />We need answers for real-world problems--not Cinderellabama solutions and pretty talk! The world leaders of Iran, China, Russia, Vensuaela (sp)--AND let's not forget the UN--are rubbing their hands in anticipation of an untried "diplomat" of a President in Obama! Can you imagine him as "Commander in Chief"?
<br />
<br />Oh, I forgot--911 was not the result of terrorists--President Bush had it all planned before he even took office. We don't have to worry about terrorists--there's no such thing...all we have to do is "<b>talk"</b> to them and ask them to please not do that aymore....
<br />
<br />These leaders KNOW that McCain won't fool around--and we have been in Korea for over 50 years, and still have bases all over the world---get real, of course we will still be in Iraq, but the Iraqi's are well on the way to taking care of themselves--something that was stressed over and over--give them time--they will take care of themselves!
<br />
<br />We need an experienced leader, one who has his own set of principals, but is not closed-minded, and willing to consider other's opinions, and advice. Someone that can work with Democrates and Republicans.
<br />
<br />A war-monger-humph! Today is the anniversary of the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima--I guess we needed "war-mongers' then--'cause the people who believed in talking had given Hitler most of Europe, trying to appease him.
<br />
<br />I think this is a great thread--good discussion, and varied opinions--and we won't get shot for disagreeing with each other!
<br />
<br /><img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/shortattention-1.jpg">
<br />
<br /><img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/schoolnowthankyou.jpg">


Once again, Terri,,

Well said!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Once again, Terri,,

Well said!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Once again, Terri,,

Well said!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Once again, Terri,,

Well said!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Once again, Terri,,
<br />
<br />Well said!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kayleesgrandma</b></i>

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/reagan-1.jpg">

Hah, Shane--where have you been the last 6 months??? There's no "quagmire" in Iraq--that's an old word for old news! The "quagmire" is in our Congress!!! The Iraq government has accomplished more than OUR Congress has--*can you say "steriods" and "Let's go to recess"??

We need answers for real-world problems--not Cinderellabama solutions and pretty talk! The world leaders of Iran, China, Russia, Vensuaela (sp)--AND let's not forget the UN--are rubbing their hands in anticipation of an untried "diplomat" of a President in Obama! Can you imagine him as "Commander in Chief"?

Oh, I forgot--911 was not the result of terrorists--President Bush had it all planned before he even took office. We don't have to worry about terrorists--there's no such thing...all we have to do is "<b>talk"</b> to them and ask them to please not do that aymore....

These leaders KNOW that McCain won't fool around--and we have been in Korea for over 50 years, and still have bases all over the world---get real, of course we will still be in Iraq, but the Iraqi's are well on the way to taking care of themselves--something that was stressed over and over--give them time--they will take care of themselves!

We need an experienced leader, one who has his own set of principals, but is not closed-minded, and willing to consider other's opinions, and advice. Someone that can work with Democrates and Republicans.

A war-monger-humph! Today is the anniversary of the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima--I guess we needed "war-mongers' then--'cause the people who believed in talking had given Hitler most of Europe, trying to appease him.

I think this is a great thread--good discussion, and varied opinions--and we won't get shot for disagreeing with each other!

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/shortattention-1.jpg">

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/schoolnowthankyou.jpg"></end quote></div>

Hi Kayleesgrandma.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> I agree with you about the congress, they have been rather lathargic, not to mention asleep at the wheel. They seem more interested in challenging Bush then passing any key legislation. With that being said, opposed to warmonging, Johnny has stated time and again that the war will continue and our troops may stay in Iraq for 100 years.

McCain's light-hearted approach to war has been clearly demonstrated many times, but his singing parodies about war....Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran......is that supposed to be funny? More wars, more death, more expenses. That's funny maybe to warhawks, but not the average Joe.

McCain's website says, "John McCain, Ready to Lead On Day One" I believe that he is ready to lead....lead us right down the road we've been walking for the past eight years. Continuing down this path interests me as much as getting a lung infection.

How can a man running for the Presidency be so out of touch with the American people?

War; it's a slippery slope. Once you kill one person, it's hard to stop. After all it all starts with just 1 then snowballs. And you cannot bring democracy or peace to a country by dropping bombs.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kayleesgrandma</b></i>

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/reagan-1.jpg">

Hah, Shane--where have you been the last 6 months??? There's no "quagmire" in Iraq--that's an old word for old news! The "quagmire" is in our Congress!!! The Iraq government has accomplished more than OUR Congress has--*can you say "steriods" and "Let's go to recess"??

We need answers for real-world problems--not Cinderellabama solutions and pretty talk! The world leaders of Iran, China, Russia, Vensuaela (sp)--AND let's not forget the UN--are rubbing their hands in anticipation of an untried "diplomat" of a President in Obama! Can you imagine him as "Commander in Chief"?

Oh, I forgot--911 was not the result of terrorists--President Bush had it all planned before he even took office. We don't have to worry about terrorists--there's no such thing...all we have to do is "<b>talk"</b> to them and ask them to please not do that aymore....

These leaders KNOW that McCain won't fool around--and we have been in Korea for over 50 years, and still have bases all over the world---get real, of course we will still be in Iraq, but the Iraqi's are well on the way to taking care of themselves--something that was stressed over and over--give them time--they will take care of themselves!

We need an experienced leader, one who has his own set of principals, but is not closed-minded, and willing to consider other's opinions, and advice. Someone that can work with Democrates and Republicans.

A war-monger-humph! Today is the anniversary of the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima--I guess we needed "war-mongers' then--'cause the people who believed in talking had given Hitler most of Europe, trying to appease him.

I think this is a great thread--good discussion, and varied opinions--and we won't get shot for disagreeing with each other!

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/shortattention-1.jpg">

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/schoolnowthankyou.jpg"></end quote></div>

Hi Kayleesgrandma.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> I agree with you about the congress, they have been rather lathargic, not to mention asleep at the wheel. They seem more interested in challenging Bush then passing any key legislation. With that being said, opposed to warmonging, Johnny has stated time and again that the war will continue and our troops may stay in Iraq for 100 years.

McCain's light-hearted approach to war has been clearly demonstrated many times, but his singing parodies about war....Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran......is that supposed to be funny? More wars, more death, more expenses. That's funny maybe to warhawks, but not the average Joe.

McCain's website says, "John McCain, Ready to Lead On Day One" I believe that he is ready to lead....lead us right down the road we've been walking for the past eight years. Continuing down this path interests me as much as getting a lung infection.

How can a man running for the Presidency be so out of touch with the American people?

War; it's a slippery slope. Once you kill one person, it's hard to stop. After all it all starts with just 1 then snowballs. And you cannot bring democracy or peace to a country by dropping bombs.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kayleesgrandma</b></i>

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/reagan-1.jpg">

Hah, Shane--where have you been the last 6 months??? There's no "quagmire" in Iraq--that's an old word for old news! The "quagmire" is in our Congress!!! The Iraq government has accomplished more than OUR Congress has--*can you say "steriods" and "Let's go to recess"??

We need answers for real-world problems--not Cinderellabama solutions and pretty talk! The world leaders of Iran, China, Russia, Vensuaela (sp)--AND let's not forget the UN--are rubbing their hands in anticipation of an untried "diplomat" of a President in Obama! Can you imagine him as "Commander in Chief"?

Oh, I forgot--911 was not the result of terrorists--President Bush had it all planned before he even took office. We don't have to worry about terrorists--there's no such thing...all we have to do is "<b>talk"</b> to them and ask them to please not do that aymore....

These leaders KNOW that McCain won't fool around--and we have been in Korea for over 50 years, and still have bases all over the world---get real, of course we will still be in Iraq, but the Iraqi's are well on the way to taking care of themselves--something that was stressed over and over--give them time--they will take care of themselves!

We need an experienced leader, one who has his own set of principals, but is not closed-minded, and willing to consider other's opinions, and advice. Someone that can work with Democrates and Republicans.

A war-monger-humph! Today is the anniversary of the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima--I guess we needed "war-mongers' then--'cause the people who believed in talking had given Hitler most of Europe, trying to appease him.

I think this is a great thread--good discussion, and varied opinions--and we won't get shot for disagreeing with each other!

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/shortattention-1.jpg">

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/schoolnowthankyou.jpg"></end quote></div>

Hi Kayleesgrandma.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> I agree with you about the congress, they have been rather lathargic, not to mention asleep at the wheel. They seem more interested in challenging Bush then passing any key legislation. With that being said, opposed to warmonging, Johnny has stated time and again that the war will continue and our troops may stay in Iraq for 100 years.

McCain's light-hearted approach to war has been clearly demonstrated many times, but his singing parodies about war....Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran......is that supposed to be funny? More wars, more death, more expenses. That's funny maybe to warhawks, but not the average Joe.

McCain's website says, "John McCain, Ready to Lead On Day One" I believe that he is ready to lead....lead us right down the road we've been walking for the past eight years. Continuing down this path interests me as much as getting a lung infection.

How can a man running for the Presidency be so out of touch with the American people?

War; it's a slippery slope. Once you kill one person, it's hard to stop. After all it all starts with just 1 then snowballs. And you cannot bring democracy or peace to a country by dropping bombs.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kayleesgrandma</b></i>

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/reagan-1.jpg">

Hah, Shane--where have you been the last 6 months??? There's no "quagmire" in Iraq--that's an old word for old news! The "quagmire" is in our Congress!!! The Iraq government has accomplished more than OUR Congress has--*can you say "steriods" and "Let's go to recess"??

We need answers for real-world problems--not Cinderellabama solutions and pretty talk! The world leaders of Iran, China, Russia, Vensuaela (sp)--AND let's not forget the UN--are rubbing their hands in anticipation of an untried "diplomat" of a President in Obama! Can you imagine him as "Commander in Chief"?

Oh, I forgot--911 was not the result of terrorists--President Bush had it all planned before he even took office. We don't have to worry about terrorists--there's no such thing...all we have to do is "<b>talk"</b> to them and ask them to please not do that aymore....

These leaders KNOW that McCain won't fool around--and we have been in Korea for over 50 years, and still have bases all over the world---get real, of course we will still be in Iraq, but the Iraqi's are well on the way to taking care of themselves--something that was stressed over and over--give them time--they will take care of themselves!

We need an experienced leader, one who has his own set of principals, but is not closed-minded, and willing to consider other's opinions, and advice. Someone that can work with Democrates and Republicans.

A war-monger-humph! Today is the anniversary of the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima--I guess we needed "war-mongers' then--'cause the people who believed in talking had given Hitler most of Europe, trying to appease him.

I think this is a great thread--good discussion, and varied opinions--and we won't get shot for disagreeing with each other!

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/shortattention-1.jpg">

<img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/schoolnowthankyou.jpg"></end quote>

Hi Kayleesgrandma.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> I agree with you about the congress, they have been rather lathargic, not to mention asleep at the wheel. They seem more interested in challenging Bush then passing any key legislation. With that being said, opposed to warmonging, Johnny has stated time and again that the war will continue and our troops may stay in Iraq for 100 years.

McCain's light-hearted approach to war has been clearly demonstrated many times, but his singing parodies about war....Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran......is that supposed to be funny? More wars, more death, more expenses. That's funny maybe to warhawks, but not the average Joe.

McCain's website says, "John McCain, Ready to Lead On Day One" I believe that he is ready to lead....lead us right down the road we've been walking for the past eight years. Continuing down this path interests me as much as getting a lung infection.

How can a man running for the Presidency be so out of touch with the American people?

War; it's a slippery slope. Once you kill one person, it's hard to stop. After all it all starts with just 1 then snowballs. And you cannot bring democracy or peace to a country by dropping bombs.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kayleesgrandma</b></i>
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<br />Hah, Shane--where have you been the last 6 months??? There's no "quagmire" in Iraq--that's an old word for old news! The "quagmire" is in our Congress!!! The Iraq government has accomplished more than OUR Congress has--*can you say "steriods" and "Let's go to recess"??
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<br />We need answers for real-world problems--not Cinderellabama solutions and pretty talk! The world leaders of Iran, China, Russia, Vensuaela (sp)--AND let's not forget the UN--are rubbing their hands in anticipation of an untried "diplomat" of a President in Obama! Can you imagine him as "Commander in Chief"?
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<br />Oh, I forgot--911 was not the result of terrorists--President Bush had it all planned before he even took office. We don't have to worry about terrorists--there's no such thing...all we have to do is "<b>talk"</b> to them and ask them to please not do that aymore....
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<br />These leaders KNOW that McCain won't fool around--and we have been in Korea for over 50 years, and still have bases all over the world---get real, of course we will still be in Iraq, but the Iraqi's are well on the way to taking care of themselves--something that was stressed over and over--give them time--they will take care of themselves!
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<br />We need an experienced leader, one who has his own set of principals, but is not closed-minded, and willing to consider other's opinions, and advice. Someone that can work with Democrates and Republicans.
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<br />A war-monger-humph! Today is the anniversary of the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima--I guess we needed "war-mongers' then--'cause the people who believed in talking had given Hitler most of Europe, trying to appease him.
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<br />I think this is a great thread--good discussion, and varied opinions--and we won't get shot for disagreeing with each other!
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<br /><img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/shortattention-1.jpg">
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<br /><img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q194/laytbug1/schoolnowthankyou.jpg"></end quote>
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<br />Hi Kayleesgrandma.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> I agree with you about the congress, they have been rather lathargic, not to mention asleep at the wheel. They seem more interested in challenging Bush then passing any key legislation. With that being said, opposed to warmonging, Johnny has stated time and again that the war will continue and our troops may stay in Iraq for 100 years.
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<br />McCain's light-hearted approach to war has been clearly demonstrated many times, but his singing parodies about war....Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran......is that supposed to be funny? More wars, more death, more expenses. That's funny maybe to warhawks, but not the average Joe.
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<br />McCain's website says, "John McCain, Ready to Lead On Day One" I believe that he is ready to lead....lead us right down the road we've been walking for the past eight years. Continuing down this path interests me as much as getting a lung infection.
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<br />How can a man running for the Presidency be so out of touch with the American people?
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<br />War; it's a slippery slope. Once you kill one person, it's hard to stop. After all it all starts with just 1 then snowballs. And you cannot bring democracy or peace to a country by dropping bombs.
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