why live?


New member
cf boy iam with you on being angry about life cos i feel like you do.At the end of the day you are expressing your true feelings about life and being honest about life at least your not disguising the truth
ive found docters for instance try to make out as if everything nice and lovely when you see them and dont tell you the harsh realities of cf{thats what ive found anyway} it took me a while to get the truth out of them at how devasting this condition can be

so i can appreciate where your coming from

ps ill offer you some advice take up sport {football boxing} cos it strikes me as though you have a lot of negative energy pent up in you .Dont take it out on yourself by feeling negative it will mess you up pyhcoligically take it out in the gym or on the football pitch


New member
cf boy iam with you on being angry about life cos i feel like you do.At the end of the day you are expressing your true feelings about life and being honest about life at least your not disguising the truth
ive found docters for instance try to make out as if everything nice and lovely when you see them and dont tell you the harsh realities of cf{thats what ive found anyway} it took me a while to get the truth out of them at how devasting this condition can be

so i can appreciate where your coming from

ps ill offer you some advice take up sport {football boxing} cos it strikes me as though you have a lot of negative energy pent up in you .Dont take it out on yourself by feeling negative it will mess you up pyhcoligically take it out in the gym or on the football pitch


New member
cf boy iam with you on being angry about life cos i feel like you do.At the end of the day you are expressing your true feelings about life and being honest about life at least your not disguising the truth
ive found docters for instance try to make out as if everything nice and lovely when you see them and dont tell you the harsh realities of cf{thats what ive found anyway} it took me a while to get the truth out of them at how devasting this condition can be

so i can appreciate where your coming from

ps ill offer you some advice take up sport {football boxing} cos it strikes me as though you have a lot of negative energy pent up in you .Dont take it out on yourself by feeling negative it will mess you up pyhcoligically take it out in the gym or on the football pitch


New member
when i wrote this i wanted to see what people thought. because u dont know the first thing about me or why i think the way i do. i didnt write this so u could agree or disagree i wanted to know what u would do. so stop actin like u know me and just answer the simple question if u knew u were going to heaven would u kill urself? or live on this earth


New member
when i wrote this i wanted to see what people thought. because u dont know the first thing about me or why i think the way i do. i didnt write this so u could agree or disagree i wanted to know what u would do. so stop actin like u know me and just answer the simple question if u knew u were going to heaven would u kill urself? or live on this earth


New member
when i wrote this i wanted to see what people thought. because u dont know the first thing about me or why i think the way i do. i didnt write this so u could agree or disagree i wanted to know what u would do. so stop actin like u know me and just answer the simple question if u knew u were going to heaven would u kill urself? or live on this earth


New member
when i wrote this i wanted to see what people thought. because u dont know the first thing about me or why i think the way i do. i didnt write this so u could agree or disagree i wanted to know what u would do. so stop actin like u know me and just answer the simple question if u knew u were going to heaven would u kill urself? or live on this earth


New member
when i wrote this i wanted to see what people thought. because u dont know the first thing about me or why i think the way i do. i didnt write this so u could agree or disagree i wanted to know what u would do. so stop actin like u know me and just answer the simple question if u knew u were going to heaven would u kill urself? or live on this earth


New member
when i wrote this i wanted to see what people thought. because u dont know the first thing about me or why i think the way i do. i didnt write this so u could agree or disagree i wanted to know what u would do. so stop actin like u know me and just answer the simple question if u knew u were going to heaven would u kill urself? or live on this earth


New member
when i wrote this i wanted to see what people thought. because u dont know the first thing about me or why i think the way i do. i didnt write this so u could agree or disagree i wanted to know what u would do. so stop actin like u know me and just answer the simple question if u knew u were going to heaven would u kill urself? or live on this earth


New member
when i wrote this i wanted to see what people thought. because u dont know the first thing about me or why i think the way i do. i didnt write this so u could agree or disagree i wanted to know what u would do. so stop actin like u know me and just answer the simple question if u knew u were going to heaven would u kill urself? or live on this earth


New member
when i wrote this i wanted to see what people thought. because u dont know the first thing about me or why i think the way i do. i didnt write this so u could agree or disagree i wanted to know what u would do. so stop actin like u know me and just answer the simple question if u knew u were going to heaven would u kill urself? or live on this earth


New member
Apparently you felt you needed to post this three times. Go over your first post. You did not ask what people would do if they knew they were going to heaven. You asked what the point in life is. So if you want to change what you are asking then do so, but don't put down others who were just trying to help.

And really, people won't take you seriously if you don't learn how to type. I can't STAND how kids type now adays!


New member
Apparently you felt you needed to post this three times. Go over your first post. You did not ask what people would do if they knew they were going to heaven. You asked what the point in life is. So if you want to change what you are asking then do so, but don't put down others who were just trying to help.

And really, people won't take you seriously if you don't learn how to type. I can't STAND how kids type now adays!


New member
Apparently you felt you needed to post this three times. Go over your first post. You did not ask what people would do if they knew they were going to heaven. You asked what the point in life is. So if you want to change what you are asking then do so, but don't put down others who were just trying to help.

And really, people won't take you seriously if you don't learn how to type. I can't STAND how kids type now adays!


New member
To answer your question...I am looking forward to going to heaven, but even if I knew that I was going for sure I wouldn't kill myself. My family has gone through so much to help keep me as healthy as I am I think it would be selfish of me to take my own life. Being with my family as long as god allows means more to me than any problem on earth i could ever have to deal with.


New member
To answer your question...I am looking forward to going to heaven, but even if I knew that I was going for sure I wouldn't kill myself. My family has gone through so much to help keep me as healthy as I am I think it would be selfish of me to take my own life. Being with my family as long as god allows means more to me than any problem on earth i could ever have to deal with.