why live?

OMG! There are so many reasons to live! <b>GOD</b> loves you! I know for a fact! Whenever you get down, read the Bible! Also, remember that there is ALWAYS a reason to live, if you think about it! Like...
1. Your best friend
2. your girl friend or the girl you like
3. GOD
4. your family
5. your friends
and so many more! God put you on this Earth for a reason. Maybe so you can be an actor, singer, scientest, teacher, astronaut, writer... anything you dream of! So go out there, catch your dream and run with it! GOD LOVES YOU!

*The struggles make you stronger, and the changes make you wise*
"I love this crzy tragic, sometimes almost magic awful <i>beautiful</i> life*
~Mary Lindsey 12 years w/ CF~
OMG! There are so many reasons to live! <b>GOD</b> loves you! I know for a fact! Whenever you get down, read the Bible! Also, remember that there is ALWAYS a reason to live, if you think about it! Like...
1. Your best friend
2. your girl friend or the girl you like
3. GOD
4. your family
5. your friends
and so many more! God put you on this Earth for a reason. Maybe so you can be an actor, singer, scientest, teacher, astronaut, writer... anything you dream of! So go out there, catch your dream and run with it! GOD LOVES YOU!

*The struggles make you stronger, and the changes make you wise*
"I love this crzy tragic, sometimes almost magic awful <i>beautiful</i> life*
~Mary Lindsey 12 years w/ CF~


New member
please dont take this the wrong way BUT what a stupid quetion? i mean come on look at yourself just take a minute to stand asside and honestly look at everything youve achieved dont see yourself as just another CF look at the real you under the pain of CF there is something so much greater theres confidence ,bravery. so many things that many people are to afraid to find. i dont mean to be rude but how dare you say whats the point in living? ok lets imagine your life without you in lets just say you died hmmm how would your friends and family feel? i know how theyd feel because even though i have CF i have lost many friends with it and it doesnt get any better trust me! life is if anything so much more important to CFs than it is for 'normal peopl'( but then again no one is actually normal)think about what you could do with your life if you put your mind to it and if you dont think you have anything worth living for then think about every other CF out there who hasnt jacked in there life oh no who is out there fighting and helping everyone. help spread the word about cystic fibrosis and help find the cure so that one day maybe someday soon there will be no such thing as CF and that it will be treated so much better so if this hasnt answered your question and hopefully changed your mind then please try to find another CF to talk 2 or maybe a councillor
just remember evry life is worth fighting for

from lildevil4eva
age 13


New member
please dont take this the wrong way BUT what a stupid quetion? i mean come on look at yourself just take a minute to stand asside and honestly look at everything youve achieved dont see yourself as just another CF look at the real you under the pain of CF there is something so much greater theres confidence ,bravery. so many things that many people are to afraid to find. i dont mean to be rude but how dare you say whats the point in living? ok lets imagine your life without you in lets just say you died hmmm how would your friends and family feel? i know how theyd feel because even though i have CF i have lost many friends with it and it doesnt get any better trust me! life is if anything so much more important to CFs than it is for 'normal peopl'( but then again no one is actually normal)think about what you could do with your life if you put your mind to it and if you dont think you have anything worth living for then think about every other CF out there who hasnt jacked in there life oh no who is out there fighting and helping everyone. help spread the word about cystic fibrosis and help find the cure so that one day maybe someday soon there will be no such thing as CF and that it will be treated so much better so if this hasnt answered your question and hopefully changed your mind then please try to find another CF to talk 2 or maybe a councillor
just remember evry life is worth fighting for

from lildevil4eva
age 13


New member
please dont take this the wrong way BUT what a stupid quetion? i mean come on look at yourself just take a minute to stand asside and honestly look at everything youve achieved dont see yourself as just another CF look at the real you under the pain of CF there is something so much greater theres confidence ,bravery. so many things that many people are to afraid to find. i dont mean to be rude but how dare you say whats the point in living? ok lets imagine your life without you in lets just say you died hmmm how would your friends and family feel? i know how theyd feel because even though i have CF i have lost many friends with it and it doesnt get any better trust me! life is if anything so much more important to CFs than it is for 'normal peopl'( but then again no one is actually normal)think about what you could do with your life if you put your mind to it and if you dont think you have anything worth living for then think about every other CF out there who hasnt jacked in there life oh no who is out there fighting and helping everyone. help spread the word about cystic fibrosis and help find the cure so that one day maybe someday soon there will be no such thing as CF and that it will be treated so much better so if this hasnt answered your question and hopefully changed your mind then please try to find another CF to talk 2 or maybe a councillor
just remember evry life is worth fighting for

from lildevil4eva
age 13


When I first replied to this thread I had no idea it grow so large. It's nice to see so many views of this subject. I'm going to reply again in a few days but in my blog. This is a very deep question with many perspectives and well worth diving deeper into.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


When I first replied to this thread I had no idea it grow so large. It's nice to see so many views of this subject. I'm going to reply again in a few days but in my blog. This is a very deep question with many perspectives and well worth diving deeper into.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


When I first replied to this thread I had no idea it grow so large. It's nice to see so many views of this subject. I'm going to reply again in a few days but in my blog. This is a very deep question with many perspectives and well worth diving deeper into.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


New member
"what is the point of life, especially for us? we feel so much pain to live just to feel more pain. honestly if i knew i was goin to heaven i would kill myself now. what does everyone else think on this subject? "

Hello cfboy - I also spent the last few minutes reading through the thread and felt I needed to write something as well. I included your comment above for myself so that I can stick to the topic on hand.

My background/ Disclaimer to my comments and beliefs below:
I am 29 w/ CF and I have two older bros. also w/CF (31 and 34). I am Christian, and I believe there is a heaven and that I will someday be there because I believe in Christ's love for us and his sacrfice to save us from our sins... save us from ourselves (in a way).

I don't know what is the point to life. I can't answer that definitively. We are all given our time of grace here on earth. Our time is determined by God. <i>We</i> do not know what is best for us. Your struggles may seem to be never ending. You have a heavy cross to bear. All of this (CF, cancer, pain, divorce, etc.), I believe, is the result of sin in the world (hence our desires to be in heaven).

I do believe we are here to be living examples of Christ's love for us. That is one point to life. We are here to tell others of God's love. Everything else (good times, happiness, friends, family, satisfaction in work, basketball, education, sunshine, laughter, peace, warm socks, comfort, food) comes as blessings from God. Life is not sunshine and smiles. If it was, there wouldn't be the need for a heaven. <u>Praise the Lord that there is a heaven because this is really hard</u>.

CF is a chronic illness (I know, duh.), and with it comes an emotional struggle that most (if not all) of us carry. We (my brothers and I) are adults (known about our CF our whole lives) and still struggle with the emotional ramifications of this disease. It does suck. It never gets easier. We just become used to it. We never became "happy" that we have it. We just focus on the few positives that comes with the disease (see previous posters- the mom with the 10 mo. old and the others stating that trials highlight and make the good things even better, that we are used as tools to help others along the same CF road).

CF doesn't provide a positive outlook on life, but there are positive things in life. A person just needs to look beyond their pain and outside of themselves, a bit, to notice them. God allows pain in our lives, but He also gives comfort/ good things. They just may be subtle at times. If you seriously see nothing that gives you comfort in this life, it may be helpful to seek professional help. You may need someone trained in this to have as an outlet to talk -who can coach you through these darker times. I pray that, by this time, you are feeling a bit better.

...And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus... Philippians 4:7

Ps: 119:50 My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life.


New member
"what is the point of life, especially for us? we feel so much pain to live just to feel more pain. honestly if i knew i was goin to heaven i would kill myself now. what does everyone else think on this subject? "

Hello cfboy - I also spent the last few minutes reading through the thread and felt I needed to write something as well. I included your comment above for myself so that I can stick to the topic on hand.

My background/ Disclaimer to my comments and beliefs below:
I am 29 w/ CF and I have two older bros. also w/CF (31 and 34). I am Christian, and I believe there is a heaven and that I will someday be there because I believe in Christ's love for us and his sacrfice to save us from our sins... save us from ourselves (in a way).

I don't know what is the point to life. I can't answer that definitively. We are all given our time of grace here on earth. Our time is determined by God. <i>We</i> do not know what is best for us. Your struggles may seem to be never ending. You have a heavy cross to bear. All of this (CF, cancer, pain, divorce, etc.), I believe, is the result of sin in the world (hence our desires to be in heaven).

I do believe we are here to be living examples of Christ's love for us. That is one point to life. We are here to tell others of God's love. Everything else (good times, happiness, friends, family, satisfaction in work, basketball, education, sunshine, laughter, peace, warm socks, comfort, food) comes as blessings from God. Life is not sunshine and smiles. If it was, there wouldn't be the need for a heaven. <u>Praise the Lord that there is a heaven because this is really hard</u>.

CF is a chronic illness (I know, duh.), and with it comes an emotional struggle that most (if not all) of us carry. We (my brothers and I) are adults (known about our CF our whole lives) and still struggle with the emotional ramifications of this disease. It does suck. It never gets easier. We just become used to it. We never became "happy" that we have it. We just focus on the few positives that comes with the disease (see previous posters- the mom with the 10 mo. old and the others stating that trials highlight and make the good things even better, that we are used as tools to help others along the same CF road).

CF doesn't provide a positive outlook on life, but there are positive things in life. A person just needs to look beyond their pain and outside of themselves, a bit, to notice them. God allows pain in our lives, but He also gives comfort/ good things. They just may be subtle at times. If you seriously see nothing that gives you comfort in this life, it may be helpful to seek professional help. You may need someone trained in this to have as an outlet to talk -who can coach you through these darker times. I pray that, by this time, you are feeling a bit better.

...And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus... Philippians 4:7

Ps: 119:50 My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life.


New member
"what is the point of life, especially for us? we feel so much pain to live just to feel more pain. honestly if i knew i was goin to heaven i would kill myself now. what does everyone else think on this subject? "

Hello cfboy - I also spent the last few minutes reading through the thread and felt I needed to write something as well. I included your comment above for myself so that I can stick to the topic on hand.

My background/ Disclaimer to my comments and beliefs below:
I am 29 w/ CF and I have two older bros. also w/CF (31 and 34). I am Christian, and I believe there is a heaven and that I will someday be there because I believe in Christ's love for us and his sacrfice to save us from our sins... save us from ourselves (in a way).

I don't know what is the point to life. I can't answer that definitively. We are all given our time of grace here on earth. Our time is determined by God. <i>We</i> do not know what is best for us. Your struggles may seem to be never ending. You have a heavy cross to bear. All of this (CF, cancer, pain, divorce, etc.), I believe, is the result of sin in the world (hence our desires to be in heaven).

I do believe we are here to be living examples of Christ's love for us. That is one point to life. We are here to tell others of God's love. Everything else (good times, happiness, friends, family, satisfaction in work, basketball, education, sunshine, laughter, peace, warm socks, comfort, food) comes as blessings from God. Life is not sunshine and smiles. If it was, there wouldn't be the need for a heaven. <u>Praise the Lord that there is a heaven because this is really hard</u>.

CF is a chronic illness (I know, duh.), and with it comes an emotional struggle that most (if not all) of us carry. We (my brothers and I) are adults (known about our CF our whole lives) and still struggle with the emotional ramifications of this disease. It does suck. It never gets easier. We just become used to it. We never became "happy" that we have it. We just focus on the few positives that comes with the disease (see previous posters- the mom with the 10 mo. old and the others stating that trials highlight and make the good things even better, that we are used as tools to help others along the same CF road).

CF doesn't provide a positive outlook on life, but there are positive things in life. A person just needs to look beyond their pain and outside of themselves, a bit, to notice them. God allows pain in our lives, but He also gives comfort/ good things. They just may be subtle at times. If you seriously see nothing that gives you comfort in this life, it may be helpful to seek professional help. You may need someone trained in this to have as an outlet to talk -who can coach you through these darker times. I pray that, by this time, you are feeling a bit better.

...And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus... Philippians 4:7

Ps: 119:50 My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life.
Phil, Its Meagan ... look i understand where your coming from and i agree with you I mean why live through all this pain nd deal with everything if we could just go to heaven. But you wrote us askin us for our advice. How can u sit there and call us idiots and say we feel srry for ourselves. For one i sure as hell dnt feel srry for us i hate when ppl. give me sympathy nd i hate when ppl. treat me diffrent cuz im sick. I mean honestly i dont care about any of this , i dont take my meds and i live my life like a normal person nd u know it . I feel like me being a live is a burrden to people i feel like im the cause of my parents divorce and i feel like being sick has alot to do with the problems in my life. U && Me r really close nd how u feel is how u feel, but to call everyone on here idiots nd think that were just tryin to get pitty is wrong. Ill talk to you on AIM . Love ya

Phil, Its Meagan ... look i understand where your coming from and i agree with you I mean why live through all this pain nd deal with everything if we could just go to heaven. But you wrote us askin us for our advice. How can u sit there and call us idiots and say we feel srry for ourselves. For one i sure as hell dnt feel srry for us i hate when ppl. give me sympathy nd i hate when ppl. treat me diffrent cuz im sick. I mean honestly i dont care about any of this , i dont take my meds and i live my life like a normal person nd u know it . I feel like me being a live is a burrden to people i feel like im the cause of my parents divorce and i feel like being sick has alot to do with the problems in my life. U && Me r really close nd how u feel is how u feel, but to call everyone on here idiots nd think that were just tryin to get pitty is wrong. Ill talk to you on AIM . Love ya

Phil, Its Meagan ... look i understand where your coming from and i agree with you I mean why live through all this pain nd deal with everything if we could just go to heaven. But you wrote us askin us for our advice. How can u sit there and call us idiots and say we feel srry for ourselves. For one i sure as hell dnt feel srry for us i hate when ppl. give me sympathy nd i hate when ppl. treat me diffrent cuz im sick. I mean honestly i dont care about any of this , i dont take my meds and i live my life like a normal person nd u know it . I feel like me being a live is a burrden to people i feel like im the cause of my parents divorce and i feel like being sick has alot to do with the problems in my life. U && Me r really close nd how u feel is how u feel, but to call everyone on here idiots nd think that were just tryin to get pitty is wrong. Ill talk to you on AIM . Love ya



New member
i have three girls with cf, ages 19, 20, and 21. although there are some hoeless days, it's what you put intolifethat counts. i actually joined this site today because I was down. life is not that hopeless that giving up is the answer.


New member
i have three girls with cf, ages 19, 20, and 21. although there are some hoeless days, it's what you put intolifethat counts. i actually joined this site today because I was down. life is not that hopeless that giving up is the answer.


New member
i have three girls with cf, ages 19, 20, and 21. although there are some hoeless days, it's what you put intolifethat counts. i actually joined this site today because I was down. life is not that hopeless that giving up is the answer.


New member
Yes. If I know im going to heaven, I would terminate my life right now at this moment, but im also afraid of hell. I dont want to suffer for eternity. I suffered in this life already. Cfboy I completely know how you feel and I feel the same.


New member
Yes. If I know im going to heaven, I would terminate my life right now at this moment, but im also afraid of hell. I dont want to suffer for eternity. I suffered in this life already. Cfboy I completely know how you feel and I feel the same.


New member
Yes. If I know im going to heaven, I would terminate my life right now at this moment, but im also afraid of hell. I dont want to suffer for eternity. I suffered in this life already. Cfboy I completely know how you feel and I feel the same.