Your FEV1 and pregnancy


New member
Thanks for the reply! It seems most of ya'll on the pregnancy board have much higher FEV1 pre-pregnancy than I do currently. Urgh. This worries me a bit. I'm happy everyone is doing so well though!


New member
Thanks for the reply! It seems most of ya'll on the pregnancy board have much higher FEV1 pre-pregnancy than I do currently. Urgh. This worries me a bit. I'm happy everyone is doing so well though!


New member
Thanks for the reply! It seems most of ya'll on the pregnancy board have much higher FEV1 pre-pregnancy than I do currently. Urgh. This worries me a bit. I'm happy everyone is doing so well though!


New member
Thanks for the reply! It seems most of ya'll on the pregnancy board have much higher FEV1 pre-pregnancy than I do currently. Urgh. This worries me a bit. I'm happy everyone is doing so well though!


New member
Thanks for the reply! It seems most of ya'll on the pregnancy board have much higher FEV1 pre-pregnancy than I do currently. Urgh. This worries me a bit. I'm happy everyone is doing so well though!


New member
Hi ya'll! I'm pretty new here! I'm pregnant for the first time. Neways... my pre pregnancy fev1 was 90% then at 16 weeks it went to 83% and then at 23 weeks it was 72% but my doc says I sound great my lungs sound clear and I feel great! Should I be worried? I mean I'm not THAT far along and if it's dropped this much already what happens when I hit 30 plus weeks!!! I've never been on IV antibiotics but if it's down more when I go back at 30 weeks I'm deffly goin in. I go to a hi risk because at my cf clinic they want all us preggo cfers to go just in case. But all they do is ultrasounds and the doc comes in and tells me the results, I've gotten great news so far. They don't even weigh me there so...

I was wondering though I'm kinda worried about my weight. I'm 5'3 and pre pregnancy I weighed 136 now I'm 25 weeks and weigh 146. I'm over half way! Shouldn't I have gained more by now??? How much did ya'll gain by 25 weeks?


New member
Hi ya'll! I'm pretty new here! I'm pregnant for the first time. Neways... my pre pregnancy fev1 was 90% then at 16 weeks it went to 83% and then at 23 weeks it was 72% but my doc says I sound great my lungs sound clear and I feel great! Should I be worried? I mean I'm not THAT far along and if it's dropped this much already what happens when I hit 30 plus weeks!!! I've never been on IV antibiotics but if it's down more when I go back at 30 weeks I'm deffly goin in. I go to a hi risk because at my cf clinic they want all us preggo cfers to go just in case. But all they do is ultrasounds and the doc comes in and tells me the results, I've gotten great news so far. They don't even weigh me there so...

I was wondering though I'm kinda worried about my weight. I'm 5'3 and pre pregnancy I weighed 136 now I'm 25 weeks and weigh 146. I'm over half way! Shouldn't I have gained more by now??? How much did ya'll gain by 25 weeks?


New member
Hi ya'll! I'm pretty new here! I'm pregnant for the first time. Neways... my pre pregnancy fev1 was 90% then at 16 weeks it went to 83% and then at 23 weeks it was 72% but my doc says I sound great my lungs sound clear and I feel great! Should I be worried? I mean I'm not THAT far along and if it's dropped this much already what happens when I hit 30 plus weeks!!! I've never been on IV antibiotics but if it's down more when I go back at 30 weeks I'm deffly goin in. I go to a hi risk because at my cf clinic they want all us preggo cfers to go just in case. But all they do is ultrasounds and the doc comes in and tells me the results, I've gotten great news so far. They don't even weigh me there so...

I was wondering though I'm kinda worried about my weight. I'm 5'3 and pre pregnancy I weighed 136 now I'm 25 weeks and weigh 146. I'm over half way! Shouldn't I have gained more by now??? How much did ya'll gain by 25 weeks?


New member
Hi ya'll! I'm pretty new here! I'm pregnant for the first time. Neways... my pre pregnancy fev1 was 90% then at 16 weeks it went to 83% and then at 23 weeks it was 72% but my doc says I sound great my lungs sound clear and I feel great! Should I be worried? I mean I'm not THAT far along and if it's dropped this much already what happens when I hit 30 plus weeks!!! I've never been on IV antibiotics but if it's down more when I go back at 30 weeks I'm deffly goin in. I go to a hi risk because at my cf clinic they want all us preggo cfers to go just in case. But all they do is ultrasounds and the doc comes in and tells me the results, I've gotten great news so far. They don't even weigh me there so...

I was wondering though I'm kinda worried about my weight. I'm 5'3 and pre pregnancy I weighed 136 now I'm 25 weeks and weigh 146. I'm over half way! Shouldn't I have gained more by now??? How much did ya'll gain by 25 weeks?


New member
Hi ya'll! I'm pretty new here! I'm pregnant for the first time. Neways... my pre pregnancy fev1 was 90% then at 16 weeks it went to 83% and then at 23 weeks it was 72% but my doc says I sound great my lungs sound clear and I feel great! Should I be worried? I mean I'm not THAT far along and if it's dropped this much already what happens when I hit 30 plus weeks!!! I've never been on IV antibiotics but if it's down more when I go back at 30 weeks I'm deffly goin in. I go to a hi risk because at my cf clinic they want all us preggo cfers to go just in case. But all they do is ultrasounds and the doc comes in and tells me the results, I've gotten great news so far. They don't even weigh me there so...
<br />
<br />I was wondering though I'm kinda worried about my weight. I'm 5'3 and pre pregnancy I weighed 136 now I'm 25 weeks and weigh 146. I'm over half way! Shouldn't I have gained more by now??? How much did ya'll gain by 25 weeks?


New member
everyone is different and even a non-cfers body is going to lose lung function during preg-remember that.
at 3.5 months i was already down to 55% fev1 from 75%.
you are more than halfway through your preg-the baby, your uterus, and fluids are pushing up on your lungs and diaphragm. i wouldn't worry.
stay active-walk, do 2 pts a day and get back to your pre preg health routine once u deliver. i'm sure you'll be just fine.


New member
everyone is different and even a non-cfers body is going to lose lung function during preg-remember that.
at 3.5 months i was already down to 55% fev1 from 75%.
you are more than halfway through your preg-the baby, your uterus, and fluids are pushing up on your lungs and diaphragm. i wouldn't worry.
stay active-walk, do 2 pts a day and get back to your pre preg health routine once u deliver. i'm sure you'll be just fine.


New member
everyone is different and even a non-cfers body is going to lose lung function during preg-remember that.
at 3.5 months i was already down to 55% fev1 from 75%.
you are more than halfway through your preg-the baby, your uterus, and fluids are pushing up on your lungs and diaphragm. i wouldn't worry.
stay active-walk, do 2 pts a day and get back to your pre preg health routine once u deliver. i'm sure you'll be just fine.


New member
everyone is different and even a non-cfers body is going to lose lung function during preg-remember that.
at 3.5 months i was already down to 55% fev1 from 75%.
you are more than halfway through your preg-the baby, your uterus, and fluids are pushing up on your lungs and diaphragm. i wouldn't worry.
stay active-walk, do 2 pts a day and get back to your pre preg health routine once u deliver. i'm sure you'll be just fine.


New member
everyone is different and even a non-cfers body is going to lose lung function during preg-remember that.
<br />at 3.5 months i was already down to 55% fev1 from 75%.
<br />you are more than halfway through your preg-the baby, your uterus, and fluids are pushing up on your lungs and diaphragm. i wouldn't worry.
<br />stay active-walk, do 2 pts a day and get back to your pre preg health routine once u deliver. i'm sure you'll be just fine.