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  1. C

    This is how my appointment went today!

    Hey there~ What's your secret? What did you do to get them up from 62% to 89%. Please, tell me...I REALLY need something to bring them up. What 's your routine like??<br> I just found out mine are way lower than I was led to believe and I didn't think it was possible to bring them up from 50's...
  2. C

    This is how my appointment went today!

    Hey there~ What's your secret? What did you do to get them up from 62% to 89%. Please, tell me...I REALLY need something to bring them up. What 's your routine like??<br> I just found out mine are way lower than I was led to believe and I didn't think it was possible to bring them up from 50's...
  3. C

    Disappointing news from the doc.

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>princessjdc</b></i> Dont feel bad you can always bring them up. I knew which one they looked at, but I can see how it can be confusing, because there is soo many numbers.</end quote></div><br> <br> <br> How can you bring them up? I...
  4. C

    Disappointing news from the doc.

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>princessjdc</b></i> Dont feel bad you can always bring them up. I knew which one they looked at, but I can see how it can be confusing, because there is soo many numbers.</end quote></div><br> <br> <br> How can you bring them up? I...
  5. C

    Disappointing news from the doc.

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>princessjdc</b></i> Dont feel bad you can always bring them up. I knew which one they looked at, but I can see how it can be confusing, because there is soo many numbers.</end quote></div><br> <br> <br> How can you bring them up? I...
  6. C

    Disappointing news from the doc.

    <br> "This may sound silly, but how do you know what your lung capacity is? Aren't PFT's used to determine degrees of restriction, obstruction, etc. For example, if my FEV1 is 40% does that mean my lung capacity is 40% or just that I can only blow out 40% of what is predicted for females of my...
  7. C

    Disappointing news from the doc.

    <br> "This may sound silly, but how do you know what your lung capacity is? Aren't PFT's used to determine degrees of restriction, obstruction, etc. For example, if my FEV1 is 40% does that mean my lung capacity is 40% or just that I can only blow out 40% of what is predicted for females of my...
  8. C

    Disappointing news from the doc.

    <br> "This may sound silly, but how do you know what your lung capacity is? Aren't PFT's used to determine degrees of restriction, obstruction, etc. For example, if my FEV1 is 40% does that mean my lung capacity is 40% or just that I can only blow out 40% of what is predicted for females of my...
  9. C

    Disappointing news from the doc.

    Hey all. OK so Monday I went to the Dr. for a check-up. My PFTs are pretty much the same as before I had a clean-out in july. So I said to my doctor that many people talk about 30% being pretty standard for being considered for a lung transplant and I asked him which number was the one the...
  10. C

    Disappointing news from the doc.

    Hey all. OK so Monday I went to the Dr. for a check-up. My PFTs are pretty much the same as before I had a clean-out in july. So I said to my doctor that many people talk about 30% being pretty standard for being considered for a lung transplant and I asked him which number was the one the...
  11. C

    Disappointing news from the doc.

    Hey all. OK so Monday I went to the Dr. for a check-up. My PFTs are pretty much the same as before I had a clean-out in july. So I said to my doctor that many people talk about 30% being pretty standard for being considered for a lung transplant and I asked him which number was the one the...
  12. C

    Has anyone been accused of having an eating disorder

    Hey all, at my new job I have been busting my A** trying to do well and make a good impression. I teach kids. Well, last week my principal called me into her office to talk to me about a personal matter. Turns out that some one actually had the nerve to go tell her I was "throwing up" in...
  13. C

    Has anyone been accused of having an eating disorder

    Hey all, at my new job I have been busting my A** trying to do well and make a good impression. I teach kids. Well, last week my principal called me into her office to talk to me about a personal matter. Turns out that some one actually had the nerve to go tell her I was "throwing up" in...
  14. C

    Has anyone been accused of having an eating disorder

    Hey all, at my new job I have been busting my A** trying to do well and make a good impression. I teach kids. Well, last week my principal called me into her office to talk to me about a personal matter. Turns out that some one actually had the nerve to go tell her I was "throwing up" in...
  15. C

    Not working

    Hey Sue~<br> <br> Sorry to hear that teaching isn't working out so well for you. It's been a rough ride so far for me too. I often wonder how long I am going to be able to keep up with the demands of the job. What do you plan to do for money if you don't work? Do you have bills/rent?<br> <br>...
  16. C

    Triplet Pictures

    Congratulations!!!! So sweet!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> What an exciting journey you are embarking on!
  17. C

    Cystic Fibrosis and Tuberculosis

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Lilith</b></i> I believe that the Black Plague was indeed the tuberculosis outbreak mentioned in the article.  </end quote></div><br> <br> <br> I heard somewhere about CF being protection from the Black Plague (not sure if it's true)...
  18. C

    No where to turn!

    I read the post by the original poster and now I am a little your child going to the school he is assigned by the district you live in? If so, it is a requirement that (if it is his <i>assigned</i> school) that they make every reasonable accommodation for his disability by law...
  19. C


    This broke my heart when I saw it posted on MSN. Everytime  I think about it, it makes me so sad for him and his family. All I have been telling my BF, is that this incident throws the notion that you never know when you're going to go in my face again. Sure he played with deadly animals, but...
  20. C


    I take Miralax every day and have for the past 6 years. Once in a while I got partial obstructions that had fixed themselves with a lot of IV fluids and laxative, instead of surgery. I started getting them at age 13. I have a narrowing in my intestines that was caused by having intestine removed...