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  1. T

    exercise video for 12 yr old boy

    Folkloric tales of lifting at too young an age (or heavy work and not having enough to eat. A common occurrence of the past) shunting growth and causing issues with joints and what not mainly comes from people that from much too young an age have been constantly cutting to very low bodyfat%'s...
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    sats become lower AFTER exercise and don't return

    It's possible that the increased airflow of exercise and coughing increases sputum production itself? Faster breathing does increase mucus production somewhat which makes sense as the body's reaction to keep everything lubricated. That and you might simply be tired of breathing and coughing...
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    exercise video for 12 yr old boy

    Maybe he can go to school on a bicycle as often as possible? That's what kids do here in the Netherlands anyway also when it's icy because you get the hang of that really quick. But you could also get him an adjustable dumbbell set. Two dumbbells that can go from a couple pounds empty to 30-40...
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    Stupid question re cf spit on bday cake

    Absolutely nothing to worry about. Also I will assume DS is rather young.. and therefore does not have many years of hard antibiotics behind him to make his possible bacteria more dangerous/resistant in the first place. More importantly it's good to realise many of the bacteria CF'ers can...
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    Anybody master quieting your cough?

    Good topic and yes, the older I get the more self-conscious I become of my cough strangely. (Because I get more self confident overall.) At home I mostly cough in a balled up tshirt. It dampens well without giving too much resistance to the air/cough. Out of the house in winter I cough in my...
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    I'm stupid for trying a cigarrette

    Could everyone simply NOT respond to this troll?
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    Question about health and body fat

    How are you so sure 8% bodyfat is healthy? Because your immune system is significantly less effective at 8% than it is at 12% making you more susceptible to virusses and infection and infact even a lot of very healthy athletes are struggling with that at the lower bodyfat %'s. When you do come...
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    Anyone else have reactive hypoglycemia?

    Yeah I've been having that a lot most of my life and seems common with CF'ers. As we are not quite yet CFRD but our pancreas might have a sort of delayed insulin responce it might get the amount of insulin wrong sometimes. But it's also a natural response to switching eating and activity...
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    Chronic Lower Back Pain

    Did you tear something? Audible pop or crack and sudden sharp pain? If not, then probably not what you want to hear but developing strength in your back and core could go a long way. We CF'ers tend to develop all sorts of aches and pains from coughing, bad positions and weakness from being...
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    Question about health and body fat

    8% bodyfat is really low once you have grown some musclemass. At that point it's also way leaner than people tend to think and should not be underestimated. Once you have some mass it's rarely neccessary to go that low. Ie. you'll likely have plenty of definition at a higher bodyfat% as well...
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    Caffeïne has certain useful qualities too. It raises bloodpressure and is a mild all around stimulant. Therefore great to use to wake up in the morning and/or an hour or so before a workout. But as BikerEd wrote caffeïne should be used in moderation. For me, more than three cups of coffee...
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    How to get back on track after being sick?

    Who told you not to exercise? Do not ever stop exercise. A virus is no reason to. Pretty wacky advice that is. Ofcourse with a decent fever long cardiosessions are going to be pretty hard but by all means keep strengthening those muscles. Also contrary to appetite at the first onset of a...
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    Cellgevity..sounds amazing anyone taking it??

    Call it what you will. Google them.. "Max international" is the company/business scheme behind it. It's about marketing, getting "students" for their marketing plan and this hugely overpriced Cellgevity and other products are their vessel. Huge win win for this company. Their students pay THEM...
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    Cellgevity..sounds amazing anyone taking it??

    That Cellgevity product is part of a pyramid scam. People that suckered into it pay the mother company a sum a month or whatever and in return they get taught how to make websites (..) and get taught how to think up new ways to try scam people out of their money. In this case this person...
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    A miraculous home remedy !!!!!

    Are you aware that NaCl is regular kitchen salt and that regular food tends to contain loads of it? Instead of a salt infusion you could eat soup and have something to enjoy at the same time.. Won't do anything for our CF bodies unless ofcourse you weren't getting enough salt before. Inhaling...
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    Trying to gain weight -- am I doing everything?

    Can confirm. Me and my sister (also CF and 2 years older) are both using supplemental NAC roughly since early october and report rather good results. As far as weightgain, I'm fanatical about lifting weights and have made sudden and rather significant gains in strength in these months. More...
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    Favorite Workout DVD

    Don't know much to recommend on workout DVD's. But I'd surely give Bas Rutten's workouts a try. :D But what's stopped my decline instead of fanatical cardioing has been weightlifting. Took me a while to figure that out. For the fact simply that my lungs limit me in my cardio way before...
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    Maybe a stupid question, but can twins with CF share the same room?

    Yeah. My sister and I also grew up together with relatively little problems. Rooms or not ofcourse you share a lot of stuff anyway. Are often in the same car and so on. When one gets relatively much sicker, with more antibiotics treatments and bacteria that have become resistent to a list of...
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    I've written many friendly detailed replies to many of your nonsense threads as have many other people but you keep completely ignoring any advice you've ever gotten on here and come back a week later, start a new thread with something even worse. Ofcourse you only reply to your own threads when...
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    Most likely a deliberate ambiguity of juicing here. (because troll much) Either squishing fruit or popular slang for the use of anabolic steroids. In the first case. Fruit doesn't contain protein, fat and other much needed nutrients. In the case you're thinking of an almost juice-only diet it...