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    Flu after getting the vaccine

    You seem pretty sure of yourself, Jeff. Funny, then, that you post a disclaimer on this batshit crazy Youtube video of yours (feel free to take it down, now that I've exposed you; I've already saved a backup copy and will repost it on my own account and cite Fair Use to further expose your...
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    Lung bacterias

    It really depends on a lot of factors. The species of bacteria, the specific strain, the genomovar (for B. cepacia), whatever resistances the bacteria has, how much lung damage you already have, etc. Pseudomonas is the most common "bad" bacteria. Most people have staph or MRSA; some with severe...
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    lung function has dropped seriously

    As Bill said, I wouldn't exactly consider hoarseness and a sore throat to be "horrible" side effects. How long did you "try" them? New inhaled meds can cause bronchospasms when they're first introduced - especially something as irritating as hypersal - but you will eventually get more used to...
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    Flu after getting the vaccine

    Proof that vaccines are legit: before vaccines were developed for them, smallpox and poliomyelitis would kill or maim countless thousands. After vaccines were developed, smallpox has been eradicated and polio cases have been reduced by 99.9% and 2 of the 3 strains of polio are no longer observed...
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    Flu after getting the vaccine

    Jeff, you are dangerously delusional and possibly mentally ill. You are typing word salad which is a symptom of severe mental illness. Please seek help now, if not for yourself, then the people you are potentially hurting with your quackery.
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    Friends announcing pregnancy

    If your relationship is on the rocks and you don't know why, go read some of the nutty PMs you've bombarded me with and remind yourself. If you are that unhinged and weird to random people online, then god help your fiance/boyfriend.
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    Help! Blue fingers

    Great news! Figured it wasn't low oxygenation since you noticed it *on* your hand rather than lips or finger tips/nails but great to hear it confirmed! Keep healthy, Jellybaby!
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    doctor visits feel like a fight. something always happens. what is your visits like?

    I go in, nurse who does PFTs gets my height/weight/temp/pulse/ox. I do PFTs for 5 or 10 minutes (I'm a perfectionist, haha). I go into the exam room and wait maybe 5-10 minutes. Doctor comes in, looks at my PFTs; 99.9% of the time remarks on how good/stable they are. Listens to my chest; 99.9%...
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    I cultured PA from the time I was 15 until my last culture which was PA free (I realize it's probably still there in biofilm form, but the therapy I'm on - rotating Tobi and Cayston (both with the eFlow), high dose Ibuprofen 2x daily, PharmaNAC 2x daily, 600 mg of Azithromycin every M W F...
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    Questions about PharmaNAC regarding CFRD

    This is going to be long, and I apologize for that. PharmaNAC is basically drinkable Mucomyst, which was (and still is) an established, tested and verified treatment for Cystic Fibrosis. Mucomyst was kind of supplanted by Pulmozyme since Pulmozyme is more effective in general but is still used...
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    What do you really think the Vertex discoveries mean for us?

    Vertex is really on the ball. Lumacaftor is in expediated, orphan drug phase 3 trials and will be available VERY soon and will give F508ers about 50-60% of what Kalydeco gives G551Ders (which works out to something like 10-15% restoration in chloride channel functions). The successor, VX-661, is...
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    Why do some colds spread to the lungs and others don't?

    Two things, mainly. The common cold is caused by a ton of different viruses. That's why people who have "a cold" could have anything from a mild head cold to an annoying but dry cough to a deep, wet chest cough. It just depends on the specific virus. More relevant to CF, the other factor is...
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    Anyone take this? (Long-term inhaled dry powder mannitol improves lung function in CF

    The FDA nixed this in America, unfortunately. Pharmaxis was trying to say it was safe for younger children but didn't have the research to back it up (a lot of kids dropped out of the trial because, yeah, it does cause coughing and stuff and you know how kids are even with treatment that feels...
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    Tobi Pod-haler! How to use Tobi pod-haler and personal experience

    That is terrible and I feel so awful for your daughter, but with all due respect, I think your daughter's initial lung function was too low for the podhaler to be used effectively. My doctor told me that you have to be at atleast 60 or 65% (I forget which, but definitely in the 60's) for you to...
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    What else can I take to help with inflammation.

    "You can get those bacteria's from anything. My doctor said there really is no way of avoiding it." Burkholderia is a plant pathogen. It's often in the soil. It's hard to avoid being around any soil whatsoever, but that doesn't mean I'm going to keep a bag of rotting onions around. "You can...
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    Animals and CF

    The "frito" smell is a chemical dogs secrete from their foot pads. It's very similar to a chemical in corn, hence why some people say they smell like Fritos. It isn't pseudomonas. Pseudomonas usually grows in the ears. It has a kind of grape-y, fruity smell. Yeast can also grow in the ears and...
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    Animals and CF

    I was a vet tech for a while. I always had EXTREMELY good PFTs (FVC 120%, FEV1 121%) for years. While I worked as a vet tech, I contracted a new strain of PA that was resistant to a lot of stuff (Amikacin, Tobramycin, etc.) that resulted a MASSIVE exacerbation (FVC 70%, FEV1 41%). Doctor put me...
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    Something to try when you are sick

    Read the article. Yeah, this is just silly. It's basically DIY (do it yourself) Vicks Vaporub which can, yes, make you feel better if you have a chest infection but it's only relieving symptoms such as sore throat, cough (which, by the way, we're SUPPOSED to cough; it's ridiculous to suppress a...
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    Something to try when you are sick

    This sounds pretty quack-y, no offense. "Pill medicine" (what does that even mean to you? Just literal pills or do you mean all traditional medicine?) is backed up by scientific studies that take a large group of people and chart their progress on the medicine. It can take years and years and...
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    I am looking forward to it, too. That said, my doctor is skeptical. Apparently, it's been out in Europe and Canada for a while and they have data about people who have been on it for a while and a lot of people are having trouble tolerating it (many claim it's like inhaling baby powder) and of...