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    Off-topic -- our elderly dog

    I can relate to how you are feeling. This September will be 2 years ago that we had to have our little Fluffy put to sleep. It was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make. She was 16 and had some health issues. She initially had what we thought was a seizure. From there we found...
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    Thank for the support

    Welcome to the site. I'm still fairly new myself. There is an abundance of useful information on here. Glad to hear that it has brought you closer to God!!
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    Well, I don't know exactly what you are wanting, but like Allie said, just try to do it yourself. That's what we did. My mother-in-law helped us with that. We just bought meat from the deli along with different cheeses and she just had everything set up on trays. It certainly wasn't anything...
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    Pictures of Yourself!

    Well, I'm going to try one more time. If it doesn't work this time, I give up (computers are my enemy - lol). Not sure if it is going to work; I actually had to take a picture of my picture with the digital camera. Like everyone's pictures!!
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    Pictures of Yourself!

    Well, I'm hoping this will work. My sister put a dorky picture of me on here. I don't like getting my picture taken (I'm not very photogenic). This is my wedding picture from 10 years ago. Hope this works!!
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    Update on Julie and her babies...

    Thanks for the update. I hope all goes well with the deilvery. I'm sure she probably doesn't want to be in the hospital, but it's probably the best thing for her. Hope the babies (and you guys too) are doing fine.
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    Julie's Birthday!!

    Happy Birthday Julie. Hope you have a great one!!
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    Pictures of Yourself!

    Well, I would but I can't figure out how to put a picture on it. I'm not real good with computers. It is nice to put a face with the names.
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    The Shoe Man

    Very touching; will definitely pass it on. Thanks
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    I can't really give you a definite answer. Symptoms of CF can vary greatly in each individual. I have been doing breathing treatments since I was a child (3-4 years old). I don't recall the doctor ever telling us that I didn't need to take a breathing treatment. I also have the digestive...
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    I love onions. I'm always using onions when I cook; don't know what I'd do without them (lol). They have never given me any problems (hope they never do).
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    Anyone familiar with Elderberry

    Thanks all for your replies. I might check into getting the liquid form. I guess I should have checked it out more before I bought the bottle of pills. We have a couple of "nature" stores here, so I'll see if it is something they carry. I may check with the pharmacist just to make sure it...
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    Anyone familiar with Elderberry

    Just wondering is anybody knows much about Elderberry (I think it is actually Black Elderberry). I bought a bottle of pills (not liquid) because my sister had heard that it was good to help keep you from getting sick. I haven't taken any yet because I don't know much about it. I asked my...
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    Inhaled: Albuterol (usually twice a day - AM & PM) Pulmozyme (once a day - PM) supposed to be doing TOBI on 28 days/off 28 days, but I don't like the TOBI, so I haven't done it since March, when the doctor put me on it Oral: Ultrase MT12 (1-4 depending on food; really greasy food gets 4)...
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    Frustrations, frustrations

    Hey Julie. We have actually refinanced our home a few times. It's been a while and I don't really remember all the details. Our loan is through a credit union. Our initial loan was for a 30 year. We refinanced when the rates dropped to get a lower monthly payment, but we kind of had to...
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    I always do it at night before bed. I do the albuterol first, then I do the Pulmozyme and use my percussor at the same time. I don't recall ever being told to wait before I do the CPT. If I recall correctly, they had said to do the CPT (or vest) at the same time as the Pulmozyme to get it...
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    how conculsive is a bronchoscopy?

    Sorry, I don't know much about this procedure, but it seems like I have read a few posts in the past about this subject. Try doing a search of "bronchoscopy"; maybe you can find the info you need that way. Good luck.
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    Is this tacky???

    Wow, $500 a month for diapers alone; I feel for you (LOL). I don't really think it is tacky. You can just put it on there and if they want to donate something, then that's fine. Maybe you could put a listing on your site of what was purchased with the money. That way people could see what is...
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    I need some help/advice- LONG POST!

    Julie, sorry to hear about all your troubles. I totally understand how you feel saying he doesn't care enough about you to take his meds. I think that is a reasonable reaction, but I'm sure he's not doing it to hurt you. I have always been a pretty compliant patient with a few exceptions. I...
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    Dear God

    I love these. And many of them sound oh so familiar. We have 2 dogs and 5 cats, so a lot of the stuff mentioned, we've been through. Thanks!!