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  1. 4

    **??? for those with severe sinus problems

    Superman fan My 4 year old is having the sinus/nose polyps surgery on 12/19/05, they just scheduled it this morning. Your post made me feel better about getting it done, I have felt sick the last hour with being nervous about the whole thing. He has had two 3 week clean-outs this year and maybe...
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    Brady, our 4 year old can not eat popcorn, peanuts, or corn for sure. It is a cf thing, he gets terrible blockages and the cf doctors confirmed that these foods were the cause, even from baby corn he had a week long blockage and even 4 to 5 days later he was bringing up whole corn. He knows...
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    Rebecca, I will research this more and email our cf doctor tonight. Your right things are very confusing and things seem to change alot. Thanks Angie
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    A New Game!!!

  5. 4

    Toys in CF clinic

    This drives me nuts too, they have a play train that my 4 year old loves to play with and all the kids are right there beside each other, I am a nervous wreck. I now tell my son, if he is good and sits by mom I will take him to the vending machine & Mcdonalds, it has been working. Plus he takes...
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    applying for SSI

    Just make sure you have all bank information, check stubs, and any other income you receive. Let them know how much in all your bank accounts, need to know how much your house payment is, how many vehicles- in Ohio you can have 1 "considered" good vehicle and another older. Take all medical...
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    Rebecca, I have a question for you, we were told to do the pulmozyme after the vest because you want that medication to stay in the lungs as long as possible. (so they don't cough it up) So we do the albuterol treatment and then the vest and then the pulmozyme.( in the am) This is what we were...
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    Reilly was just put on Pulmozyme and Singular yesterday. She has had a cold for a while (really since September, on and off) and she just can?t seem to shake the cough. The Doc also put her on an antibiotic to try to help. (She hasn?t been on Tobi yet, but I have a feeling that will be coming up...
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    ENT Doctor tomorrow

    Fred, Thanks for your reply. They want to get Brady in ASAP to get the surgery done. He just got done with a 3 week clean-out yesterday so he is ready to go now. They say he will be in the hospital for 2 days before the surgery on antibiotics. I hope you are right that he will benefit from it...
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    "why me?"

    Amber, You are "very much" entitled to your opinion, but I have to agree with the majority that this disease SUCKS.....I didn't get to read all the posts here, because I am to busy doing Brady's breathing treatment, IV medication and his other 11 medications right now to get ready to go to the...
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    ENT Doctor tomorrow

    Thanks for your responses. I took Brady to the ENT yesterday and they suggest sinus surgery. They say they do a new procedure that there will be NO packing needed. Sounds good--- still worried though. They said he is getting NO air thru his nose. They suggested doing within the next 3 months. We...
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    ENT Doctor tomorrow

    Hello Everyone--- I know there have been some recent posts on sinus surgery. My question is this, how many of you needed it and "never" did get the surgery. One of our CF doc's tell me if it is not bothering (or he isn't complaining) my 4 year old son then don't get it done because he will just...
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    Brady is in the hospital

    Angie again no going cepia- growing..... I am exhausted..... Angie
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    Brady is in the hospital

    Hi, just letting everyone know that our 4 year old Brady is back in the hospital. (2nd time this year, he was in back in February for 2 weeks, then on home IV for a week and the 4th week had to get a new med port in his chest) He went in yesterday for a clean-out. We are praying we can go home...
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    Idiots at work.....

    I agree with people being rude, Brady is only 4 and we have already heard in the stores--oh, he is so skinny and he eats McDonalds? or you sound hoarse are you getting sick? You have a bad cough, you must be sick? I always think in my head, people you don't have a "clue". It doesn't make me as...
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    Allan died this morning.

    Jess I am so sorry for your loss! My condolences to you and Alan's family! This saddens me so much! I feel sickened from seeing the post--- you will be in our thoughts! Angie Step-mom to Brittany 13 no cf Mom to Tyler 12 no cf, cf carrier Mom to Brady 4 with cf Mom to Taylor 3 no cf...
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    preventative measures

    Paula, I have a 4 year old with cf, we do 4 breathing treatments a day with albuterol and broncho saline, he gets percussion with our hands twice and the other two we use the vest (you will be so happy when you get the vest). He has had 4 all of his life and when he is sick he gets B.T.'s...
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    Update on Allan (WinAce)

    Jess Thanks for the update Allan will be in our thoughts and prayers! Angie
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    Does anyone know if your child gets SSI in the state of Ohio if the SSI money counts as unearned income for the child when they go to qualify your child for the medicaid?? Julie had informed me that in 32 states if you get SSI you "automatically" get the Medicaid, BUT OHIO (where we...