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  1. R

    you and your CF

    Well i am only tired alot if i am sick. And if im not sick then i go out and do whatever. I can't work either. I get ssi. I am taking some collage classes. I try to stay kinda active . In the winter time i lift weights and in the summer i swim alot. My boyfriend is very good with understanding...
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    Ashley, I have gone through bad depression before. I heard that people with cf have bad depression.I think maybe they need to try a different medicine on you and find something that will help your depression. I take wellbutrin and it seems to help. But im not on it all the time. I only take it...
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    Diagnosis, I want your details!

    I was diagnosised with cysticfibrosis at 2month old at children's hospital in seattle washington.
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    What Makes You Cough?

    The stuff that makes me cough is being to hot or ciggarate smoke or smoke from fires or laughing. Does anyone else ever get to hot and start coughing?
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    Lung Transplant and how long you live after you have one

    Thanks to everybody who responed to my conerns. It made me feel better about what people posted. Thanks,Kelli
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    Guess what today is ?

    Diane, Happy 40th Birthday!Hope you had a good one?You are doing good to make it to your 40th birthday. That's very good<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif"...
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    Lung Transplant and how long you live after you have one

    I was wondering if this is true or not. I heard that people that have a lung transplant only have 5 years to live after that. So that really concerned me . I myself haven't had to get a lung transplant yet . But if i get so sick i need one .I was thinking about getting one. Well now sense i...
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    I would recommend you go to the welfare officeand apply for a medical cupon. It will cover all your meds and medical care. Good Luck!
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    I would recommend you go to the welfare officeand apply for a medical cupon. It will cover all your meds and medical care. Good Luck!
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    financial assistance with cf

    I would recommend you apply for ssi . When you get ssi you will get money and foodstamps. You need to go down to the welfare place near you and apply for a medical cupon . That will cover all his medical care and meds to. Hope this helps?Good Luck!
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    Well congrats jenny.Im so happy for you. When did he ask you to marry him? How long have you guy's been together?
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    Merry Christmas!

    Just wanted to wish everybody a merry christmas and a happy new year. Happy Holiday's! Hope everyone is having a good christmas?
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    Lung Transplant Testing

    Yeah i feel the same way as emily does about the heart catheter. Can't they put you to sleep or something when they do that or give you something so you don't feel the pain? I guess i won't worry about that untill i need a lung transplant.
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    a little encouragement.... :)

    Well im glad you are taking better care of yourself. Good Luck! Hope your Pft's are good when you see your doctor next month?Did your screen name use to be jennyjoy81 on aol?
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    My pft's have been good ever sense i have been on zithromax 3 times a week 250mg and i take it on monday wednesday and friday. I have not been hospitalized for a lung infection sense i have been on zithromax. I have more energy and i can breath better sense i have been on it. It helps alot. My...
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    Where are we all from in the World?

    Im kelli and im from washington state. Is anyone else from washington state? Kelli 23 w cf