Do smokers piss you off?


New member
I guess I"m in the minority. Smokers do not piss me off. In my experience I've found most smokers to be considerate of my request that they either move to a different spot to smoke, or simply put out their cancer stick.

I don't hate smokers just based on principle. I've found that people who smoke do it to cope with something. Granted, it's hardly the wisest or healthiest way to deal with things, but for them, it works.

I can choose to avoid smoke. I don't need to be obnoxious about telling people it's unhealthy to smoke. People know that now. It's no secret that cigarettes cause cancer. I don't begrudge people their right to smoke. I think of it as being along the same lines as people who don't wear seatbelts. True, it's dangerous not to wear a seatbelt; it's reckless not to, and you run the risk of serious permanent damage in the event of an accident, but I'm not going to pull up next to people on the freeway to check if they're wearing a seat belt and give them the finger if they aren't wearing one.


New member
I guess I"m in the minority. Smokers do not piss me off. In my experience I've found most smokers to be considerate of my request that they either move to a different spot to smoke, or simply put out their cancer stick.

I don't hate smokers just based on principle. I've found that people who smoke do it to cope with something. Granted, it's hardly the wisest or healthiest way to deal with things, but for them, it works.

I can choose to avoid smoke. I don't need to be obnoxious about telling people it's unhealthy to smoke. People know that now. It's no secret that cigarettes cause cancer. I don't begrudge people their right to smoke. I think of it as being along the same lines as people who don't wear seatbelts. True, it's dangerous not to wear a seatbelt; it's reckless not to, and you run the risk of serious permanent damage in the event of an accident, but I'm not going to pull up next to people on the freeway to check if they're wearing a seat belt and give them the finger if they aren't wearing one.


New member
I guess I"m in the minority. Smokers do not piss me off. In my experience I've found most smokers to be considerate of my request that they either move to a different spot to smoke, or simply put out their cancer stick.

I don't hate smokers just based on principle. I've found that people who smoke do it to cope with something. Granted, it's hardly the wisest or healthiest way to deal with things, but for them, it works.

I can choose to avoid smoke. I don't need to be obnoxious about telling people it's unhealthy to smoke. People know that now. It's no secret that cigarettes cause cancer. I don't begrudge people their right to smoke. I think of it as being along the same lines as people who don't wear seatbelts. True, it's dangerous not to wear a seatbelt; it's reckless not to, and you run the risk of serious permanent damage in the event of an accident, but I'm not going to pull up next to people on the freeway to check if they're wearing a seat belt and give them the finger if they aren't wearing one.


New member
I guess I"m in the minority. Smokers do not piss me off. In my experience I've found most smokers to be considerate of my request that they either move to a different spot to smoke, or simply put out their cancer stick.

I don't hate smokers just based on principle. I've found that people who smoke do it to cope with something. Granted, it's hardly the wisest or healthiest way to deal with things, but for them, it works.

I can choose to avoid smoke. I don't need to be obnoxious about telling people it's unhealthy to smoke. People know that now. It's no secret that cigarettes cause cancer. I don't begrudge people their right to smoke. I think of it as being along the same lines as people who don't wear seatbelts. True, it's dangerous not to wear a seatbelt; it's reckless not to, and you run the risk of serious permanent damage in the event of an accident, but I'm not going to pull up next to people on the freeway to check if they're wearing a seat belt and give them the finger if they aren't wearing one.


New member
I guess I"m in the minority. Smokers do not piss me off. In my experience I've found most smokers to be considerate of my request that they either move to a different spot to smoke, or simply put out their cancer stick.
<br />
<br />I don't hate smokers just based on principle. I've found that people who smoke do it to cope with something. Granted, it's hardly the wisest or healthiest way to deal with things, but for them, it works.
<br />
<br />I can choose to avoid smoke. I don't need to be obnoxious about telling people it's unhealthy to smoke. People know that now. It's no secret that cigarettes cause cancer. I don't begrudge people their right to smoke. I think of it as being along the same lines as people who don't wear seatbelts. True, it's dangerous not to wear a seatbelt; it's reckless not to, and you run the risk of serious permanent damage in the event of an accident, but I'm not going to pull up next to people on the freeway to check if they're wearing a seat belt and give them the finger if they aren't wearing one.
I don't understand why some are placing smoking in the same category as obesity, or seatbelt wearing, or illegal drug use, for that matter. Yes, all of those things (among many others) are reckless and life-endangering to the person engaging in the act... as are smokers. What I see as completely unique to smoking though is that their unhealthy act not only affects their body... if affects OURS. Someone's obesity does not affect me, nor does their lack of seatbelt wearing. That's their choice, no skin off my back. <b>But when they choose to smoke anywhere other than a closed car or closed house, they suddenly cause my husband (INNOCENT!) to cough up blood immediately the next day.</b> We can't go to events or location we would like to because of the known amount of smokers that will be surrounding the entrance or exit. We can't take a cruise we would love to because there is smoking allowed at certain areas of the ship and we know people will not respect those areas and therefore we will be exposed to smoke and Chris will end up with a minimum of mild hemoptysis, and possibly need to go to the ICU the next day if it turns into massive bleeding. We can't walk out into the Wal-Mart parking lot because of smokers next to our car... so we have to wait them out inside until they leave so then we can hurry to the car. It's absurd.

I have never had to change my lifestyle because of someone else's drinking or obesity or seatbelt wearing. But because of the IMMEDIATE effect it has on Chris' lungs, which we try so damn hard to preserve every day, we have to constantly change our lifestyle because of smokers.
I don't understand why some are placing smoking in the same category as obesity, or seatbelt wearing, or illegal drug use, for that matter. Yes, all of those things (among many others) are reckless and life-endangering to the person engaging in the act... as are smokers. What I see as completely unique to smoking though is that their unhealthy act not only affects their body... if affects OURS. Someone's obesity does not affect me, nor does their lack of seatbelt wearing. That's their choice, no skin off my back. <b>But when they choose to smoke anywhere other than a closed car or closed house, they suddenly cause my husband (INNOCENT!) to cough up blood immediately the next day.</b> We can't go to events or location we would like to because of the known amount of smokers that will be surrounding the entrance or exit. We can't take a cruise we would love to because there is smoking allowed at certain areas of the ship and we know people will not respect those areas and therefore we will be exposed to smoke and Chris will end up with a minimum of mild hemoptysis, and possibly need to go to the ICU the next day if it turns into massive bleeding. We can't walk out into the Wal-Mart parking lot because of smokers next to our car... so we have to wait them out inside until they leave so then we can hurry to the car. It's absurd.

I have never had to change my lifestyle because of someone else's drinking or obesity or seatbelt wearing. But because of the IMMEDIATE effect it has on Chris' lungs, which we try so damn hard to preserve every day, we have to constantly change our lifestyle because of smokers.
I don't understand why some are placing smoking in the same category as obesity, or seatbelt wearing, or illegal drug use, for that matter. Yes, all of those things (among many others) are reckless and life-endangering to the person engaging in the act... as are smokers. What I see as completely unique to smoking though is that their unhealthy act not only affects their body... if affects OURS. Someone's obesity does not affect me, nor does their lack of seatbelt wearing. That's their choice, no skin off my back. <b>But when they choose to smoke anywhere other than a closed car or closed house, they suddenly cause my husband (INNOCENT!) to cough up blood immediately the next day.</b> We can't go to events or location we would like to because of the known amount of smokers that will be surrounding the entrance or exit. We can't take a cruise we would love to because there is smoking allowed at certain areas of the ship and we know people will not respect those areas and therefore we will be exposed to smoke and Chris will end up with a minimum of mild hemoptysis, and possibly need to go to the ICU the next day if it turns into massive bleeding. We can't walk out into the Wal-Mart parking lot because of smokers next to our car... so we have to wait them out inside until they leave so then we can hurry to the car. It's absurd.

I have never had to change my lifestyle because of someone else's drinking or obesity or seatbelt wearing. But because of the IMMEDIATE effect it has on Chris' lungs, which we try so damn hard to preserve every day, we have to constantly change our lifestyle because of smokers.
I don't understand why some are placing smoking in the same category as obesity, or seatbelt wearing, or illegal drug use, for that matter. Yes, all of those things (among many others) are reckless and life-endangering to the person engaging in the act... as are smokers. What I see as completely unique to smoking though is that their unhealthy act not only affects their body... if affects OURS. Someone's obesity does not affect me, nor does their lack of seatbelt wearing. That's their choice, no skin off my back. <b>But when they choose to smoke anywhere other than a closed car or closed house, they suddenly cause my husband (INNOCENT!) to cough up blood immediately the next day.</b> We can't go to events or location we would like to because of the known amount of smokers that will be surrounding the entrance or exit. We can't take a cruise we would love to because there is smoking allowed at certain areas of the ship and we know people will not respect those areas and therefore we will be exposed to smoke and Chris will end up with a minimum of mild hemoptysis, and possibly need to go to the ICU the next day if it turns into massive bleeding. We can't walk out into the Wal-Mart parking lot because of smokers next to our car... so we have to wait them out inside until they leave so then we can hurry to the car. It's absurd.

I have never had to change my lifestyle because of someone else's drinking or obesity or seatbelt wearing. But because of the IMMEDIATE effect it has on Chris' lungs, which we try so damn hard to preserve every day, we have to constantly change our lifestyle because of smokers.
I don't understand why some are placing smoking in the same category as obesity, or seatbelt wearing, or illegal drug use, for that matter. Yes, all of those things (among many others) are reckless and life-endangering to the person engaging in the act... as are smokers. What I see as completely unique to smoking though is that their unhealthy act not only affects their body... if affects OURS. Someone's obesity does not affect me, nor does their lack of seatbelt wearing. That's their choice, no skin off my back. <b>But when they choose to smoke anywhere other than a closed car or closed house, they suddenly cause my husband (INNOCENT!) to cough up blood immediately the next day.</b> We can't go to events or location we would like to because of the known amount of smokers that will be surrounding the entrance or exit. We can't take a cruise we would love to because there is smoking allowed at certain areas of the ship and we know people will not respect those areas and therefore we will be exposed to smoke and Chris will end up with a minimum of mild hemoptysis, and possibly need to go to the ICU the next day if it turns into massive bleeding. We can't walk out into the Wal-Mart parking lot because of smokers next to our car... so we have to wait them out inside until they leave so then we can hurry to the car. It's absurd.
<br />
<br />I have never had to change my lifestyle because of someone else's drinking or obesity or seatbelt wearing. But because of the IMMEDIATE effect it has on Chris' lungs, which we try so damn hard to preserve every day, we have to constantly change our lifestyle because of smokers.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Kelli</b></i>

What I HATE is when you are walking into a smoke free place and the smokers are right outside the door. I'll have to say "Excuse Me" to even get thru. I think there is a 'law' that says they need to be 20 feet or so away from the door but no one listens to that. So yes, smokers annoy me and I just think how stupid they are for taking advantage of their lungs which in turn are killing me. And hey, one day, I might want some new thank you to all the people out there who don't smoke!! <img src="">


Oh, and the way... YOU STINK. Literally. I don't like to even be near you because you smell awful. That should be against the law too. <img src="">

I'm done ranting now.

Kelli</end quote></div>

also do not like smokers. I smoked for several years as a teen but quit when I was 17. My sisters and brother however still smoke. I say as much as I can to them about quiting and one of my sisters is attempting right now without sucsess. Last sunday we my dad and his wife who smokes came to town and we went out to eat and after my sister and step mom stood in the door and smoked. I was upset but I am very timid and did not have the courage to say something to them. I really wish I would have but all I did was put my kids in the car so they wouldent be by it.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Kelli</b></i>

What I HATE is when you are walking into a smoke free place and the smokers are right outside the door. I'll have to say "Excuse Me" to even get thru. I think there is a 'law' that says they need to be 20 feet or so away from the door but no one listens to that. So yes, smokers annoy me and I just think how stupid they are for taking advantage of their lungs which in turn are killing me. And hey, one day, I might want some new thank you to all the people out there who don't smoke!! <img src="">


Oh, and the way... YOU STINK. Literally. I don't like to even be near you because you smell awful. That should be against the law too. <img src="">

I'm done ranting now.

Kelli</end quote></div>

also do not like smokers. I smoked for several years as a teen but quit when I was 17. My sisters and brother however still smoke. I say as much as I can to them about quiting and one of my sisters is attempting right now without sucsess. Last sunday we my dad and his wife who smokes came to town and we went out to eat and after my sister and step mom stood in the door and smoked. I was upset but I am very timid and did not have the courage to say something to them. I really wish I would have but all I did was put my kids in the car so they wouldent be by it.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Kelli</b></i>

What I HATE is when you are walking into a smoke free place and the smokers are right outside the door. I'll have to say "Excuse Me" to even get thru. I think there is a 'law' that says they need to be 20 feet or so away from the door but no one listens to that. So yes, smokers annoy me and I just think how stupid they are for taking advantage of their lungs which in turn are killing me. And hey, one day, I might want some new thank you to all the people out there who don't smoke!! <img src="">


Oh, and the way... YOU STINK. Literally. I don't like to even be near you because you smell awful. That should be against the law too. <img src="">

I'm done ranting now.

Kelli</end quote></div>

also do not like smokers. I smoked for several years as a teen but quit when I was 17. My sisters and brother however still smoke. I say as much as I can to them about quiting and one of my sisters is attempting right now without sucsess. Last sunday we my dad and his wife who smokes came to town and we went out to eat and after my sister and step mom stood in the door and smoked. I was upset but I am very timid and did not have the courage to say something to them. I really wish I would have but all I did was put my kids in the car so they wouldent be by it.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Kelli</b></i>

What I HATE is when you are walking into a smoke free place and the smokers are right outside the door. I'll have to say "Excuse Me" to even get thru. I think there is a 'law' that says they need to be 20 feet or so away from the door but no one listens to that. So yes, smokers annoy me and I just think how stupid they are for taking advantage of their lungs which in turn are killing me. And hey, one day, I might want some new thank you to all the people out there who don't smoke!! <img src="">


Oh, and the way... YOU STINK. Literally. I don't like to even be near you because you smell awful. That should be against the law too. <img src="">

I'm done ranting now.

Kelli</end quote>

also do not like smokers. I smoked for several years as a teen but quit when I was 17. My sisters and brother however still smoke. I say as much as I can to them about quiting and one of my sisters is attempting right now without sucsess. Last sunday we my dad and his wife who smokes came to town and we went out to eat and after my sister and step mom stood in the door and smoked. I was upset but I am very timid and did not have the courage to say something to them. I really wish I would have but all I did was put my kids in the car so they wouldent be by it.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Kelli</b></i>
<br />
<br />What I HATE is when you are walking into a smoke free place and the smokers are right outside the door. I'll have to say "Excuse Me" to even get thru. I think there is a 'law' that says they need to be 20 feet or so away from the door but no one listens to that. So yes, smokers annoy me and I just think how stupid they are for taking advantage of their lungs which in turn are killing me. And hey, one day, I might want some new thank you to all the people out there who don't smoke!! <img src="">
<br />
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<br />I
<br />
<br />Oh, and the way... YOU STINK. Literally. I don't like to even be near you because you smell awful. That should be against the law too. <img src="">
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />I'm done ranting now.
<br />
<br />
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<br />Kelli</end quote>
<br />
<br /> also do not like smokers. I smoked for several years as a teen but quit when I was 17. My sisters and brother however still smoke. I say as much as I can to them about quiting and one of my sisters is attempting right now without sucsess. Last sunday we my dad and his wife who smokes came to town and we went out to eat and after my sister and step mom stood in the door and smoked. I was upset but I am very timid and did not have the courage to say something to them. I really wish I would have but all I did was put my kids in the car so they wouldent be by it.
<br />


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ender</b></i>

I dunno. I think people here are just a little biased <img src=""> Smoking is just as bad as a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, yet I don't see any of you hating on people because they are ruining their livers eating fatty foods everyday.

However, on the aspect of it hurting other people, i can totally agree. Cigarettes do endanger the lives of innocent people, and should not be smoked inside, perioud. I can't imagine that there are still places in the states you can smoke in bars. I've smoked cigarettes before, and it does not compare to a night in a bar full of smoke.

So, on the basis of hurting other people, ya it sucks, but people are allowed to make their own decisions when it comes to their lives.</end quote></div>

People can make their own decisions when it comes to their lives <b>even if it affects the lives of other.</b>

That doesnt make it right. What about the rights of the people that it affect. People have to change their live just so that other people with rights can do thing that hurt them, others, and THE EARTH. This is just a sad sad thing. It makes my heart hurt!!!

A bad diet is not harmful to others. Smoking is. I am not hating on anyone for ruining thier lives I am upset that they are ruining mine.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ender</b></i>

I dunno. I think people here are just a little biased <img src=""> Smoking is just as bad as a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, yet I don't see any of you hating on people because they are ruining their livers eating fatty foods everyday.

However, on the aspect of it hurting other people, i can totally agree. Cigarettes do endanger the lives of innocent people, and should not be smoked inside, perioud. I can't imagine that there are still places in the states you can smoke in bars. I've smoked cigarettes before, and it does not compare to a night in a bar full of smoke.

So, on the basis of hurting other people, ya it sucks, but people are allowed to make their own decisions when it comes to their lives.</end quote></div>

People can make their own decisions when it comes to their lives <b>even if it affects the lives of other.</b>

That doesnt make it right. What about the rights of the people that it affect. People have to change their live just so that other people with rights can do thing that hurt them, others, and THE EARTH. This is just a sad sad thing. It makes my heart hurt!!!

A bad diet is not harmful to others. Smoking is. I am not hating on anyone for ruining thier lives I am upset that they are ruining mine.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ender</b></i>

I dunno. I think people here are just a little biased <img src=""> Smoking is just as bad as a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, yet I don't see any of you hating on people because they are ruining their livers eating fatty foods everyday.

However, on the aspect of it hurting other people, i can totally agree. Cigarettes do endanger the lives of innocent people, and should not be smoked inside, perioud. I can't imagine that there are still places in the states you can smoke in bars. I've smoked cigarettes before, and it does not compare to a night in a bar full of smoke.

So, on the basis of hurting other people, ya it sucks, but people are allowed to make their own decisions when it comes to their lives.</end quote></div>

People can make their own decisions when it comes to their lives <b>even if it affects the lives of other.</b>

That doesnt make it right. What about the rights of the people that it affect. People have to change their live just so that other people with rights can do thing that hurt them, others, and THE EARTH. This is just a sad sad thing. It makes my heart hurt!!!

A bad diet is not harmful to others. Smoking is. I am not hating on anyone for ruining thier lives I am upset that they are ruining mine.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ender</b></i>

I dunno. I think people here are just a little biased <img src=""> Smoking is just as bad as a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, yet I don't see any of you hating on people because they are ruining their livers eating fatty foods everyday.

However, on the aspect of it hurting other people, i can totally agree. Cigarettes do endanger the lives of innocent people, and should not be smoked inside, perioud. I can't imagine that there are still places in the states you can smoke in bars. I've smoked cigarettes before, and it does not compare to a night in a bar full of smoke.

So, on the basis of hurting other people, ya it sucks, but people are allowed to make their own decisions when it comes to their lives.</end quote>

People can make their own decisions when it comes to their lives <b>even if it affects the lives of other.</b>

That doesnt make it right. What about the rights of the people that it affect. People have to change their live just so that other people with rights can do thing that hurt them, others, and THE EARTH. This is just a sad sad thing. It makes my heart hurt!!!

A bad diet is not harmful to others. Smoking is. I am not hating on anyone for ruining thier lives I am upset that they are ruining mine.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ender</b></i>
<br />
<br />I dunno. I think people here are just a little biased <img src=""> Smoking is just as bad as a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, yet I don't see any of you hating on people because they are ruining their livers eating fatty foods everyday.
<br />
<br />However, on the aspect of it hurting other people, i can totally agree. Cigarettes do endanger the lives of innocent people, and should not be smoked inside, perioud. I can't imagine that there are still places in the states you can smoke in bars. I've smoked cigarettes before, and it does not compare to a night in a bar full of smoke.
<br />
<br />So, on the basis of hurting other people, ya it sucks, but people are allowed to make their own decisions when it comes to their lives.</end quote>
<br />
<br />People can make their own decisions when it comes to their lives <b>even if it affects the lives of other.</b>
<br />
<br />That doesnt make it right. What about the rights of the people that it affect. People have to change their live just so that other people with rights can do thing that hurt them, others, and THE EARTH. This is just a sad sad thing. It makes my heart hurt!!!
<br />
<br />A bad diet is not harmful to others. Smoking is. I am not hating on anyone for ruining thier lives I am upset that they are ruining mine.
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