Do smokers piss you off?


Staff member
Where we live, smoking is no longer allowed in restaurants unless there's a bar and then the room has to be completely enclosed. We no longer to go TGIFridays, because they prop the door to the bar open, so the workers and patrons don't have to constantly go thru a closed door to reach the kitchen or bathroom.

When DS was first diagnosed I DREADED taking him to the clinic because people would smoke right at the entrance. I'd throw a blanket over his head and run like heck with his carseat carrier. Thank goodness they've now banned smoking on clinic property.

I did get our local walmart to move their employee smoking away from the entrance. Doesn't stop the customers, but at least there's usually not a group of people hanging out front.

What bugs me is people who smoke at outdoor events -- went to a coworkers son's baseball game last year and an older woman moved away from her grandchildren who were sitting on a blanket and moved behind us. Hello?! Baby in a stroller!


Staff member
Where we live, smoking is no longer allowed in restaurants unless there's a bar and then the room has to be completely enclosed. We no longer to go TGIFridays, because they prop the door to the bar open, so the workers and patrons don't have to constantly go thru a closed door to reach the kitchen or bathroom.

When DS was first diagnosed I DREADED taking him to the clinic because people would smoke right at the entrance. I'd throw a blanket over his head and run like heck with his carseat carrier. Thank goodness they've now banned smoking on clinic property.

I did get our local walmart to move their employee smoking away from the entrance. Doesn't stop the customers, but at least there's usually not a group of people hanging out front.

What bugs me is people who smoke at outdoor events -- went to a coworkers son's baseball game last year and an older woman moved away from her grandchildren who were sitting on a blanket and moved behind us. Hello?! Baby in a stroller!


Staff member
Where we live, smoking is no longer allowed in restaurants unless there's a bar and then the room has to be completely enclosed. We no longer to go TGIFridays, because they prop the door to the bar open, so the workers and patrons don't have to constantly go thru a closed door to reach the kitchen or bathroom.

When DS was first diagnosed I DREADED taking him to the clinic because people would smoke right at the entrance. I'd throw a blanket over his head and run like heck with his carseat carrier. Thank goodness they've now banned smoking on clinic property.

I did get our local walmart to move their employee smoking away from the entrance. Doesn't stop the customers, but at least there's usually not a group of people hanging out front.

What bugs me is people who smoke at outdoor events -- went to a coworkers son's baseball game last year and an older woman moved away from her grandchildren who were sitting on a blanket and moved behind us. Hello?! Baby in a stroller!


Staff member
Where we live, smoking is no longer allowed in restaurants unless there's a bar and then the room has to be completely enclosed. We no longer to go TGIFridays, because they prop the door to the bar open, so the workers and patrons don't have to constantly go thru a closed door to reach the kitchen or bathroom.

When DS was first diagnosed I DREADED taking him to the clinic because people would smoke right at the entrance. I'd throw a blanket over his head and run like heck with his carseat carrier. Thank goodness they've now banned smoking on clinic property.

I did get our local walmart to move their employee smoking away from the entrance. Doesn't stop the customers, but at least there's usually not a group of people hanging out front.

What bugs me is people who smoke at outdoor events -- went to a coworkers son's baseball game last year and an older woman moved away from her grandchildren who were sitting on a blanket and moved behind us. Hello?! Baby in a stroller!


Staff member
Where we live, smoking is no longer allowed in restaurants unless there's a bar and then the room has to be completely enclosed. We no longer to go TGIFridays, because they prop the door to the bar open, so the workers and patrons don't have to constantly go thru a closed door to reach the kitchen or bathroom.
<br />
<br />When DS was first diagnosed I DREADED taking him to the clinic because people would smoke right at the entrance. I'd throw a blanket over his head and run like heck with his carseat carrier. Thank goodness they've now banned smoking on clinic property.
<br />
<br />I did get our local walmart to move their employee smoking away from the entrance. Doesn't stop the customers, but at least there's usually not a group of people hanging out front.
<br />
<br />What bugs me is people who smoke at outdoor events -- went to a coworkers son's baseball game last year and an older woman moved away from her grandchildren who were sitting on a blanket and moved behind us. Hello?! Baby in a stroller!


New member
I dunno. I think people here are just a little biased <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> Smoking is just as bad as a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, yet I don't see any of you hating on people because they are ruining their livers eating fatty foods everyday.
However, on the aspect of it hurting other people, i can totally agree. Cigarettes do endanger the lives of innocent people, and should not be smoked inside, perioud. I can't imagine that there are still places in the states you can smoke in bars. I've smoked cigarettes before, and it does not compare to a night in a bar full of smoke.
So, on the basis of hurting other people, ya it sucks, but people are allowed to make their own decisions when it comes to their lives.


New member
I dunno. I think people here are just a little biased <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> Smoking is just as bad as a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, yet I don't see any of you hating on people because they are ruining their livers eating fatty foods everyday.
However, on the aspect of it hurting other people, i can totally agree. Cigarettes do endanger the lives of innocent people, and should not be smoked inside, perioud. I can't imagine that there are still places in the states you can smoke in bars. I've smoked cigarettes before, and it does not compare to a night in a bar full of smoke.
So, on the basis of hurting other people, ya it sucks, but people are allowed to make their own decisions when it comes to their lives.


New member
I dunno. I think people here are just a little biased <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> Smoking is just as bad as a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, yet I don't see any of you hating on people because they are ruining their livers eating fatty foods everyday.
However, on the aspect of it hurting other people, i can totally agree. Cigarettes do endanger the lives of innocent people, and should not be smoked inside, perioud. I can't imagine that there are still places in the states you can smoke in bars. I've smoked cigarettes before, and it does not compare to a night in a bar full of smoke.
So, on the basis of hurting other people, ya it sucks, but people are allowed to make their own decisions when it comes to their lives.


New member
I dunno. I think people here are just a little biased <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> Smoking is just as bad as a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, yet I don't see any of you hating on people because they are ruining their livers eating fatty foods everyday.
However, on the aspect of it hurting other people, i can totally agree. Cigarettes do endanger the lives of innocent people, and should not be smoked inside, perioud. I can't imagine that there are still places in the states you can smoke in bars. I've smoked cigarettes before, and it does not compare to a night in a bar full of smoke.
So, on the basis of hurting other people, ya it sucks, but people are allowed to make their own decisions when it comes to their lives.


New member
I dunno. I think people here are just a little biased <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> Smoking is just as bad as a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, yet I don't see any of you hating on people because they are ruining their livers eating fatty foods everyday.
<br />However, on the aspect of it hurting other people, i can totally agree. Cigarettes do endanger the lives of innocent people, and should not be smoked inside, perioud. I can't imagine that there are still places in the states you can smoke in bars. I've smoked cigarettes before, and it does not compare to a night in a bar full of smoke.
<br />So, on the basis of hurting other people, ya it sucks, but people are allowed to make their own decisions when it comes to their lives.


New member
Smoking in public is just disrespectful. Period. I think it's so rude, it's so SELFISH. Regardless of my CF status or whatever, by smoking in public, these jerks are saying that they don't care about anyone else or their health, only about their stupid habit.


My boyfriend and I went to a concert in Jan. I don't go out much, I try to stay away from crowds, but I love the Dresden Dolls so we drove the four hours to St Louis to see them. Well, of course, there's SUPPOSED to be NO SMOKING in the venue, but all these @$$holes are lighting up around us. It's like OH MY GOD, hello, I'M COUGHING MY HEAD OFF HERE, and you don't even care. It's such a sad situation when no one in this country seems to care about other people's health. So who cares if they don't care about their own, but at least care about MINE.

I hate those people who have Smoker's Rights stickers on their cars. I hope those people die. What about MY RIGHTS?


New member
Smoking in public is just disrespectful. Period. I think it's so rude, it's so SELFISH. Regardless of my CF status or whatever, by smoking in public, these jerks are saying that they don't care about anyone else or their health, only about their stupid habit.


My boyfriend and I went to a concert in Jan. I don't go out much, I try to stay away from crowds, but I love the Dresden Dolls so we drove the four hours to St Louis to see them. Well, of course, there's SUPPOSED to be NO SMOKING in the venue, but all these @$$holes are lighting up around us. It's like OH MY GOD, hello, I'M COUGHING MY HEAD OFF HERE, and you don't even care. It's such a sad situation when no one in this country seems to care about other people's health. So who cares if they don't care about their own, but at least care about MINE.

I hate those people who have Smoker's Rights stickers on their cars. I hope those people die. What about MY RIGHTS?


New member
Smoking in public is just disrespectful. Period. I think it's so rude, it's so SELFISH. Regardless of my CF status or whatever, by smoking in public, these jerks are saying that they don't care about anyone else or their health, only about their stupid habit.


My boyfriend and I went to a concert in Jan. I don't go out much, I try to stay away from crowds, but I love the Dresden Dolls so we drove the four hours to St Louis to see them. Well, of course, there's SUPPOSED to be NO SMOKING in the venue, but all these @$$holes are lighting up around us. It's like OH MY GOD, hello, I'M COUGHING MY HEAD OFF HERE, and you don't even care. It's such a sad situation when no one in this country seems to care about other people's health. So who cares if they don't care about their own, but at least care about MINE.

I hate those people who have Smoker's Rights stickers on their cars. I hope those people die. What about MY RIGHTS?


New member
Smoking in public is just disrespectful. Period. I think it's so rude, it's so SELFISH. Regardless of my CF status or whatever, by smoking in public, these jerks are saying that they don't care about anyone else or their health, only about their stupid habit.


My boyfriend and I went to a concert in Jan. I don't go out much, I try to stay away from crowds, but I love the Dresden Dolls so we drove the four hours to St Louis to see them. Well, of course, there's SUPPOSED to be NO SMOKING in the venue, but all these @$$holes are lighting up around us. It's like OH MY GOD, hello, I'M COUGHING MY HEAD OFF HERE, and you don't even care. It's such a sad situation when no one in this country seems to care about other people's health. So who cares if they don't care about their own, but at least care about MINE.

I hate those people who have Smoker's Rights stickers on their cars. I hope those people die. What about MY RIGHTS?


New member
Smoking in public is just disrespectful. Period. I think it's so rude, it's so SELFISH. Regardless of my CF status or whatever, by smoking in public, these jerks are saying that they don't care about anyone else or their health, only about their stupid habit.


My boyfriend and I went to a concert in Jan. I don't go out much, I try to stay away from crowds, but I love the Dresden Dolls so we drove the four hours to St Louis to see them. Well, of course, there's SUPPOSED to be NO SMOKING in the venue, but all these @$$holes are lighting up around us. It's like OH MY GOD, hello, I'M COUGHING MY HEAD OFF HERE, and you don't even care. It's such a sad situation when no one in this country seems to care about other people's health. So who cares if they don't care about their own, but at least care about MINE.

I hate those people who have Smoker's Rights stickers on their cars. I hope those people die. What about MY RIGHTS?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ender</b></i>
I dunno. I think people here are just a little biased <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> Smoking is just as bad as a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, yet I don't see any of you hating on people because they are ruining their livers eating fatty foods everyday.
However, on the aspect of it hurting other people, i can totally agree. Cigarettes do endanger the lives of innocent people, and should not be smoked inside, perioud. I can't imagine that there are still places in the states you can smoke in bars. I've smoked cigarettes before, and it does not compare to a night in a bar full of smoke.
So, on the basis of hurting other people, ya it sucks, but people are allowed to make their own decisions when it comes to their lives.</end quote></div>

And that's precisely where my problem lies. I hate smoking period but I don't intend to tell people what to do or what not to do as far as their own lives go. I just hate when it affects me. Why should anyone's right to smoke come before my right to BREATHE? Rawr! Haha.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ender</b></i>
I dunno. I think people here are just a little biased <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> Smoking is just as bad as a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, yet I don't see any of you hating on people because they are ruining their livers eating fatty foods everyday.
However, on the aspect of it hurting other people, i can totally agree. Cigarettes do endanger the lives of innocent people, and should not be smoked inside, perioud. I can't imagine that there are still places in the states you can smoke in bars. I've smoked cigarettes before, and it does not compare to a night in a bar full of smoke.
So, on the basis of hurting other people, ya it sucks, but people are allowed to make their own decisions when it comes to their lives.</end quote></div>

And that's precisely where my problem lies. I hate smoking period but I don't intend to tell people what to do or what not to do as far as their own lives go. I just hate when it affects me. Why should anyone's right to smoke come before my right to BREATHE? Rawr! Haha.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ender</b></i>
I dunno. I think people here are just a little biased <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> Smoking is just as bad as a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, yet I don't see any of you hating on people because they are ruining their livers eating fatty foods everyday.
However, on the aspect of it hurting other people, i can totally agree. Cigarettes do endanger the lives of innocent people, and should not be smoked inside, perioud. I can't imagine that there are still places in the states you can smoke in bars. I've smoked cigarettes before, and it does not compare to a night in a bar full of smoke.
So, on the basis of hurting other people, ya it sucks, but people are allowed to make their own decisions when it comes to their lives.</end quote></div>

And that's precisely where my problem lies. I hate smoking period but I don't intend to tell people what to do or what not to do as far as their own lives go. I just hate when it affects me. Why should anyone's right to smoke come before my right to BREATHE? Rawr! Haha.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ender</b></i>
I dunno. I think people here are just a little biased <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> Smoking is just as bad as a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, yet I don't see any of you hating on people because they are ruining their livers eating fatty foods everyday.
However, on the aspect of it hurting other people, i can totally agree. Cigarettes do endanger the lives of innocent people, and should not be smoked inside, perioud. I can't imagine that there are still places in the states you can smoke in bars. I've smoked cigarettes before, and it does not compare to a night in a bar full of smoke.
So, on the basis of hurting other people, ya it sucks, but people are allowed to make their own decisions when it comes to their lives.</end quote>

And that's precisely where my problem lies. I hate smoking period but I don't intend to tell people what to do or what not to do as far as their own lives go. I just hate when it affects me. Why should anyone's right to smoke come before my right to BREATHE? Rawr! Haha.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ender</b></i>
<br />I dunno. I think people here are just a little biased <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> Smoking is just as bad as a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, yet I don't see any of you hating on people because they are ruining their livers eating fatty foods everyday.
<br />However, on the aspect of it hurting other people, i can totally agree. Cigarettes do endanger the lives of innocent people, and should not be smoked inside, perioud. I can't imagine that there are still places in the states you can smoke in bars. I've smoked cigarettes before, and it does not compare to a night in a bar full of smoke.
<br />So, on the basis of hurting other people, ya it sucks, but people are allowed to make their own decisions when it comes to their lives.</end quote>
<br />
<br />And that's precisely where my problem lies. I hate smoking period but I don't intend to tell people what to do or what not to do as far as their own lives go. I just hate when it affects me. Why should anyone's right to smoke come before my right to BREATHE? Rawr! Haha.