Personally smokers just tick me off. I really don't give a care if they want to endanger their lives with those cancer sticks but they can do it in the privacy of their own homes, in their cars with the windows up so they don't lose any of that precious smoke (they can just take it all in better that way). I tolerated smokers before CF, even though I didn't like it then. My father in law died of smoke related lung cancer, my husband was a smoker, my mother and father were smokers (off and on throughout the years)and it's still just a gross nasty habit. But whatever floats their boat, that's fine, they just need to keep it solely to themselves. They are endangering my life, my kids lives, and the lives of other people when they smoke in a restaurant, right outside the door of an establishment and even in their cars with their cancer sticks hanging out the window to blow into MY car's window or through the ventilation system. Luckily I have a filter on my car and when I see a car with a hanging ciggy I quickly roll up the windows and turn on the recirculating air. They cause fires when they flick their cigarettes out the window cause "oh, they'll degrade, so it's not polluting". Here in Texas we have a number to call during high fire season and I haven't hesitated to call and report a flicked cigarette. Sure I blame the cigarette companies for making them so enticing and addicting, but I blame the smoker too. Just as I'd blame a druggie and their supplier or a drunk driver as well as the bar that kept serving them. They're all the same to me.
Hot topic, can't wait to read all the others.
Hot topic, can't wait to read all the others.