if you knew your unborn child had cf would you abort it


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>shamrock</b></i>

Just thought I would pipe in here and say that abortion is illegal here where I live. We don't have escalating problems with back alley abortions, women dying trying to do it themselves. If you REALLY want an abortion you fly to the nearest other country and have it done there.

I think people fear the worst when anything tries to be banned.</end quote></div>

Are you a health worker?, how do you know there isn't issues with 'back alley abortions'. Not having a go, just wondering.

And yeah, I reckon people who can afford it will travel to places where they can get professional help for their needs. What about the people who can't afford it?...you may not be responsible for legislation in your area, but what do you think victims of sexual crimes and who couldn't carry the child for whatever reason, or women who may need to abort of medical reason should do?...and if the health system will abort for physical safety reasons for the woman, then where do you draw the line?...mental anguish can be just as devastating as physical trauma. I knew a girl who had her baby in the bath and the baby died and she nearly did too, just because of abortions being illegal and she was terrified of her <i>percieved</i> consequences of being pregnant.

I don't condone 'lifestyle' abortions, but I beleive there is a place for them in a society...if a women wants an abortion then there is more than likely a decent reason for doing it...I beleive in mercy killing, whether that be euthanasia or abortion...but it's a decision and a justification that is totally up to the individual and/or spouse...not moral commentators who more than likely have never been in a position of having seriously consider it as an option.

None of that was aimed at you, Shamrock. Just my thoughts on the topic.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>shamrock</b></i>

Just thought I would pipe in here and say that abortion is illegal here where I live. We don't have escalating problems with back alley abortions, women dying trying to do it themselves. If you REALLY want an abortion you fly to the nearest other country and have it done there.

I think people fear the worst when anything tries to be banned.</end quote></div>

Are you a health worker?, how do you know there isn't issues with 'back alley abortions'. Not having a go, just wondering.

And yeah, I reckon people who can afford it will travel to places where they can get professional help for their needs. What about the people who can't afford it?...you may not be responsible for legislation in your area, but what do you think victims of sexual crimes and who couldn't carry the child for whatever reason, or women who may need to abort of medical reason should do?...and if the health system will abort for physical safety reasons for the woman, then where do you draw the line?...mental anguish can be just as devastating as physical trauma. I knew a girl who had her baby in the bath and the baby died and she nearly did too, just because of abortions being illegal and she was terrified of her <i>percieved</i> consequences of being pregnant.

I don't condone 'lifestyle' abortions, but I beleive there is a place for them in a society...if a women wants an abortion then there is more than likely a decent reason for doing it...I beleive in mercy killing, whether that be euthanasia or abortion...but it's a decision and a justification that is totally up to the individual and/or spouse...not moral commentators who more than likely have never been in a position of having seriously consider it as an option.

None of that was aimed at you, Shamrock. Just my thoughts on the topic.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>shamrock</b></i>

Just thought I would pipe in here and say that abortion is illegal here where I live. We don't have escalating problems with back alley abortions, women dying trying to do it themselves. If you REALLY want an abortion you fly to the nearest other country and have it done there.

I think people fear the worst when anything tries to be banned.</end quote></div>

Are you a health worker?, how do you know there isn't issues with 'back alley abortions'. Not having a go, just wondering.

And yeah, I reckon people who can afford it will travel to places where they can get professional help for their needs. What about the people who can't afford it?...you may not be responsible for legislation in your area, but what do you think victims of sexual crimes and who couldn't carry the child for whatever reason, or women who may need to abort of medical reason should do?...and if the health system will abort for physical safety reasons for the woman, then where do you draw the line?...mental anguish can be just as devastating as physical trauma. I knew a girl who had her baby in the bath and the baby died and she nearly did too, just because of abortions being illegal and she was terrified of her <i>percieved</i> consequences of being pregnant.

I don't condone 'lifestyle' abortions, but I beleive there is a place for them in a society...if a women wants an abortion then there is more than likely a decent reason for doing it...I beleive in mercy killing, whether that be euthanasia or abortion...but it's a decision and a justification that is totally up to the individual and/or spouse...not moral commentators who more than likely have never been in a position of having seriously consider it as an option.

None of that was aimed at you, Shamrock. Just my thoughts on the topic.


New member
Pete there is no issue with the 'can' and 'cannot' afford it people, because over here we have charities or crisis pregnancy agnecies who help girls/women go over to the UK if they want to have an abortion. We have adds everywhere that advertise 'unwanted pregnancy? Call 1850 xxxxxxx to chat and for support and talk through your options' etc etc.

THAT is how I know that we don't have an escaliating problem with backalley abortions. It was brought up a few years ago, I think for people to vote yes or no to it, and we voted no.

My point was that people seem to have this 'fear' of change, like 'what will they do? Look whats gona happen, etc, etc', 'we're gona have THIS problem or THAT problem yaddayadda'.

I realise you're not having a go at me, just simply pulling me up on some of the points I raised. I THINK here if the baby is endangering the Mum's life then two docs have to agree this is so and then you can have an abortion.

And YES I do work in a line of healthcare <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Pete there is no issue with the 'can' and 'cannot' afford it people, because over here we have charities or crisis pregnancy agnecies who help girls/women go over to the UK if they want to have an abortion. We have adds everywhere that advertise 'unwanted pregnancy? Call 1850 xxxxxxx to chat and for support and talk through your options' etc etc.

THAT is how I know that we don't have an escaliating problem with backalley abortions. It was brought up a few years ago, I think for people to vote yes or no to it, and we voted no.

My point was that people seem to have this 'fear' of change, like 'what will they do? Look whats gona happen, etc, etc', 'we're gona have THIS problem or THAT problem yaddayadda'.

I realise you're not having a go at me, just simply pulling me up on some of the points I raised. I THINK here if the baby is endangering the Mum's life then two docs have to agree this is so and then you can have an abortion.

And YES I do work in a line of healthcare <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Pete there is no issue with the 'can' and 'cannot' afford it people, because over here we have charities or crisis pregnancy agnecies who help girls/women go over to the UK if they want to have an abortion. We have adds everywhere that advertise 'unwanted pregnancy? Call 1850 xxxxxxx to chat and for support and talk through your options' etc etc.

THAT is how I know that we don't have an escaliating problem with backalley abortions. It was brought up a few years ago, I think for people to vote yes or no to it, and we voted no.

My point was that people seem to have this 'fear' of change, like 'what will they do? Look whats gona happen, etc, etc', 'we're gona have THIS problem or THAT problem yaddayadda'.

I realise you're not having a go at me, just simply pulling me up on some of the points I raised. I THINK here if the baby is endangering the Mum's life then two docs have to agree this is so and then you can have an abortion.

And YES I do work in a line of healthcare <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
The problem is that people aren't just "fearing the worst" or jumping to conclusions saying "Oh no, back alley abortions!!!" ...because they DID happen before Roe v. Wade in the US. Logic deduces that if the option was taken away, many people would resort to back alley abortions again. We don't have charity agencies saying "Need an abortion? Here's a ticket to Canada." If we outlawed them in the US, people would have to find their own way to Canada (assuming it's legal in Canada, I don't even know), or get back alley abortions. Or do it themselves. Those would be the only real options. And not everyone could afford to vacation to Canada to get one.


New member
The problem is that people aren't just "fearing the worst" or jumping to conclusions saying "Oh no, back alley abortions!!!" ...because they DID happen before Roe v. Wade in the US. Logic deduces that if the option was taken away, many people would resort to back alley abortions again. We don't have charity agencies saying "Need an abortion? Here's a ticket to Canada." If we outlawed them in the US, people would have to find their own way to Canada (assuming it's legal in Canada, I don't even know), or get back alley abortions. Or do it themselves. Those would be the only real options. And not everyone could afford to vacation to Canada to get one.


New member
The problem is that people aren't just "fearing the worst" or jumping to conclusions saying "Oh no, back alley abortions!!!" ...because they DID happen before Roe v. Wade in the US. Logic deduces that if the option was taken away, many people would resort to back alley abortions again. We don't have charity agencies saying "Need an abortion? Here's a ticket to Canada." If we outlawed them in the US, people would have to find their own way to Canada (assuming it's legal in Canada, I don't even know), or get back alley abortions. Or do it themselves. Those would be the only real options. And not everyone could afford to vacation to Canada to get one.


In my first reply I gave my reasons for aborting my double delta F508 daughter. I have a second response now that I was just diagnosed with mild CF. My husband and I feel uncomfortable with the idea of aborting a mild CF baby. I am 18 weeks pregnant right now. We know she has one copy of delta F508 but we do not know if she has T5. We have decided to test her cordblood at birth.

For furture pregnancies, we will not allow it to be transmitted. That would not be fair to our baby when we can do IVF with PGD and prevent the disease. We feel that we need to avoid aborting a mild CF baby though, to us it would feel inappropriate.

The unfortunate dilemma we will face is that insurance companies cover abortion but not PGD/IVF. We are shocked that it isn't covered because we do not have a fertility issue-I get pregnant easily and have an excellent chance that IVF will work. We just want to prevent this horrible disease from spreading.


In my first reply I gave my reasons for aborting my double delta F508 daughter. I have a second response now that I was just diagnosed with mild CF. My husband and I feel uncomfortable with the idea of aborting a mild CF baby. I am 18 weeks pregnant right now. We know she has one copy of delta F508 but we do not know if she has T5. We have decided to test her cordblood at birth.

For furture pregnancies, we will not allow it to be transmitted. That would not be fair to our baby when we can do IVF with PGD and prevent the disease. We feel that we need to avoid aborting a mild CF baby though, to us it would feel inappropriate.

The unfortunate dilemma we will face is that insurance companies cover abortion but not PGD/IVF. We are shocked that it isn't covered because we do not have a fertility issue-I get pregnant easily and have an excellent chance that IVF will work. We just want to prevent this horrible disease from spreading.


In my first reply I gave my reasons for aborting my double delta F508 daughter. I have a second response now that I was just diagnosed with mild CF. My husband and I feel uncomfortable with the idea of aborting a mild CF baby. I am 18 weeks pregnant right now. We know she has one copy of delta F508 but we do not know if she has T5. We have decided to test her cordblood at birth.

For furture pregnancies, we will not allow it to be transmitted. That would not be fair to our baby when we can do IVF with PGD and prevent the disease. We feel that we need to avoid aborting a mild CF baby though, to us it would feel inappropriate.

The unfortunate dilemma we will face is that insurance companies cover abortion but not PGD/IVF. We are shocked that it isn't covered because we do not have a fertility issue-I get pregnant easily and have an excellent chance that IVF will work. We just want to prevent this horrible disease from spreading.


New member
You're not alone in your decisions. They are difficult ones to make, that's for certain. For what it's worth, I think you're being very responsible and reasonable. Best wishes with the pregnancy, and also with your own diagnosis. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


New member
You're not alone in your decisions. They are difficult ones to make, that's for certain. For what it's worth, I think you're being very responsible and reasonable. Best wishes with the pregnancy, and also with your own diagnosis. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


New member
You're not alone in your decisions. They are difficult ones to make, that's for certain. For what it's worth, I think you're being very responsible and reasonable. Best wishes with the pregnancy, and also with your own diagnosis. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


Thank you for your kind words. I hope that you feel better soon, and when you do that you do something special for yourself that makes you happy. I always do that, I plan something special no matter how simple and I don't tell anyone about it. My little secret pleasure.


Thank you for your kind words. I hope that you feel better soon, and when you do that you do something special for yourself that makes you happy. I always do that, I plan something special no matter how simple and I don't tell anyone about it. My little secret pleasure.


Thank you for your kind words. I hope that you feel better soon, and when you do that you do something special for yourself that makes you happy. I always do that, I plan something special no matter how simple and I don't tell anyone about it. My little secret pleasure.


New member
Abortion is murder as I said before, and while that MAY JUST BE MY OPINION, it doesn't mean its not the TRUTH. Truth exists whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. If you think your opinion is just as valid or everyone is entitled to arrive at their own TRUTH, that's fine, but ultimately there will be consequences for that pluralistic type of thinking. Apply that logic, (where everyone arrives at their own truth), to other areas of society began a downward spiral of decadence which will lead to the downfall of America as we know it. It's that kind of thinking that allows a group called NAMBLA (National Man Boy Love Association) to exist.

Unless the mother is trying to save her own life there is no reason to abort. So what if an infant can't sustain life on its own, that logic is so faulty I can't believe you even brought it up. Neither can many people in ICU, but we don't murder them do we? Sometimes in ICU there are gray areas, where sustaining life no longer makes sense, I don't see that with 99 percent of abortions.


New member
Abortion is murder as I said before, and while that MAY JUST BE MY OPINION, it doesn't mean its not the TRUTH. Truth exists whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. If you think your opinion is just as valid or everyone is entitled to arrive at their own TRUTH, that's fine, but ultimately there will be consequences for that pluralistic type of thinking. Apply that logic, (where everyone arrives at their own truth), to other areas of society began a downward spiral of decadence which will lead to the downfall of America as we know it. It's that kind of thinking that allows a group called NAMBLA (National Man Boy Love Association) to exist.

Unless the mother is trying to save her own life there is no reason to abort. So what if an infant can't sustain life on its own, that logic is so faulty I can't believe you even brought it up. Neither can many people in ICU, but we don't murder them do we? Sometimes in ICU there are gray areas, where sustaining life no longer makes sense, I don't see that with 99 percent of abortions.