if you knew your unborn child had cf would you abort it


New member
No, I would give him/her a fair chance at life, not all CF patients are doomed to death at childhood, many live long healthy lives. And even if I knew it was a serious case of CF I wouldnt, I personally dont believe in abortion for any reason. I believe a fetus is a human being and abortion stops a beating heart. Now if I knew my baby was going to have CF and I could genetically modify him/her to remove the gene, I would most likley do that.


New member
<b>LET ME JUST PRAISE EVERYONE</b> for keeping what normally would turn into such a heated topic to just responses with a few personal touches. I am very impressed with how civil such a passionate topic is being handled. Lets keep it up!!!


New member
<b>LET ME JUST PRAISE EVERYONE</b> for keeping what normally would turn into such a heated topic to just responses with a few personal touches. I am very impressed with how civil such a passionate topic is being handled. Lets keep it up!!!


New member
<b>LET ME JUST PRAISE EVERYONE</b> for keeping what normally would turn into such a heated topic to just responses with a few personal touches. I am very impressed with how civil such a passionate topic is being handled. Lets keep it up!!!


New member
Yes, we would terminate. I feel particularly strongly about this now that we have a child with cf. We did not know until after she was born. We love her dearly and it is heartbreaking to think about what lies for her ahead. I know some of you have mild cases, and that's great. But our daughter has two severe mutations, liver disease that will most likely require transplant in the future, and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (so if she's lucky enough to make it into her 30's she can deal with congenital emphysema, oh yea!). So no, in our case having another child with cf would seem cruel and selfish. We were extraoridinarily lucky that our third child had neither. The stress of waiting for the CVS test results was overwhelming. Now we've taken permanent birth control measures to ensure we never get pregnant again.

I realize this is going to be an unpopular answer. It is, however, the answer that works for us. I respect the fact that many of you feel differently and would abort for no reason. I can't speak the same.


New member
Yes, we would terminate. I feel particularly strongly about this now that we have a child with cf. We did not know until after she was born. We love her dearly and it is heartbreaking to think about what lies for her ahead. I know some of you have mild cases, and that's great. But our daughter has two severe mutations, liver disease that will most likely require transplant in the future, and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (so if she's lucky enough to make it into her 30's she can deal with congenital emphysema, oh yea!). So no, in our case having another child with cf would seem cruel and selfish. We were extraoridinarily lucky that our third child had neither. The stress of waiting for the CVS test results was overwhelming. Now we've taken permanent birth control measures to ensure we never get pregnant again.

I realize this is going to be an unpopular answer. It is, however, the answer that works for us. I respect the fact that many of you feel differently and would abort for no reason. I can't speak the same.


New member
Yes, we would terminate. I feel particularly strongly about this now that we have a child with cf. We did not know until after she was born. We love her dearly and it is heartbreaking to think about what lies for her ahead. I know some of you have mild cases, and that's great. But our daughter has two severe mutations, liver disease that will most likely require transplant in the future, and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (so if she's lucky enough to make it into her 30's she can deal with congenital emphysema, oh yea!). So no, in our case having another child with cf would seem cruel and selfish. We were extraoridinarily lucky that our third child had neither. The stress of waiting for the CVS test results was overwhelming. Now we've taken permanent birth control measures to ensure we never get pregnant again.

I realize this is going to be an unpopular answer. It is, however, the answer that works for us. I respect the fact that many of you feel differently and would abort for no reason. I can't speak the same.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ricky123</b></i>

okay this is difficult one but if you knew your unborn child would have cf would you and your partner have a abortion.</end quote></div>

When I was pregnant with our second child the AFB test results came back with a very high risk that our child would have Down syndrome. The doctor wanted to do an amino. We decided against the amino because my husband and I knew we would not have an abortion if it came back positive and we knew that an amino proceedure carried a small risk of miscarriage and we did not want to take the chance of that happening.

We believe that life begins at conception and that all life is equal in dignity.

So to answer your question...no, we would not have an abortion if our unborn child was diagnosed with cf.

And for those of you wondering about our second child...she is now finishing her second year in college and is maintaining a 3.9 GPA.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ricky123</b></i>

okay this is difficult one but if you knew your unborn child would have cf would you and your partner have a abortion.</end quote></div>

When I was pregnant with our second child the AFB test results came back with a very high risk that our child would have Down syndrome. The doctor wanted to do an amino. We decided against the amino because my husband and I knew we would not have an abortion if it came back positive and we knew that an amino proceedure carried a small risk of miscarriage and we did not want to take the chance of that happening.

We believe that life begins at conception and that all life is equal in dignity.

So to answer your question...no, we would not have an abortion if our unborn child was diagnosed with cf.

And for those of you wondering about our second child...she is now finishing her second year in college and is maintaining a 3.9 GPA.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ricky123</b></i>

okay this is difficult one but if you knew your unborn child would have cf would you and your partner have a abortion.</end quote></div>

When I was pregnant with our second child the AFB test results came back with a very high risk that our child would have Down syndrome. The doctor wanted to do an amino. We decided against the amino because my husband and I knew we would not have an abortion if it came back positive and we knew that an amino proceedure carried a small risk of miscarriage and we did not want to take the chance of that happening.

We believe that life begins at conception and that all life is equal in dignity.

So to answer your question...no, we would not have an abortion if our unborn child was diagnosed with cf.

And for those of you wondering about our second child...she is now finishing her second year in college and is maintaining a 3.9 GPA.


Personally, I know I could never abort a baby........thats why I take percautions on never getting pregnant again! I would never want to knowingly bring another cf baby into this world after watching everything that my twin boys go through.


Personally, I know I could never abort a baby........thats why I take percautions on never getting pregnant again! I would never want to knowingly bring another cf baby into this world after watching everything that my twin boys go through.


Personally, I know I could never abort a baby........thats why I take percautions on never getting pregnant again! I would never want to knowingly bring another cf baby into this world after watching everything that my twin boys go through.


New member
No, I would not abort. I also wouldn't have an unplanned pregnancy. In planning I would get the any father-to-be tested for carrier as I did with my husband.


New member
No, I would not abort. I also wouldn't have an unplanned pregnancy. In planning I would get the any father-to-be tested for carrier as I did with my husband.


New member
No, I would not abort. I also wouldn't have an unplanned pregnancy. In planning I would get the any father-to-be tested for carrier as I did with my husband.