if the schools start to be a pain in the butt about ANYTHING regarding cf, get a Section 504, heck you just say the name and they might start cooporating and it might be a good idea to have one from the start just for "ammo"
Section 504 - A Section 504 is the federal law that prohibits discrimination against a student with a disability, requiring schools to provide opportunities for equal services, programs, and participation in activites. Unless the student is determined by an ARD committe to be eligiblefor special education services, appropriate regular eductaional services will be provided.
ARD - An ARD is the admission, reveiw, and dismissal committee convened for each student who is identified as needing a full and individual evaluation for special education services. The eligible student's parents are part of the committee.
I would suggest getting a 504 plan and using it, request the ARD, which you can do as many times as you want as far as i know, get all this straight and then it's official and legal and the school doesn't have much of a choice. Request that all of the students teachers be present for the ARD and in the meeting adress issues like snacks, enzymes, bathroom breaks, even talk about additional absenses because of hospitolizations, the 504 doesn't get you much with absenses, at least in Texas it doesn't, but get it on the record anyway, most of the time, especially with elementary school they are always happy to help but it seems the older you get the less the school administration cares and by the time you're in high school without a 504 you can't get much of anywhere with the people unless you have something like a 504 plan in place. When you go in for the ARD be prepared, read up on it about what you can and can't do and have dr's notes explaining things, "credited" written information, and present the whole thing with you're best "important business person" performance, dress well because they'll take you more seriously and act like you know what you're doing and be confident
i have a 504 plan and everytime there is a problem with the school you just bring it up and it goes away. My plan deals with eating, drinking gatorade (school "rules" say you can't have food or drinks besides water with a closable lid anywhere but the cafateria), bathroom breaks, enzymes, and all that good stuff.
Section 504 - A Section 504 is the federal law that prohibits discrimination against a student with a disability, requiring schools to provide opportunities for equal services, programs, and participation in activites. Unless the student is determined by an ARD committe to be eligiblefor special education services, appropriate regular eductaional services will be provided.
ARD - An ARD is the admission, reveiw, and dismissal committee convened for each student who is identified as needing a full and individual evaluation for special education services. The eligible student's parents are part of the committee.
I would suggest getting a 504 plan and using it, request the ARD, which you can do as many times as you want as far as i know, get all this straight and then it's official and legal and the school doesn't have much of a choice. Request that all of the students teachers be present for the ARD and in the meeting adress issues like snacks, enzymes, bathroom breaks, even talk about additional absenses because of hospitolizations, the 504 doesn't get you much with absenses, at least in Texas it doesn't, but get it on the record anyway, most of the time, especially with elementary school they are always happy to help but it seems the older you get the less the school administration cares and by the time you're in high school without a 504 you can't get much of anywhere with the people unless you have something like a 504 plan in place. When you go in for the ARD be prepared, read up on it about what you can and can't do and have dr's notes explaining things, "credited" written information, and present the whole thing with you're best "important business person" performance, dress well because they'll take you more seriously and act like you know what you're doing and be confident
i have a 504 plan and everytime there is a problem with the school you just bring it up and it goes away. My plan deals with eating, drinking gatorade (school "rules" say you can't have food or drinks besides water with a closable lid anywhere but the cafateria), bathroom breaks, enzymes, and all that good stuff.