Smoking Marijuana as a CF Patient


New member
No offense but NO research is going to say anything good about mj b/c its an illegal substance and they would not want good publicity for a drugs they DON'T want you to use. Now thay being said, Smoking pot has been in my family for a while. We aren't hippies or anything, in fact we are your average everyday family. However my grama has nerve problems (shes like 65) and my mom is an OCD freak(explains how I got that way), My little sister is your average semi-popular chick, and I'm the odd kid. Well anyways, I started smoking pot about 1 1/2 ago, I did it to unwind because zoloft just wasn't cutting it. Well I didn't do extra treatments or anything, in fact I still do they pretty irregularly. BUT I have been keeping track of my lung function for about the past year (since switching the the adult cf center) I have had a 10% increase in my lung function since smoking. I believe smoking has atributed to my increase. -side note- I quit smoking a while back for a period of 3 months and noticed a 4% decrease in fev1-

2 reasons - One, if your inhaling to get the "most" high you take deap breathes and hold them in. This is causing you to actively work and expand your airways.
Second, the first 3 hits if done deaply enough will make the most productive cough. I produce more thick, sticky mucus than I have with ANY OTHER TREATMENT (i've tried them all - Hypetonic saline does help to produce a similar productive cough)

Now of course there are the down sides as to any medicine, for example I'm sick and on IV meds, I don't smoke b/c if I have any bleeding (hemop) I it tends to worsen it (but then again any inhale meds does this). Also I tend to become quiet lazy, and I know physical activity is very healthy. (I'm a house wife and my hubby is in BCT so I don't do have much to do anyways)

Marajana is a plant guys, if done right NOTHING added. The tar and nicotine are what damage the lungs with cigs. Do not assume people who smoke are dumb and some are not stupid kids looking to act cool. I researched and activlely studied my body and its effects. I have recently decided to start exercing and doing cpt on a regular basis, in hopes of raising function faster.

It may not be for everyone, but those who look into seriously as a "medicine" see its just like any other otc or script, it has its pros and cons


New member
No offense but NO research is going to say anything good about mj b/c its an illegal substance and they would not want good publicity for a drugs they DON'T want you to use. Now thay being said, Smoking pot has been in my family for a while. We aren't hippies or anything, in fact we are your average everyday family. However my grama has nerve problems (shes like 65) and my mom is an OCD freak(explains how I got that way), My little sister is your average semi-popular chick, and I'm the odd kid. Well anyways, I started smoking pot about 1 1/2 ago, I did it to unwind because zoloft just wasn't cutting it. Well I didn't do extra treatments or anything, in fact I still do they pretty irregularly. BUT I have been keeping track of my lung function for about the past year (since switching the the adult cf center) I have had a 10% increase in my lung function since smoking. I believe smoking has atributed to my increase. -side note- I quit smoking a while back for a period of 3 months and noticed a 4% decrease in fev1-

2 reasons - One, if your inhaling to get the "most" high you take deap breathes and hold them in. This is causing you to actively work and expand your airways.
Second, the first 3 hits if done deaply enough will make the most productive cough. I produce more thick, sticky mucus than I have with ANY OTHER TREATMENT (i've tried them all - Hypetonic saline does help to produce a similar productive cough)

Now of course there are the down sides as to any medicine, for example I'm sick and on IV meds, I don't smoke b/c if I have any bleeding (hemop) I it tends to worsen it (but then again any inhale meds does this). Also I tend to become quiet lazy, and I know physical activity is very healthy. (I'm a house wife and my hubby is in BCT so I don't do have much to do anyways)

Marajana is a plant guys, if done right NOTHING added. The tar and nicotine are what damage the lungs with cigs. Do not assume people who smoke are dumb and some are not stupid kids looking to act cool. I researched and activlely studied my body and its effects. I have recently decided to start exercing and doing cpt on a regular basis, in hopes of raising function faster.

It may not be for everyone, but those who look into seriously as a "medicine" see its just like any other otc or script, it has its pros and cons


New member
Hermit, that has to be the most judgmental non judgement i've ever seen, of course you are judging pot smokers - you are essentially saying they are all unmotivated, junk food eating screw ups....but then you say 'i'm not judging'. Righto then, whatever.
Now from somebody with actual experience on both sides of the fence....something i doubt very much a lot of the extremely 'educated' people on this site actually have, as most i'm sure have either never touched it, or smoked it 'once or twice'...or for a few months back in high school.

Well, i smoked it every day from age 21 to age 37. Not proud of it, but i'm human and for whatever reason I did it. I've now stopped. Therefore I am qualified to tell you the difference in my health from my smoking days to my non smoking days.

At age 21, I had only just been diagnosed with CF so had done significant lung damage in the years i was misdiagnosed - my FEV1 was sitting at 51%.
At age 37 I wound up in hospital for the first time - they checked my FEV1 again - 40%, as it is today.
So in 11 years of not only smoking pot every day, several times a day AND smoking cigarettes off and on for all those years, I lost 11% lung function, that's in 16 years.

So just how much damage to CF lungs does smoking do? And don't bother quoting some rubbish survey done no doubt on those with non CF lungs.......MJ and CF has never had any significant study done on it. I wish they would as something has kept me extraodinarily healthy and the doctors are as confused as I am, and yes they know the truth, I have nothing to hide.

My theory? Our CF immune systoms are generally OVER responsive........and the first line of fight is inflammation - so what if MJ is taking the edge off my otherwise overactive immune system, just enough to stop the inflammation, stop so many white blood cells rushing to the source of inflammation, stop them then dying and leaving all their junk in my lungs? What if the smoke actually also irritated my lungs enough to make me cough more than usual and therefore expel junk from my lungs. Twofold effect here, less inflammation, more coughing up of any nasties in my lungs.
As another 'what if' - what if the extra thickness of the mucus coating our airways actually protects the airways/lungs from the damage done to a smoker with normal lungs?

All I can tell you is that since I've stopped, i no longer cough up junk. I have very little cough at all and when I do it's usually dry. Physio is usually a fruitless exercise also, nothing much to bring up.

I wish two things - a) people would stop ASSUMING they know what something is doing to us, when in actuality what they don't and b) people would stop judging smokers so harshly as they no doubt empty yet another glass of wine down their throats. BTW - no I don't drink, it turns me into an idiot, as it does to everybody else I know.

Bottoms up!


New member
Hermit, that has to be the most judgmental non judgement i've ever seen, of course you are judging pot smokers - you are essentially saying they are all unmotivated, junk food eating screw ups....but then you say 'i'm not judging'. Righto then, whatever.
Now from somebody with actual experience on both sides of the fence....something i doubt very much a lot of the extremely 'educated' people on this site actually have, as most i'm sure have either never touched it, or smoked it 'once or twice'...or for a few months back in high school.

Well, i smoked it every day from age 21 to age 37. Not proud of it, but i'm human and for whatever reason I did it. I've now stopped. Therefore I am qualified to tell you the difference in my health from my smoking days to my non smoking days.

At age 21, I had only just been diagnosed with CF so had done significant lung damage in the years i was misdiagnosed - my FEV1 was sitting at 51%.
At age 37 I wound up in hospital for the first time - they checked my FEV1 again - 40%, as it is today.
So in 11 years of not only smoking pot every day, several times a day AND smoking cigarettes off and on for all those years, I lost 11% lung function, that's in 16 years.

So just how much damage to CF lungs does smoking do? And don't bother quoting some rubbish survey done no doubt on those with non CF lungs.......MJ and CF has never had any significant study done on it. I wish they would as something has kept me extraodinarily healthy and the doctors are as confused as I am, and yes they know the truth, I have nothing to hide.

My theory? Our CF immune systoms are generally OVER responsive........and the first line of fight is inflammation - so what if MJ is taking the edge off my otherwise overactive immune system, just enough to stop the inflammation, stop so many white blood cells rushing to the source of inflammation, stop them then dying and leaving all their junk in my lungs? What if the smoke actually also irritated my lungs enough to make me cough more than usual and therefore expel junk from my lungs. Twofold effect here, less inflammation, more coughing up of any nasties in my lungs.
As another 'what if' - what if the extra thickness of the mucus coating our airways actually protects the airways/lungs from the damage done to a smoker with normal lungs?

All I can tell you is that since I've stopped, i no longer cough up junk. I have very little cough at all and when I do it's usually dry. Physio is usually a fruitless exercise also, nothing much to bring up.

I wish two things - a) people would stop ASSUMING they know what something is doing to us, when in actuality what they don't and b) people would stop judging smokers so harshly as they no doubt empty yet another glass of wine down their throats. BTW - no I don't drink, it turns me into an idiot, as it does to everybody else I know.

Bottoms up!


New member
Hermit, that has to be the most judgmental non judgement i've ever seen, of course you are judging pot smokers - you are essentially saying they are all unmotivated, junk food eating screw ups....but then you say 'i'm not judging'. Righto then, whatever.
Now from somebody with actual experience on both sides of the fence....something i doubt very much a lot of the extremely 'educated' people on this site actually have, as most i'm sure have either never touched it, or smoked it 'once or twice'...or for a few months back in high school.

Well, i smoked it every day from age 21 to age 37. Not proud of it, but i'm human and for whatever reason I did it. I've now stopped. Therefore I am qualified to tell you the difference in my health from my smoking days to my non smoking days.

At age 21, I had only just been diagnosed with CF so had done significant lung damage in the years i was misdiagnosed - my FEV1 was sitting at 51%.
At age 37 I wound up in hospital for the first time - they checked my FEV1 again - 40%, as it is today.
So in 11 years of not only smoking pot every day, several times a day AND smoking cigarettes off and on for all those years, I lost 11% lung function, that's in 16 years.

So just how much damage to CF lungs does smoking do? And don't bother quoting some rubbish survey done no doubt on those with non CF lungs.......MJ and CF has never had any significant study done on it. I wish they would as something has kept me extraodinarily healthy and the doctors are as confused as I am, and yes they know the truth, I have nothing to hide.

My theory? Our CF immune systoms are generally OVER responsive........and the first line of fight is inflammation - so what if MJ is taking the edge off my otherwise overactive immune system, just enough to stop the inflammation, stop so many white blood cells rushing to the source of inflammation, stop them then dying and leaving all their junk in my lungs? What if the smoke actually also irritated my lungs enough to make me cough more than usual and therefore expel junk from my lungs. Twofold effect here, less inflammation, more coughing up of any nasties in my lungs.
As another 'what if' - what if the extra thickness of the mucus coating our airways actually protects the airways/lungs from the damage done to a smoker with normal lungs?

All I can tell you is that since I've stopped, i no longer cough up junk. I have very little cough at all and when I do it's usually dry. Physio is usually a fruitless exercise also, nothing much to bring up.

I wish two things - a) people would stop ASSUMING they know what something is doing to us, when in actuality what they don't and b) people would stop judging smokers so harshly as they no doubt empty yet another glass of wine down their throats. BTW - no I don't drink, it turns me into an idiot, as it does to everybody else I know.

Bottoms up!


New member
there is no addictive substance in mj. And to say smoking leads to a neg live is rediculous. My grama when back to college at 5'3 and became a social worker and makes great money, owns her own house, with land and a horse she even has and runs rental property. My mother is the head honcho in her company and she make close to $30 an hour (salary), drives a company truck. She has managed to have a successfull marriage, own her own home, and she could tell you anything you wanted to know about CF, she also has an iq of 165 (its been tested) Just so you know


New member
there is no addictive substance in mj. And to say smoking leads to a neg live is rediculous. My grama when back to college at 5'3 and became a social worker and makes great money, owns her own house, with land and a horse she even has and runs rental property. My mother is the head honcho in her company and she make close to $30 an hour (salary), drives a company truck. She has managed to have a successfull marriage, own her own home, and she could tell you anything you wanted to know about CF, she also has an iq of 165 (its been tested) Just so you know


New member
there is no addictive substance in mj. And to say smoking leads to a neg live is rediculous. My grama when back to college at 5'3 and became a social worker and makes great money, owns her own house, with land and a horse she even has and runs rental property. My mother is the head honcho in her company and she make close to $30 an hour (salary), drives a company truck. She has managed to have a successfull marriage, own her own home, and she could tell you anything you wanted to know about CF, she also has an iq of 165 (its been tested) Just so you know


New member
GO GO GO krazykat. you are right... and bring up an excellent point just so everyone

Lung damage is caused by the inflammation, then the white cells rushing to it, then it dies and sits there and we don't get it out and then it turns to infection... and so on


New member
GO GO GO krazykat. you are right... and bring up an excellent point just so everyone

Lung damage is caused by the inflammation, then the white cells rushing to it, then it dies and sits there and we don't get it out and then it turns to infection... and so on


New member
GO GO GO krazykat. you are right... and bring up an excellent point just so everyone

Lung damage is caused by the inflammation, then the white cells rushing to it, then it dies and sits there and we don't get it out and then it turns to infection... and so on


New member
You have to love the age old debate on cfers and pot... Well here is my opinion based on personal experience.. I have "smoked weed" and by smoked i mean i used a vaporizer... also i've tried the tea.. the tea isn't good unless you have a lot of it and you have to have a strong tea to mix with it to get rid of the taste... then you kind of get used to it. Now my ex boyfriend who was perfectly fine back when i met him when i was about 15 smokes pot at least 2 times a day... do i say there is an effect yes.. he can't remember things that i would tell him in the morning about 3 hours later... something important like.. i yelled at him.. etc. Did he used to be like this no... he used to be able to remember things... pot is okay in little bits but an excessive amount like everyday it is damaging to your mind... also he now coughs up black and whatever other colours he can.. he doesn't smoke cigarettes... now back to me.. vaporizing.. well it's all and well that it only burns the thc... but it still damages.. how do i know cause of personal experience everytime after i smoked pot with a vaporizer a day or two later i would cough up blood.. it is like clock work... the tea no bad side effects... when i broke up with him back in march i got together with someone who was nice and intelligent and willing to do things with me and my pft's went from 45% to 55%... then i started hanging out with the ex again and i moved in so he can go to school and i can lok after the cats.. but he came home on the weekends and my pfts went from 55% to 40% and that was with being around him smoking weed all the time and using the vaporizer again.... am i saying this is concrete evidence.. no not exactly.. it really depends on how the individual body reacts to such things... also.. no there is no chemical addiction to m.j. but there is a mental addiction and i fully believe that because one of the reasons that i left my ex again was that as much as he "loved me" he refused to give up smoking weed to be with me.. weed was just too important.. he couldn't even cut back from once a day.. but he could "stop whenever he wanted.. he just doesn't want to"
Basically i don't think pot is bad if you eat it.. but again it's the individual body that can really determine if you can smoke it or not.. obviously i cannot even with a vaporizer and i choose not to anymore... either way to each their own.. and remember responsibility is the key

Ashley 22 w/cf


New member
You have to love the age old debate on cfers and pot... Well here is my opinion based on personal experience.. I have "smoked weed" and by smoked i mean i used a vaporizer... also i've tried the tea.. the tea isn't good unless you have a lot of it and you have to have a strong tea to mix with it to get rid of the taste... then you kind of get used to it. Now my ex boyfriend who was perfectly fine back when i met him when i was about 15 smokes pot at least 2 times a day... do i say there is an effect yes.. he can't remember things that i would tell him in the morning about 3 hours later... something important like.. i yelled at him.. etc. Did he used to be like this no... he used to be able to remember things... pot is okay in little bits but an excessive amount like everyday it is damaging to your mind... also he now coughs up black and whatever other colours he can.. he doesn't smoke cigarettes... now back to me.. vaporizing.. well it's all and well that it only burns the thc... but it still damages.. how do i know cause of personal experience everytime after i smoked pot with a vaporizer a day or two later i would cough up blood.. it is like clock work... the tea no bad side effects... when i broke up with him back in march i got together with someone who was nice and intelligent and willing to do things with me and my pft's went from 45% to 55%... then i started hanging out with the ex again and i moved in so he can go to school and i can lok after the cats.. but he came home on the weekends and my pfts went from 55% to 40% and that was with being around him smoking weed all the time and using the vaporizer again.... am i saying this is concrete evidence.. no not exactly.. it really depends on how the individual body reacts to such things... also.. no there is no chemical addiction to m.j. but there is a mental addiction and i fully believe that because one of the reasons that i left my ex again was that as much as he "loved me" he refused to give up smoking weed to be with me.. weed was just too important.. he couldn't even cut back from once a day.. but he could "stop whenever he wanted.. he just doesn't want to"
Basically i don't think pot is bad if you eat it.. but again it's the individual body that can really determine if you can smoke it or not.. obviously i cannot even with a vaporizer and i choose not to anymore... either way to each their own.. and remember responsibility is the key

Ashley 22 w/cf


New member
You have to love the age old debate on cfers and pot... Well here is my opinion based on personal experience.. I have "smoked weed" and by smoked i mean i used a vaporizer... also i've tried the tea.. the tea isn't good unless you have a lot of it and you have to have a strong tea to mix with it to get rid of the taste... then you kind of get used to it. Now my ex boyfriend who was perfectly fine back when i met him when i was about 15 smokes pot at least 2 times a day... do i say there is an effect yes.. he can't remember things that i would tell him in the morning about 3 hours later... something important like.. i yelled at him.. etc. Did he used to be like this no... he used to be able to remember things... pot is okay in little bits but an excessive amount like everyday it is damaging to your mind... also he now coughs up black and whatever other colours he can.. he doesn't smoke cigarettes... now back to me.. vaporizing.. well it's all and well that it only burns the thc... but it still damages.. how do i know cause of personal experience everytime after i smoked pot with a vaporizer a day or two later i would cough up blood.. it is like clock work... the tea no bad side effects... when i broke up with him back in march i got together with someone who was nice and intelligent and willing to do things with me and my pft's went from 45% to 55%... then i started hanging out with the ex again and i moved in so he can go to school and i can lok after the cats.. but he came home on the weekends and my pfts went from 55% to 40% and that was with being around him smoking weed all the time and using the vaporizer again.... am i saying this is concrete evidence.. no not exactly.. it really depends on how the individual body reacts to such things... also.. no there is no chemical addiction to m.j. but there is a mental addiction and i fully believe that because one of the reasons that i left my ex again was that as much as he "loved me" he refused to give up smoking weed to be with me.. weed was just too important.. he couldn't even cut back from once a day.. but he could "stop whenever he wanted.. he just doesn't want to"
Basically i don't think pot is bad if you eat it.. but again it's the individual body that can really determine if you can smoke it or not.. obviously i cannot even with a vaporizer and i choose not to anymore... either way to each their own.. and remember responsibility is the key

Ashley 22 w/cf


New member
Ah yes...

These all sound like replies my CF pot-smoking younger brother would have said, God rest his soul


New member
Ah yes...

These all sound like replies my CF pot-smoking younger brother would have said, God rest his soul


New member
Ah yes...

These all sound like replies my CF pot-smoking younger brother would have said, God rest his soul


New member
where are these people coming from? <img src=""> <img src="">


New member
where are these people coming from? <img src=""> <img src="">


New member
where are these people coming from? <img src=""> <img src="">