Smoking Marijuana as a CF Patient


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kybert</b></i>

where are these people coming from? <img src=""> <img src=""></end quote></div>


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kybert</b></i>

where are these people coming from? <img src=""> <img src=""></end quote></div>


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kybert</b></i>

where are these people coming from? <img src=""> <img src=""></end quote></div>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Hermit</b></i>

How can anyone even suggest this is good for you? It's ludicrous. Not only that, but it's a TOTAL SLAP IN THE FACE for me, personally, to see someone with healthy lungs smoking anything.

It's just like a rich person standing in front of a homeless panhandler on the street with wads of hundred dollar bills, ripping them up and lightiing them on fire and laughing, just to have a good time for a while. Sad.

I'm not judging anyone who smokes weed, because maybe once in awhile it does have benefits, and surely for people in palliative care who don't have any life left to throw away anyway it might be a better alternative than morphine...but please don't try to suggest that it's a treatment for CF. That just burrrrrrns.</end quote></div>

I don't think anyone is saying it's much of a treatment, rather then asking if it is really that bad for you. Hermit, maybe you're brother smoked weed and got sick, but don't you think there is a good chance he would have gotten sick anyways? Can you contribute it to his decline.

obviously you have strong opinions on smoking for a reason...however you must also realize that if you were healthy, there could have been a good chance you would be a smoker. I think it's good that you have that strong point of view against it, but you of all people should realize that people don't really know what's going on on this side of the fence. It sucks...but it's life. Can you really hold that against smokers?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Hermit</b></i>

How can anyone even suggest this is good for you? It's ludicrous. Not only that, but it's a TOTAL SLAP IN THE FACE for me, personally, to see someone with healthy lungs smoking anything.

It's just like a rich person standing in front of a homeless panhandler on the street with wads of hundred dollar bills, ripping them up and lightiing them on fire and laughing, just to have a good time for a while. Sad.

I'm not judging anyone who smokes weed, because maybe once in awhile it does have benefits, and surely for people in palliative care who don't have any life left to throw away anyway it might be a better alternative than morphine...but please don't try to suggest that it's a treatment for CF. That just burrrrrrns.</end quote></div>

I don't think anyone is saying it's much of a treatment, rather then asking if it is really that bad for you. Hermit, maybe you're brother smoked weed and got sick, but don't you think there is a good chance he would have gotten sick anyways? Can you contribute it to his decline.

obviously you have strong opinions on smoking for a reason...however you must also realize that if you were healthy, there could have been a good chance you would be a smoker. I think it's good that you have that strong point of view against it, but you of all people should realize that people don't really know what's going on on this side of the fence. It sucks...but it's life. Can you really hold that against smokers?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Hermit</b></i>

How can anyone even suggest this is good for you? It's ludicrous. Not only that, but it's a TOTAL SLAP IN THE FACE for me, personally, to see someone with healthy lungs smoking anything.

It's just like a rich person standing in front of a homeless panhandler on the street with wads of hundred dollar bills, ripping them up and lightiing them on fire and laughing, just to have a good time for a while. Sad.

I'm not judging anyone who smokes weed, because maybe once in awhile it does have benefits, and surely for people in palliative care who don't have any life left to throw away anyway it might be a better alternative than morphine...but please don't try to suggest that it's a treatment for CF. That just burrrrrrns.</end quote></div>

I don't think anyone is saying it's much of a treatment, rather then asking if it is really that bad for you. Hermit, maybe you're brother smoked weed and got sick, but don't you think there is a good chance he would have gotten sick anyways? Can you contribute it to his decline.

obviously you have strong opinions on smoking for a reason...however you must also realize that if you were healthy, there could have been a good chance you would be a smoker. I think it's good that you have that strong point of view against it, but you of all people should realize that people don't really know what's going on on this side of the fence. It sucks...but it's life. Can you really hold that against smokers?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kybert</b></i>

where are these people coming from? <img src=""> <img src=""></end quote></div>

You know this sort of comment really p@#sses me off!!! Where are 'these people' coming from?
Some of 'these people' have been around this forum for quite some time, myself, Ender, Allie, Emily for starters often frequent these forums and offer our support, assistance, advice and often, just our OPINIONS. That's right OPINIONS. We all have them, we are all entitled to them and often, they differ. A forum is a place where we should all be able to discuss our opinions without being attacked - but this forum doesn't seem to work that way. Fights abound, often about the same subjects, often inflamed by the same people.

Now obviously as far as you are concerned, if all of our opinions don't exactly match yours in every respect we become some sort of alien being forever after referred to as 'these people'. That stinks and you must get awful uncomfortable up there on your throne.....did god create us all in your image did he? How tedious that would be.

Interestingly, after some debate on the topic and some informed opinions from others, with sound thought processes and reasoning behind them, all you could come up with as a form of rebuttal was an insult. How weak. If you must jam your head up your a$$ and keep your fingers stuffed in your ears, thereby cementing the narrowness of your mind, at the very least get yourself some good ideas to back up your concrete-set opinions huh?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kybert</b></i>

where are these people coming from? <img src=""> <img src=""></end quote></div>

You know this sort of comment really p@#sses me off!!! Where are 'these people' coming from?
Some of 'these people' have been around this forum for quite some time, myself, Ender, Allie, Emily for starters often frequent these forums and offer our support, assistance, advice and often, just our OPINIONS. That's right OPINIONS. We all have them, we are all entitled to them and often, they differ. A forum is a place where we should all be able to discuss our opinions without being attacked - but this forum doesn't seem to work that way. Fights abound, often about the same subjects, often inflamed by the same people.

Now obviously as far as you are concerned, if all of our opinions don't exactly match yours in every respect we become some sort of alien being forever after referred to as 'these people'. That stinks and you must get awful uncomfortable up there on your throne.....did god create us all in your image did he? How tedious that would be.

Interestingly, after some debate on the topic and some informed opinions from others, with sound thought processes and reasoning behind them, all you could come up with as a form of rebuttal was an insult. How weak. If you must jam your head up your a$$ and keep your fingers stuffed in your ears, thereby cementing the narrowness of your mind, at the very least get yourself some good ideas to back up your concrete-set opinions huh?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>kybert</b></i>

where are these people coming from? <img src=""> <img src=""></end quote></div>

You know this sort of comment really p@#sses me off!!! Where are 'these people' coming from?
Some of 'these people' have been around this forum for quite some time, myself, Ender, Allie, Emily for starters often frequent these forums and offer our support, assistance, advice and often, just our OPINIONS. That's right OPINIONS. We all have them, we are all entitled to them and often, they differ. A forum is a place where we should all be able to discuss our opinions without being attacked - but this forum doesn't seem to work that way. Fights abound, often about the same subjects, often inflamed by the same people.

Now obviously as far as you are concerned, if all of our opinions don't exactly match yours in every respect we become some sort of alien being forever after referred to as 'these people'. That stinks and you must get awful uncomfortable up there on your throne.....did god create us all in your image did he? How tedious that would be.

Interestingly, after some debate on the topic and some informed opinions from others, with sound thought processes and reasoning behind them, all you could come up with as a form of rebuttal was an insult. How weak. If you must jam your head up your a$$ and keep your fingers stuffed in your ears, thereby cementing the narrowness of your mind, at the very least get yourself some good ideas to back up your concrete-set opinions huh?


New member
Alrighty, I might as well throw my hat in the ring...

Smoking pot on an occasional basis IS NOT GOING TO KILL YOU. Yeah, if you smoke it every single day, every time you possibly can, yes, there are going to be consequences. But that is true of any substance (including the I.V. drugs that most CFers take on a regular basis). Moderation is the key, here, people! I've been around a lot of "potheads" in my time, and I find them easier to be around than alcoholics! And of course almost everything you read is going to say negative things about pot...its illegal! If the government doesn't want you to use it, they're going to give you reasons, even if they are highly over-dramatized! This is not news. I especially love the over-dramatized commercials where the kids are all deflated on the couch and someone else has to speak for them about how pot ruined their lives...blah blah blah. I laugh at these commercials. My parents both smoked pot in their youths (and still do on rare occasion), and never once did they feel like killing themselves, harming someone else, etc. Also, if gotten from a reliable source, pot is exactly what it is; a weed! There are no added chemicals or other substances. It grows in the ground from nature! Alcohol and/or cigaretts will kill you faster just from all the added crap they put into it.

Bottom line: If you're a CFer, don't go smoking a joint every day. But an occasional hit isn't going to instantly bring death. As Ender has said, non-compliance would be a bigger issue. And I personally take offence to the statement, "If you chose to smoke, when they find a cure, get in the back of the line." Excuse me, but I do everything in my power to keep my lungs in as best a condition as they can be in. I work just as hard as anyone else on this site to keep myself healthy, and suddenly I don't deserve a cure because I like to do something on rare occasion that isn't regulated by doctors, maybe feel like a normal young woman and not be strapped to a machine 24/7? I'm not as good as those people who choose to live in a bubble and do nothing but what the doctors tell them? I find that highly insulting!! Even if that isn't what was meant by that statement, that's how it comes across!


New member
Alrighty, I might as well throw my hat in the ring...

Smoking pot on an occasional basis IS NOT GOING TO KILL YOU. Yeah, if you smoke it every single day, every time you possibly can, yes, there are going to be consequences. But that is true of any substance (including the I.V. drugs that most CFers take on a regular basis). Moderation is the key, here, people! I've been around a lot of "potheads" in my time, and I find them easier to be around than alcoholics! And of course almost everything you read is going to say negative things about pot...its illegal! If the government doesn't want you to use it, they're going to give you reasons, even if they are highly over-dramatized! This is not news. I especially love the over-dramatized commercials where the kids are all deflated on the couch and someone else has to speak for them about how pot ruined their lives...blah blah blah. I laugh at these commercials. My parents both smoked pot in their youths (and still do on rare occasion), and never once did they feel like killing themselves, harming someone else, etc. Also, if gotten from a reliable source, pot is exactly what it is; a weed! There are no added chemicals or other substances. It grows in the ground from nature! Alcohol and/or cigaretts will kill you faster just from all the added crap they put into it.

Bottom line: If you're a CFer, don't go smoking a joint every day. But an occasional hit isn't going to instantly bring death. As Ender has said, non-compliance would be a bigger issue. And I personally take offence to the statement, "If you chose to smoke, when they find a cure, get in the back of the line." Excuse me, but I do everything in my power to keep my lungs in as best a condition as they can be in. I work just as hard as anyone else on this site to keep myself healthy, and suddenly I don't deserve a cure because I like to do something on rare occasion that isn't regulated by doctors, maybe feel like a normal young woman and not be strapped to a machine 24/7? I'm not as good as those people who choose to live in a bubble and do nothing but what the doctors tell them? I find that highly insulting!! Even if that isn't what was meant by that statement, that's how it comes across!


New member
Alrighty, I might as well throw my hat in the ring...

Smoking pot on an occasional basis IS NOT GOING TO KILL YOU. Yeah, if you smoke it every single day, every time you possibly can, yes, there are going to be consequences. But that is true of any substance (including the I.V. drugs that most CFers take on a regular basis). Moderation is the key, here, people! I've been around a lot of "potheads" in my time, and I find them easier to be around than alcoholics! And of course almost everything you read is going to say negative things about pot...its illegal! If the government doesn't want you to use it, they're going to give you reasons, even if they are highly over-dramatized! This is not news. I especially love the over-dramatized commercials where the kids are all deflated on the couch and someone else has to speak for them about how pot ruined their lives...blah blah blah. I laugh at these commercials. My parents both smoked pot in their youths (and still do on rare occasion), and never once did they feel like killing themselves, harming someone else, etc. Also, if gotten from a reliable source, pot is exactly what it is; a weed! There are no added chemicals or other substances. It grows in the ground from nature! Alcohol and/or cigaretts will kill you faster just from all the added crap they put into it.

Bottom line: If you're a CFer, don't go smoking a joint every day. But an occasional hit isn't going to instantly bring death. As Ender has said, non-compliance would be a bigger issue. And I personally take offence to the statement, "If you chose to smoke, when they find a cure, get in the back of the line." Excuse me, but I do everything in my power to keep my lungs in as best a condition as they can be in. I work just as hard as anyone else on this site to keep myself healthy, and suddenly I don't deserve a cure because I like to do something on rare occasion that isn't regulated by doctors, maybe feel like a normal young woman and not be strapped to a machine 24/7? I'm not as good as those people who choose to live in a bubble and do nothing but what the doctors tell them? I find that highly insulting!! Even if that isn't what was meant by that statement, that's how it comes across!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Lilith</b></i>
And I personally take offence to the statement, "If you chose to smoke, when they find a cure, get in the back of the line." Excuse me, but I do everything in my power to keep my lungs in as best a condition as they can be in. I work just as hard as anyone else on this site to keep myself healthy, and suddenly I don't deserve a cure because I like to do something on rare occasion that isn't regulated by doctors, maybe feel like a normal young woman and not be strapped to a machine 24/7? I'm not as good as those people who choose to live in a bubble and do nothing but what the doctors tell them? I find that highly insulting!! Even if that isn't what was meant by that statement, that's how it comes across!</end quote></div>

I also take offense to that. I smoke pot once a year. Maybe twice every third year (in other words: not often). Should I really get at the back of the line for that once a year I indulge myself? I don't think so. Especially when I'm careful about meds and therapy, etc. Brownies tend to be harder to come by because you need more weed to make them work properly. Whereas with smoking, two hits and I'm done, I'm good to go. It's much cheaper. So I allow myself the treat of getting high (even when I can't afford it "properly") about once a year. And that means I get behind everyone else? I tend to very much disagree.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>As Ender has said, non-compliance would be a bigger issue.</end quote></div>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Lilith</b></i>
And I personally take offence to the statement, "If you chose to smoke, when they find a cure, get in the back of the line." Excuse me, but I do everything in my power to keep my lungs in as best a condition as they can be in. I work just as hard as anyone else on this site to keep myself healthy, and suddenly I don't deserve a cure because I like to do something on rare occasion that isn't regulated by doctors, maybe feel like a normal young woman and not be strapped to a machine 24/7? I'm not as good as those people who choose to live in a bubble and do nothing but what the doctors tell them? I find that highly insulting!! Even if that isn't what was meant by that statement, that's how it comes across!</end quote></div>

I also take offense to that. I smoke pot once a year. Maybe twice every third year (in other words: not often). Should I really get at the back of the line for that once a year I indulge myself? I don't think so. Especially when I'm careful about meds and therapy, etc. Brownies tend to be harder to come by because you need more weed to make them work properly. Whereas with smoking, two hits and I'm done, I'm good to go. It's much cheaper. So I allow myself the treat of getting high (even when I can't afford it "properly") about once a year. And that means I get behind everyone else? I tend to very much disagree.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>As Ender has said, non-compliance would be a bigger issue.</end quote></div>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Lilith</b></i>
And I personally take offence to the statement, "If you chose to smoke, when they find a cure, get in the back of the line." Excuse me, but I do everything in my power to keep my lungs in as best a condition as they can be in. I work just as hard as anyone else on this site to keep myself healthy, and suddenly I don't deserve a cure because I like to do something on rare occasion that isn't regulated by doctors, maybe feel like a normal young woman and not be strapped to a machine 24/7? I'm not as good as those people who choose to live in a bubble and do nothing but what the doctors tell them? I find that highly insulting!! Even if that isn't what was meant by that statement, that's how it comes across!</end quote></div>

I also take offense to that. I smoke pot once a year. Maybe twice every third year (in other words: not often). Should I really get at the back of the line for that once a year I indulge myself? I don't think so. Especially when I'm careful about meds and therapy, etc. Brownies tend to be harder to come by because you need more weed to make them work properly. Whereas with smoking, two hits and I'm done, I'm good to go. It's much cheaper. So I allow myself the treat of getting high (even when I can't afford it "properly") about once a year. And that means I get behind everyone else? I tend to very much disagree.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>As Ender has said, non-compliance would be a bigger issue.</end quote></div>


New member
or get a vaporizer - less harsh on the lungs..
i can't smoke tobacco at all (when it hits my lungs it literally feels like it's melting the tissure), but i pot smoke doesnt feel like anything.. i cant imaging smoking anything to be better for your lungs, but if you use a vaporizer, it may lessen the toxins... they are like $300, but so worth it.

Volcano Vaporizer Facts
The Volcano Vaporizer increases the amount of active ingredients the user receives from the herb about 75% more then traditional smoking. The smokeless approach the Volcano Vaporizer chose to use is excellent. Tars and carcinogens are virtually eliminated when using the Volcano Vaporizer as opposed to smoking.


New member
or get a vaporizer - less harsh on the lungs..
i can't smoke tobacco at all (when it hits my lungs it literally feels like it's melting the tissure), but i pot smoke doesnt feel like anything.. i cant imaging smoking anything to be better for your lungs, but if you use a vaporizer, it may lessen the toxins... they are like $300, but so worth it.

Volcano Vaporizer Facts
The Volcano Vaporizer increases the amount of active ingredients the user receives from the herb about 75% more then traditional smoking. The smokeless approach the Volcano Vaporizer chose to use is excellent. Tars and carcinogens are virtually eliminated when using the Volcano Vaporizer as opposed to smoking.