Stupid coments that tick you off


New member
Oh! I have a GOOD one...

I work at a Fortune 500 company. One very cold day, I was coughing up a lung walking from the parking lot to the front door. I got to the front door, and although it was cold, stood and held the door for a person I heard walking a ways behind me. He took the door from me and said 'You're going to die if you keep coughing like that...' I turned around, and yep, it was the CEO. It is probably the only time he will ever speak to me directly.

You'd think he should know better than to say that to a random employee...




New member
Oh! I have a GOOD one...

I work at a Fortune 500 company. One very cold day, I was coughing up a lung walking from the parking lot to the front door. I got to the front door, and although it was cold, stood and held the door for a person I heard walking a ways behind me. He took the door from me and said 'You're going to die if you keep coughing like that...' I turned around, and yep, it was the CEO. It is probably the only time he will ever speak to me directly.

You'd think he should know better than to say that to a random employee...




New member
Oh! I have a GOOD one...

I work at a Fortune 500 company. One very cold day, I was coughing up a lung walking from the parking lot to the front door. I got to the front door, and although it was cold, stood and held the door for a person I heard walking a ways behind me. He took the door from me and said 'You're going to die if you keep coughing like that...' I turned around, and yep, it was the CEO. It is probably the only time he will ever speak to me directly.

You'd think he should know better than to say that to a random employee...




New member
Oh! I have a GOOD one...

I work at a Fortune 500 company. One very cold day, I was coughing up a lung walking from the parking lot to the front door. I got to the front door, and although it was cold, stood and held the door for a person I heard walking a ways behind me. He took the door from me and said 'You're going to die if you keep coughing like that...' I turned around, and yep, it was the CEO. It is probably the only time he will ever speak to me directly.

You'd think he should know better than to say that to a random employee...




New member
Oh! I have a GOOD one...
<br />
<br />I work at a Fortune 500 company. One very cold day, I was coughing up a lung walking from the parking lot to the front door. I got to the front door, and although it was cold, stood and held the door for a person I heard walking a ways behind me. He took the door from me and said 'You're going to die if you keep coughing like that...' I turned around, and yep, it was the CEO. It is probably the only time he will ever speak to me directly.
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<br />You'd think he should know better than to say that to a random employee...
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<br />lol.
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<br />kris


New member
I went to a small high school, so the substitute teachers knew all of us somewhat. At least three of them pulled me aside at some point to say something like "I've wanted to say something for years, but can't you hear that cough? You need to stop smoking so much otherwise you are going to have real problems in the future." Thanks for the advice.


New member
I went to a small high school, so the substitute teachers knew all of us somewhat. At least three of them pulled me aside at some point to say something like "I've wanted to say something for years, but can't you hear that cough? You need to stop smoking so much otherwise you are going to have real problems in the future." Thanks for the advice.


New member
I went to a small high school, so the substitute teachers knew all of us somewhat. At least three of them pulled me aside at some point to say something like "I've wanted to say something for years, but can't you hear that cough? You need to stop smoking so much otherwise you are going to have real problems in the future." Thanks for the advice.


New member
I went to a small high school, so the substitute teachers knew all of us somewhat. At least three of them pulled me aside at some point to say something like "I've wanted to say something for years, but can't you hear that cough? You need to stop smoking so much otherwise you are going to have real problems in the future." Thanks for the advice.


New member
I went to a small high school, so the substitute teachers knew all of us somewhat. At least three of them pulled me aside at some point to say something like "I've wanted to say something for years, but can't you hear that cough? You need to stop smoking so much otherwise you are going to have real problems in the future." Thanks for the advice.


New member
Oh gosh... so many crazy statements! You'd think in this day in age with so many people having chronic illnesses, that people would be more sensitive.

I work in a children's hospital. My coworkers (8 women) know of my CF. When a few close ones who are my friends and I have fun, I usually have multiple coughing fits due to the laughing. They joke, "Jenn needs the o2! She's turning blue!" I am not insulted.. I find it hilarious.

My other coworkers (nurses and physicians) either know or don't know. One physician (who i do admire and like) told me when he heard me cough the other day: "Your cough sounds worse. You need some TOBI and IV cipro." GEEZ. First, I know my cough sounds bad. Second, I am on TOBI. Third, I am not ready to give into IVs yet. He even tries to jokingly do some pretend cpt... I know he means well, but still!

A lot of people give me the "Geez, you sound sick" or "do you smoke??"

OH, the kicker... RTs and nurses (sigh, my profession sometimes amazes me in a negative way): "You sound so good! You look so healthy and don't look like a CFer" What is that supposed to mean? Just b/c I have some fat on me and sound "clear," doesn't mean I don't feel like crap when I am admitted. It makes me feel worse like I shouldn't be bringing attention to my decreasing energy levels and the *significant* change in my cough per MY observation.

My sister and brother have gotten the "Wow so you can eat anything you want without worrying about getting fat!" I know through my siblings that gaining weight is a pain in the butt. I imagine it is tiring and tedious to have to eat tons of calories day in and day out to maintain /gain wt.

30 yo cf


New member
Oh gosh... so many crazy statements! You'd think in this day in age with so many people having chronic illnesses, that people would be more sensitive.

I work in a children's hospital. My coworkers (8 women) know of my CF. When a few close ones who are my friends and I have fun, I usually have multiple coughing fits due to the laughing. They joke, "Jenn needs the o2! She's turning blue!" I am not insulted.. I find it hilarious.

My other coworkers (nurses and physicians) either know or don't know. One physician (who i do admire and like) told me when he heard me cough the other day: "Your cough sounds worse. You need some TOBI and IV cipro." GEEZ. First, I know my cough sounds bad. Second, I am on TOBI. Third, I am not ready to give into IVs yet. He even tries to jokingly do some pretend cpt... I know he means well, but still!

A lot of people give me the "Geez, you sound sick" or "do you smoke??"

OH, the kicker... RTs and nurses (sigh, my profession sometimes amazes me in a negative way): "You sound so good! You look so healthy and don't look like a CFer" What is that supposed to mean? Just b/c I have some fat on me and sound "clear," doesn't mean I don't feel like crap when I am admitted. It makes me feel worse like I shouldn't be bringing attention to my decreasing energy levels and the *significant* change in my cough per MY observation.

My sister and brother have gotten the "Wow so you can eat anything you want without worrying about getting fat!" I know through my siblings that gaining weight is a pain in the butt. I imagine it is tiring and tedious to have to eat tons of calories day in and day out to maintain /gain wt.

30 yo cf


New member
Oh gosh... so many crazy statements! You'd think in this day in age with so many people having chronic illnesses, that people would be more sensitive.

I work in a children's hospital. My coworkers (8 women) know of my CF. When a few close ones who are my friends and I have fun, I usually have multiple coughing fits due to the laughing. They joke, "Jenn needs the o2! She's turning blue!" I am not insulted.. I find it hilarious.

My other coworkers (nurses and physicians) either know or don't know. One physician (who i do admire and like) told me when he heard me cough the other day: "Your cough sounds worse. You need some TOBI and IV cipro." GEEZ. First, I know my cough sounds bad. Second, I am on TOBI. Third, I am not ready to give into IVs yet. He even tries to jokingly do some pretend cpt... I know he means well, but still!

A lot of people give me the "Geez, you sound sick" or "do you smoke??"

OH, the kicker... RTs and nurses (sigh, my profession sometimes amazes me in a negative way): "You sound so good! You look so healthy and don't look like a CFer" What is that supposed to mean? Just b/c I have some fat on me and sound "clear," doesn't mean I don't feel like crap when I am admitted. It makes me feel worse like I shouldn't be bringing attention to my decreasing energy levels and the *significant* change in my cough per MY observation.

My sister and brother have gotten the "Wow so you can eat anything you want without worrying about getting fat!" I know through my siblings that gaining weight is a pain in the butt. I imagine it is tiring and tedious to have to eat tons of calories day in and day out to maintain /gain wt.

30 yo cf


New member
Oh gosh... so many crazy statements! You'd think in this day in age with so many people having chronic illnesses, that people would be more sensitive.

I work in a children's hospital. My coworkers (8 women) know of my CF. When a few close ones who are my friends and I have fun, I usually have multiple coughing fits due to the laughing. They joke, "Jenn needs the o2! She's turning blue!" I am not insulted.. I find it hilarious.

My other coworkers (nurses and physicians) either know or don't know. One physician (who i do admire and like) told me when he heard me cough the other day: "Your cough sounds worse. You need some TOBI and IV cipro." GEEZ. First, I know my cough sounds bad. Second, I am on TOBI. Third, I am not ready to give into IVs yet. He even tries to jokingly do some pretend cpt... I know he means well, but still!

A lot of people give me the "Geez, you sound sick" or "do you smoke??"

OH, the kicker... RTs and nurses (sigh, my profession sometimes amazes me in a negative way): "You sound so good! You look so healthy and don't look like a CFer" What is that supposed to mean? Just b/c I have some fat on me and sound "clear," doesn't mean I don't feel like crap when I am admitted. It makes me feel worse like I shouldn't be bringing attention to my decreasing energy levels and the *significant* change in my cough per MY observation.

My sister and brother have gotten the "Wow so you can eat anything you want without worrying about getting fat!" I know through my siblings that gaining weight is a pain in the butt. I imagine it is tiring and tedious to have to eat tons of calories day in and day out to maintain /gain wt.

30 yo cf


New member
Oh gosh... so many crazy statements! You'd think in this day in age with so many people having chronic illnesses, that people would be more sensitive.
<br />
<br />I work in a children's hospital. My coworkers (8 women) know of my CF. When a few close ones who are my friends and I have fun, I usually have multiple coughing fits due to the laughing. They joke, "Jenn needs the o2! She's turning blue!" I am not insulted.. I find it hilarious.
<br />
<br />My other coworkers (nurses and physicians) either know or don't know. One physician (who i do admire and like) told me when he heard me cough the other day: "Your cough sounds worse. You need some TOBI and IV cipro." GEEZ. First, I know my cough sounds bad. Second, I am on TOBI. Third, I am not ready to give into IVs yet. He even tries to jokingly do some pretend cpt... I know he means well, but still!
<br />
<br />A lot of people give me the "Geez, you sound sick" or "do you smoke??"
<br />
<br />OH, the kicker... RTs and nurses (sigh, my profession sometimes amazes me in a negative way): "You sound so good! You look so healthy and don't look like a CFer" What is that supposed to mean? Just b/c I have some fat on me and sound "clear," doesn't mean I don't feel like crap when I am admitted. It makes me feel worse like I shouldn't be bringing attention to my decreasing energy levels and the *significant* change in my cough per MY observation.
<br />
<br />My sister and brother have gotten the "Wow so you can eat anything you want without worrying about getting fat!" I know through my siblings that gaining weight is a pain in the butt. I imagine it is tiring and tedious to have to eat tons of calories day in and day out to maintain /gain wt.
<br />
<br />Jenn
<br />30 yo cf


New member
Anytime there is any talk of my daughter's diet (needs fat, salt, etc.)... there is always someone who says they wish the could eat like that. Or they wish they had CF so they could eat like that "without all the other stuff".



New member
Anytime there is any talk of my daughter's diet (needs fat, salt, etc.)... there is always someone who says they wish the could eat like that. Or they wish they had CF so they could eat like that "without all the other stuff".



New member
Anytime there is any talk of my daughter's diet (needs fat, salt, etc.)... there is always someone who says they wish the could eat like that. Or they wish they had CF so they could eat like that "without all the other stuff".



New member
Anytime there is any talk of my daughter's diet (needs fat, salt, etc.)... there is always someone who says they wish the could eat like that. Or they wish they had CF so they could eat like that "without all the other stuff".



New member
Anytime there is any talk of my daughter's diet (needs fat, salt, etc.)... there is always someone who says they wish the could eat like that. Or they wish they had CF so they could eat like that "without all the other stuff".
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<br />Grrrrrrrrrr