to vaccinate or not vaccinate


New member
Thank you all very much.  I appreciate everyone's input.<br>
Let me say that I absolutely know it is my responsibility  to
protect my child.  I have been researching from the time I
found out I was pregnant... about EVERYTHING I could get my hands
on, one of the main things being vaccinations. I did not ask for
your opinions because I am an idiot that needs others to tell me
what is right and what is wrong.   I look for information
where ever it might be offered, and this forum seemed like a good
place (and it was... I really do appreciate everyone's responses).
 I will not go blindly into ANYTHING that has to do with my
child's health.  <br>
Doctors have been wrong before... and so, I even question them...
it is my right, and it is my responsibility.  I asked for
opinions...not lectures, or name calling.  <br>
I have to agree, that in this respect, I do believe that the
benefits of vaccinations, far out way the risks, and I will be
vaccinating.  I do live in Canada... and because of our
healthcare system, the percentage of those vaccinated is very high,
and so it is also very likely that I will be able to avoid exposing
my son to some of the threats that these vaccinations protect us
from(no outbreaks of anything in my city).  Because of this
protection, I will wait on some of the vaccinations until he is two
years old, as it is the first two years that are so crucial for
their own immune systems to build (and the better that works, the
better off he'll be in the long run).  I am in consultation
with his CF doctor regarding this subject, and he has told
me the shots which he insists my son gets, and supports my
decision to wait on the other until he is two.<br>
Let me also add, that I am a strong woman, who will not cower to
rants.  I will, however, continue to read any responses to
this, because I may learn something new(or maybe I'll be able to
tell you something new?).<br>
I will also let you know, that I will sacrifice whatever it takes
for my son's health.  If it means I give up my some of my
favourite activities for the next year and a half, so that I do not
risk my son to exposure, I WILL.  If it means that I have to
read Health Watch  anytime before we leave our safe zone, to
be sure we do not face a threat, I WILL.    <br>
Second last thing:  Did you know that the more you touch your
child, the better their immune system will be?  I give my baby
boy a full body massage every night before bedtime.  <br>
Last thing:  Strong opinions do not mean you have to be rude
or insulting.  What if I was a really scared mom?  What
if I had no one else to turn to?  What if you made me feel so
incompetent, because you threw out a label like "stupid"
, and in my weakened state actually felt stupid (because I had
only just found out about my son's diagnosis and felt personally
attacked even if that was not a direct insult), what if that mom
never came back?  I imagine everyone here has so much to
offer... please try to remember the empathy you must have<br>
And off the soapbox I go.<br>
Mama J


New member
Thank you all very much.  I appreciate everyone's input.<br>
Let me say that I absolutely know it is my responsibility  to
protect my child.  I have been researching from the time I
found out I was pregnant... about EVERYTHING I could get my hands
on, one of the main things being vaccinations. I did not ask for
your opinions because I am an idiot that needs others to tell me
what is right and what is wrong.   I look for information
where ever it might be offered, and this forum seemed like a good
place (and it was... I really do appreciate everyone's responses).
 I will not go blindly into ANYTHING that has to do with my
child's health.  <br>
Doctors have been wrong before... and so, I even question them...
it is my right, and it is my responsibility.  I asked for
opinions...not lectures, or name calling.  <br>
I have to agree, that in this respect, I do believe that the
benefits of vaccinations, far out way the risks, and I will be
vaccinating.  I do live in Canada... and because of our
healthcare system, the percentage of those vaccinated is very high,
and so it is also very likely that I will be able to avoid exposing
my son to some of the threats that these vaccinations protect us
from(no outbreaks of anything in my city).  Because of this
protection, I will wait on some of the vaccinations until he is two
years old, as it is the first two years that are so crucial for
their own immune systems to build (and the better that works, the
better off he'll be in the long run).  I am in consultation
with his CF doctor regarding this subject, and he has told
me the shots which he insists my son gets, and supports my
decision to wait on the other until he is two.<br>
Let me also add, that I am a strong woman, who will not cower to
rants.  I will, however, continue to read any responses to
this, because I may learn something new(or maybe I'll be able to
tell you something new?).<br>
I will also let you know, that I will sacrifice whatever it takes
for my son's health.  If it means I give up my some of my
favourite activities for the next year and a half, so that I do not
risk my son to exposure, I WILL.  If it means that I have to
read Health Watch  anytime before we leave our safe zone, to
be sure we do not face a threat, I WILL.    <br>
Second last thing:  Did you know that the more you touch your
child, the better their immune system will be?  I give my baby
boy a full body massage every night before bedtime.  <br>
Last thing:  Strong opinions do not mean you have to be rude
or insulting.  What if I was a really scared mom?  What
if I had no one else to turn to?  What if you made me feel so
incompetent, because you threw out a label like "stupid"
, and in my weakened state actually felt stupid (because I had
only just found out about my son's diagnosis and felt personally
attacked even if that was not a direct insult), what if that mom
never came back?  I imagine everyone here has so much to
offer... please try to remember the empathy you must have<br>
And off the soapbox I go.<br>
Mama J


New member
I believe all children need their immunizations and on time, not 2 years late. Plus, a child with CF may receive a couple extras, such as flu, pneumonia, or RSV vaccines. Speaking from personal experience, you do not want the child to get RSV. I could go on and on about that, it was the single most awful experience of my life and I thought my baby was going to die. A lot of those things the child would be vaccinated against are more serious to a child under 2 or the elderly, even deadly, so why wait until age 2. The risk from the vaccines is so much less than from the diseases themselves.


New member
I believe all children need their immunizations and on time, not 2 years late. Plus, a child with CF may receive a couple extras, such as flu, pneumonia, or RSV vaccines. Speaking from personal experience, you do not want the child to get RSV. I could go on and on about that, it was the single most awful experience of my life and I thought my baby was going to die. A lot of those things the child would be vaccinated against are more serious to a child under 2 or the elderly, even deadly, so why wait until age 2. The risk from the vaccines is so much less than from the diseases themselves.


New member
I believe all children need their immunizations and on time, not 2 years late. Plus, a child with CF may receive a couple extras, such as flu, pneumonia, or RSV vaccines. Speaking from personal experience, you do not want the child to get RSV. I could go on and on about that, it was the single most awful experience of my life and I thought my baby was going to die. A lot of those things the child would be vaccinated against are more serious to a child under 2 or the elderly, even deadly, so why wait until age 2. The risk from the vaccines is so much less than from the diseases themselves.


New member

I'm curious as to why waiting til your child is 2 would develop his immune system better for the vaccinations? I know I feel a healthy immune system is very important. We all have our own parenting styles, my way of building both my children's immune system was to breastfeed.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy 8 no CF and Maggie 3 1/2 with CF)


New member

I'm curious as to why waiting til your child is 2 would develop his immune system better for the vaccinations? I know I feel a healthy immune system is very important. We all have our own parenting styles, my way of building both my children's immune system was to breastfeed.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy 8 no CF and Maggie 3 1/2 with CF)


New member

I'm curious as to why waiting til your child is 2 would develop his immune system better for the vaccinations? I know I feel a healthy immune system is very important. We all have our own parenting styles, my way of building both my children's immune system was to breastfeed.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy 8 no CF and Maggie 3 1/2 with CF)


New member
I wish I could have breast fed longer.  We only managed 3
months.  He has a slightly recessed chin(gets it from me), and
because of that, his latch wasn't very good.  Their were some
other factors as well.  For three months, all I did was breast
feed, try to breast feed more, went to a lactation consultant had
her come to my house,go to the breast clinic, La Leche League,
and so on...<br>
I had no postpartum depression, but losing the breast feeding...
 that was tough.<br>
From what I have learned, the first two years of a child's life are
the most important for the immune building system (not to mention
everything else!).  My research and intuition (and the fact
that many doctors are unwilling to even discuss my concerns) leaves
me on the side of letting nature do its work, for those first two
years.  <br>
I would morn a second time about the breast feeding when my son was
diagnosed, because, as you said, the breast milk is paramount in
building your child's immune system, and how he could have used
For my own health care... I was always very reluctant to take drugs
to aid my recovery.  I believe in preventative care.  I
have only had to visit the hospital because of my clumsiness
(broken foot, sprained ankles, etc.)  I catch bugs, and I
fight them off within a day or two, and it doesn't slow me
I never get the flu shot, and I never get the flu.  I can say
the same for my mother and my older brother.  <br>
So my parenting style... I am so trying to figure the absolutely
best course of action for my son.  He is going to need the
best of everything in order to have the best life.  I want to
give him the best of everything God gave him (wait two years on
whatever I can so the imprints of what does work... works for him),
and give him what Western medicine can offer him, to ensure his
best rate of survival.  And the best that I can give him.
 I need to look at each and every vaccination.  I need to
research the pros/cons for each.  On the ones that I decide to
give him, I then need to look at and research each ingredient, to
see if any particular ones might increase the chances, of say,
having a reaction that would further risk his respiratory system.
 Investigate the ones I hope not to give him immediately, and
see how it is transmitted... and on and on.  I have to do this
in between trying to manage our new life with enzymes, vitamin
supplements, percussions,  trying to have some kind of eating
schedule because of the need for enzymes, getting up five times
during the night to feed him, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, and dad
is away working... to make the money we are going to need to make
the house CF friendly.... so tired!<br>
But... it's coming together.  And Gabriel's doctor is great.
 Out clinic is great.  We are so very fortunate to have
all the support we do.  


New member
I wish I could have breast fed longer.  We only managed 3
months.  He has a slightly recessed chin(gets it from me), and
because of that, his latch wasn't very good.  Their were some
other factors as well.  For three months, all I did was breast
feed, try to breast feed more, went to a lactation consultant had
her come to my house,go to the breast clinic, La Leche League,
and so on...<br>
I had no postpartum depression, but losing the breast feeding...
 that was tough.<br>
From what I have learned, the first two years of a child's life are
the most important for the immune building system (not to mention
everything else!).  My research and intuition (and the fact
that many doctors are unwilling to even discuss my concerns) leaves
me on the side of letting nature do its work, for those first two
years.  <br>
I would morn a second time about the breast feeding when my son was
diagnosed, because, as you said, the breast milk is paramount in
building your child's immune system, and how he could have used
For my own health care... I was always very reluctant to take drugs
to aid my recovery.  I believe in preventative care.  I
have only had to visit the hospital because of my clumsiness
(broken foot, sprained ankles, etc.)  I catch bugs, and I
fight them off within a day or two, and it doesn't slow me
I never get the flu shot, and I never get the flu.  I can say
the same for my mother and my older brother.  <br>
So my parenting style... I am so trying to figure the absolutely
best course of action for my son.  He is going to need the
best of everything in order to have the best life.  I want to
give him the best of everything God gave him (wait two years on
whatever I can so the imprints of what does work... works for him),
and give him what Western medicine can offer him, to ensure his
best rate of survival.  And the best that I can give him.
 I need to look at each and every vaccination.  I need to
research the pros/cons for each.  On the ones that I decide to
give him, I then need to look at and research each ingredient, to
see if any particular ones might increase the chances, of say,
having a reaction that would further risk his respiratory system.
 Investigate the ones I hope not to give him immediately, and
see how it is transmitted... and on and on.  I have to do this
in between trying to manage our new life with enzymes, vitamin
supplements, percussions,  trying to have some kind of eating
schedule because of the need for enzymes, getting up five times
during the night to feed him, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, and dad
is away working... to make the money we are going to need to make
the house CF friendly.... so tired!<br>
But... it's coming together.  And Gabriel's doctor is great.
 Out clinic is great.  We are so very fortunate to have
all the support we do.  


New member
I wish I could have breast fed longer.  We only managed 3
months.  He has a slightly recessed chin(gets it from me), and
because of that, his latch wasn't very good.  Their were some
other factors as well.  For three months, all I did was breast
feed, try to breast feed more, went to a lactation consultant had
her come to my house,go to the breast clinic, La Leche League,
and so on...<br>
I had no postpartum depression, but losing the breast feeding...
 that was tough.<br>
From what I have learned, the first two years of a child's life are
the most important for the immune building system (not to mention
everything else!).  My research and intuition (and the fact
that many doctors are unwilling to even discuss my concerns) leaves
me on the side of letting nature do its work, for those first two
years.  <br>
I would morn a second time about the breast feeding when my son was
diagnosed, because, as you said, the breast milk is paramount in
building your child's immune system, and how he could have used
For my own health care... I was always very reluctant to take drugs
to aid my recovery.  I believe in preventative care.  I
have only had to visit the hospital because of my clumsiness
(broken foot, sprained ankles, etc.)  I catch bugs, and I
fight them off within a day or two, and it doesn't slow me
I never get the flu shot, and I never get the flu.  I can say
the same for my mother and my older brother.  <br>
So my parenting style... I am so trying to figure the absolutely
best course of action for my son.  He is going to need the
best of everything in order to have the best life.  I want to
give him the best of everything God gave him (wait two years on
whatever I can so the imprints of what does work... works for him),
and give him what Western medicine can offer him, to ensure his
best rate of survival.  And the best that I can give him.
 I need to look at each and every vaccination.  I need to
research the pros/cons for each.  On the ones that I decide to
give him, I then need to look at and research each ingredient, to
see if any particular ones might increase the chances, of say,
having a reaction that would further risk his respiratory system.
 Investigate the ones I hope not to give him immediately, and
see how it is transmitted... and on and on.  I have to do this
in between trying to manage our new life with enzymes, vitamin
supplements, percussions,  trying to have some kind of eating
schedule because of the need for enzymes, getting up five times
during the night to feed him, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, and dad
is away working... to make the money we are going to need to make
the house CF friendly.... so tired!<br>
But... it's coming together.  And Gabriel's doctor is great.
 Out clinic is great.  We are so very fortunate to have
all the support we do.  


New member
Here's my opinion for what its worth-
Cf is an extreme disease, and that causes for extreme measures sometimes. If I had a kid with cf-there would be no exceptions-vaccinate!!!! I had the flu as a kid, and it almost killed me. I had pneumonia as a kid, it almost killed me. Now we have vax's for that stuff and even if they help a little, right?

I also wanted to say, I totally see your point about trying to keep things as natural as possible and not over medicating. I feel the same way, and its annoying when you have a doctor that just wants to push pills on you to fix everything. Yes, medicine has come a long way and its there for us, but its a balance. I hate when I see parents that give their kids all this needless medicine, or "natural" medicine too for that matter, and here I mean non-cf, perfectly healthy kids. Let your kid be a kid.

I would never go to a doctor that said-anything you do naturally won't do anything to help you whatsoever/or a naturopath that said, all doctors are evil and greedy. Whatever happened to balance?


New member
Here's my opinion for what its worth-
Cf is an extreme disease, and that causes for extreme measures sometimes. If I had a kid with cf-there would be no exceptions-vaccinate!!!! I had the flu as a kid, and it almost killed me. I had pneumonia as a kid, it almost killed me. Now we have vax's for that stuff and even if they help a little, right?

I also wanted to say, I totally see your point about trying to keep things as natural as possible and not over medicating. I feel the same way, and its annoying when you have a doctor that just wants to push pills on you to fix everything. Yes, medicine has come a long way and its there for us, but its a balance. I hate when I see parents that give their kids all this needless medicine, or "natural" medicine too for that matter, and here I mean non-cf, perfectly healthy kids. Let your kid be a kid.

I would never go to a doctor that said-anything you do naturally won't do anything to help you whatsoever/or a naturopath that said, all doctors are evil and greedy. Whatever happened to balance?


New member
Here's my opinion for what its worth-
Cf is an extreme disease, and that causes for extreme measures sometimes. If I had a kid with cf-there would be no exceptions-vaccinate!!!! I had the flu as a kid, and it almost killed me. I had pneumonia as a kid, it almost killed me. Now we have vax's for that stuff and even if they help a little, right?

I also wanted to say, I totally see your point about trying to keep things as natural as possible and not over medicating. I feel the same way, and its annoying when you have a doctor that just wants to push pills on you to fix everything. Yes, medicine has come a long way and its there for us, but its a balance. I hate when I see parents that give their kids all this needless medicine, or "natural" medicine too for that matter, and here I mean non-cf, perfectly healthy kids. Let your kid be a kid.

I would never go to a doctor that said-anything you do naturally won't do anything to help you whatsoever/or a naturopath that said, all doctors are evil and greedy. Whatever happened to balance?


New member
Sending you baby making vibes right now (I hear it helps)!<br>
Thanks for your response.  I agree with everything you said.
 I realize now that some of the issue may be what we get
routinely vaccinated for here in Canada... and what the norm is in
the United States.    Anything he stands a chance of
getting, and could kill him... or even nearly kill him... I am
getting him vaccinated for now!!!  There are some, though,
that the chances are so remote, that if I can hold off until he's
two, I will.  <br>
Having Gabriel is most definitely the best thing that has ever
happened to me (and I've had an exciting life of world traveling,
sports, etc.), and I am most interested in what's best for him.<br>


New member
Sending you baby making vibes right now (I hear it helps)!<br>
Thanks for your response.  I agree with everything you said.
 I realize now that some of the issue may be what we get
routinely vaccinated for here in Canada... and what the norm is in
the United States.    Anything he stands a chance of
getting, and could kill him... or even nearly kill him... I am
getting him vaccinated for now!!!  There are some, though,
that the chances are so remote, that if I can hold off until he's
two, I will.  <br>
Having Gabriel is most definitely the best thing that has ever
happened to me (and I've had an exciting life of world traveling,
sports, etc.), and I am most interested in what's best for him.<br>


New member
Sending you baby making vibes right now (I hear it helps)!<br>
Thanks for your response.  I agree with everything you said.
 I realize now that some of the issue may be what we get
routinely vaccinated for here in Canada... and what the norm is in
the United States.    Anything he stands a chance of
getting, and could kill him... or even nearly kill him... I am
getting him vaccinated for now!!!  There are some, though,
that the chances are so remote, that if I can hold off until he's
two, I will.  <br>
Having Gabriel is most definitely the best thing that has ever
happened to me (and I've had an exciting life of world traveling,
sports, etc.), and I am most interested in what's best for him.<br>


New member
I had all the vaccines I was suggested to as a babe. I had the flu shot since age 2 every year except '99 (when I thought I was too good for it). I contracted the flu which progressed into pneumonia within 3 days. Sadly I lost a large % of my lung capacity from this one infection. My upper right lobe is trashed. Good luck!


New member
I had all the vaccines I was suggested to as a babe. I had the flu shot since age 2 every year except '99 (when I thought I was too good for it). I contracted the flu which progressed into pneumonia within 3 days. Sadly I lost a large % of my lung capacity from this one infection. My upper right lobe is trashed. Good luck!


New member
I had all the vaccines I was suggested to as a babe. I had the flu shot since age 2 every year except '99 (when I thought I was too good for it). I contracted the flu which progressed into pneumonia within 3 days. Sadly I lost a large % of my lung capacity from this one infection. My upper right lobe is trashed. Good luck!