<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>sakasuka</b></i>
My professional life doesn't negatively affect an innocent child who relies on me for affection, bonding, guidance, etc.
You analogy about career compared to kids doesn't hold water.
Call my crazy, but I don't think about what I want to be remembered for. I don't do things and think "
I am going to school because I want to improve myself, not because I want to be remembered as a grad student.
I work hard at my job because I enjoy what I do, and I don't do anything in my life unless I give it my all. The results come from that
And I don't travel so that people, after I'm dead, say "gee, she traveled a lot." I do it because I enjoy seeing the world.</end quote></div>
Exactly, you could not have children and professional life at the same time. So you've chosen a professional life, which is fine. If you don' t want to be remembered for what u do, why do u feel the need to brag on yourself for being the "#1" salesperson? Sounds like you are looking for everyone to be really impressed by your gloating. Finally, traveling is not by no means, especially overseas, is easy on anyone's health. You risk contaminating yourself on a plane and if your health declines while over there, you know you would not recieve the same expert care you would here in the states.
My professional life doesn't negatively affect an innocent child who relies on me for affection, bonding, guidance, etc.
You analogy about career compared to kids doesn't hold water.
Call my crazy, but I don't think about what I want to be remembered for. I don't do things and think "
I am going to school because I want to improve myself, not because I want to be remembered as a grad student.
I work hard at my job because I enjoy what I do, and I don't do anything in my life unless I give it my all. The results come from that
And I don't travel so that people, after I'm dead, say "gee, she traveled a lot." I do it because I enjoy seeing the world.</end quote></div>
Exactly, you could not have children and professional life at the same time. So you've chosen a professional life, which is fine. If you don' t want to be remembered for what u do, why do u feel the need to brag on yourself for being the "#1" salesperson? Sounds like you are looking for everyone to be really impressed by your gloating. Finally, traveling is not by no means, especially overseas, is easy on anyone's health. You risk contaminating yourself on a plane and if your health declines while over there, you know you would not recieve the same expert care you would here in the states.