Recent content by buffikins23

  1. B

    disease as an excuse

    I know how all of you feel. I get sick of people saying,"that's a nasty cough you got there" and "when did you get that cold". I think one solution to prevent us from getting embarrassed and people misunderstanding our absences is awareness. We have to learn to cough and cough loudly and...
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    CF and Piercing

    Hey I have my belly button pierced and I had no problems. I don't think you will have any trouble with infection, however when my friend got her tongue pierced she couldn't eat anything but soup because it swelled up, and hurt for a long time. This is a concern for all CFers and CFRDs who need...
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    ¿¿CF n insulin??

    I too have high blood sugar, (diabetic). Quite frankly I've haven't needed to go into the hospital for IV treatments for two years now, which is when I started using insulin. If you have high blood sugars it does affect your lung function, and weight. And you get used to the shots, which are...
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    self-destructive behavior

    Unfortunately, I too know all too well what your daughter is going through. Only I no longer have a mother to nag me about taking medications and that is the cause of my depression. My mother passed away 2 monthes ago, while I'm in my last semester here at school. She was the main source of my...
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    I also had Aspergillus, and was allergic to it. Though I was basically cured of it after a year and a half of high dosages of constant Prednisone. I still have trouble breathing when it's humid, or rainy, but overall I'm pretty good!!Bethany CF/23/cfrd
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    Beware of Zosyn

    I was on Zosyn when I was 17, my CF doctor was out of town, and my parents had to fight to get me taken off of it. I almost died, my fever actually went up to 106 degrees, and I vomitted and had diarrhea simultaneously. I lost like 20 lbs. It was horrible. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only...
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    paying for college ?

    I pay for a very small amount. But I currently have Supplemental Security Income, because CF is considered a disabling condition. Because I receive SSI, I also receive services (and money) from the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR). They will fund a large percent of your professional...
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    Heather, I'm so glad that you have been uplifted by reading these messages. I put my age just for that reason to prove that we have overcome the odds. I was told I was not going to see kindergarden and now I'm a senior in college making plans to get my masters degree. I'm a theater minor and...
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    YES!! I have terrible eczema as well! Now allergie medication is supposed to alleviate some of the symptoms (such as Claritan D) however that alone did not do the job for me. I actually use Aveeno lotion daily, but when I have flare ups I use elocon cream and/or Desowen lotion. Believe me, I...
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    Marriage and more.....

    No, I'm not one to scare easily. I would be freaked out if it happened to me and I didn't know what it was, but thanks to you that won't happen. I know I got off the marriage subject, but thank you rmklaus and CB67 for your input!!
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    Marriage and more.....

    I'm in a 3.5 year relationship and I too have CF, I think it has strengthened our relationship. But I want to know what Hemoptosis is, and the symptoms. Not for any particular reason, but I like to be well informed. The job thing is tough...I'm still in college and planning to be a social...
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    zythromax ?

    I'm also taking zithromax 500 mg every other day...actually I do it only on Mon, wed, and Fri. Don't really know why, but it seems to work.23/f/cf/cfrd
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    The Vest

    I got the vest when I was 18 and on my way to college. It has been wonderful, regular clapping never really worked on me, neither did the flutter, but since I've had the vest I've had decreased hospitalizations. I also call it my vibrator to make it more fun<img...
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    especially for women

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>HiI am a twenty-two year old female. I am currently in college as an engineering major. Do to health complications school is taking me longer than I had expected. But I do plan to get my degree.I have been extremely healthy...
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    especially for women

    I know this is kind of late in the game to post, but I wanted to respond to Lizzie04's concerns about dating...In highschool, I was approached by guys that were real crazy or mad religious...but most of my guy friends did not want to date me because the two people in my area that had CF died. So...