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  1. V

    Going in for a tune-up and first PICC Line

    Renee how are you all doing with the CFRD, Vivian was diagnosed this past Aug. just be for her 10th b-day . I find the prednisone runs her level out the roof; are you having the same problems?
  2. V

    CF and the monthly cycle- again, for the ladies...

    Vivian is just 10 and has started her cycle thanks ladies for this topic, I will have to pay more attention to Vivian and try to record her problems before and after. That wil give me a better perspective and help me deal with her and maybe be more understanding.
  3. V

    CF and the monthly cycle- again, for the ladies...

    Vivian is just 10 and has started her cycle thanks ladies for this topic, I will have to pay more attention to Vivian and try to record her problems before and after. That wil give me a better perspective and help me deal with her and maybe be more understanding.
  4. V

    CF and the monthly cycle- again, for the ladies...

    Vivian is just 10 and has started her cycle thanks ladies for this topic, I will have to pay more attention to Vivian and try to record her problems before and after. That wil give me a better perspective and help me deal with her and maybe be more understanding.
  5. V

    Going in for a tune-up and first PICC Line

    I may be a little off topic. But I just want to say you guys are amazing. I'm reading this in tears Vivian and I have had a tough time but more I read the more I realize that we haven't experiences the worst of this yet. Vivian is 10 and we haven't had a turn up nor a PICC line, or home IVs, I...
  6. V

    Going in for a tune-up and first PICC Line

    I may be a little off topic. But I just want to say you guys are amazing. I'm reading this in tears Vivian and I have had a tough time but more I read the more I realize that we haven't experiences the worst of this yet. Vivian is 10 and we haven't had a turn up nor a PICC line, or home IVs, I...
  7. V

    Going in for a tune-up and first PICC Line

    I may be a little off topic. But I just want to say you guys are amazing. I'm reading this in tears Vivian and I have had a tough time but more I read the more I realize that we haven't experiences the worst of this yet. Vivian is 10 and we haven't had a turn up nor a PICC line, or home IVs, I...
  8. V

    What is you CFER's bad month

    oops doubled post
  9. V

    What is you CFER's bad month

    oops doubled post
  10. V

    What is you CFER's bad month

    oops doubled post
  11. V

    What is you CFER's bad month

    Vivian is on hold for the study because she is now on prednisone and has to be off it for 60 days before she can go in the study. We have a peds's appointment tomorrow I plan to ask about allergy testing. I took shots for year so I know how bad allergies can get. While I'm here have any of...
  12. V

    What is you CFER's bad month

    Vivian is on hold for the study because she is now on prednisone and has to be off it for 60 days before she can go in the study. We have a peds's appointment tomorrow I plan to ask about allergy testing. I took shots for year so I know how bad allergies can get. While I'm here have any of...
  13. V

    What is you CFER's bad month

    Vivian is on hold for the study because she is now on prednisone and has to be off it for 60 days before she can go in the study. We have a peds's appointment tomorrow I plan to ask about allergy testing. I took shots for year so I know how bad allergies can get. While I'm here have any of...
  14. V


    Vivian seems to have a constant problem with excessive ear wax. One every 2 months or so we have to get her ears cleaned out. Has anyone else have this problem. At clinic our doctors said although unconfirmed he believes that it is CF related, because he has a number of patients with the same...
  15. V


    Vivian seems to have a constant problem with excessive ear wax. One every 2 months or so we have to get her ears cleaned out. Has anyone else have this problem. At clinic our doctors said although unconfirmed he believes that it is CF related, because he has a number of patients with the same...
  16. V


    Vivian seems to have a constant problem with excessive ear wax. One every 2 months or so we have to get her ears cleaned out. Has anyone else have this problem. At clinic our doctors said although unconfirmed he believes that it is CF related, because he has a number of patients with the same...
  17. V

    What is you CFER's bad month

    We was at clinic Friday everything was fantastic, we got an all systems go to tart the Deufosol study, Vivian was at a 104% lung function, we was too start the study on Wednesday 23rd. But Road block got up Sunday morning thought I had became a zoo trainer I had a seal sleeping in my daughter's...
  18. V

    What is you CFER's bad month

    We was at clinic Friday everything was fantastic, we got an all systems go to tart the Deufosol study, Vivian was at a 104% lung function, we was too start the study on Wednesday 23rd. But Road block got up Sunday morning thought I had became a zoo trainer I had a seal sleeping in my daughter's...
  19. V

    What is you CFER's bad month

    We was at clinic Friday everything was fantastic, we got an all systems go to tart the Deufosol study, Vivian was at a 104% lung function, we was too start the study on Wednesday 23rd. But Road block got up Sunday morning thought I had became a zoo trainer I had a seal sleeping in my daughter's...
  20. V

    Singles Club

    AWW I hope this topic didn't raise to many eye brows. I was just setting out a feeler to see how many single CF parents are out there and if they care to share their thought about it, and suggestion on how to handle that absent parent. I for one get so frustrated that I believe that if I...