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  1. V

    Singles Club

    AWW I hope this topic didn't raise to many eye brows. I was just setting out a feeler to see how many single CF parents are out there and if they care to share their thought about it, and suggestion on how to handle that absent parent. I for one get so frustrated that I believe that if I...
  2. V

    Singles Club

    AWW I hope this topic didn't raise to many eye brows. I was just setting out a feeler to see how many single CF parents are out there and if they care to share their thought about it, and suggestion on how to handle that absent parent. I for one get so frustrated that I believe that if I...
  3. V

    Good Morning

    Christi, my Vivian would do that to, in fact she started having febrile seizures for about three years. She would go to sleep fit as a fiddle and in a few hours would spike a fever never did find out why or what caused them.
  4. V

    Good Morning

    Christi, my Vivian would do that to, in fact she started having febrile seizures for about three years. She would go to sleep fit as a fiddle and in a few hours would spike a fever never did find out why or what caused them.
  5. V

    Good Morning

    Christi, my Vivian would do that to, in fact she started having febrile seizures for about three years. She would go to sleep fit as a fiddle and in a few hours would spike a fever never did find out why or what caused them.
  6. V

    Addressing the Family......(VENT ALERT)

    OLE to the woos of fund raising. I'm sure each an every one of us can give lots of disappointment in our family and friends when it comes to this topic. I ran into so many closed doors that I finally figured that taking care of my child was a lot easier than trying to get only one to care...
  7. V

    Addressing the Family......(VENT ALERT)

    OLE to the woos of fund raising. I'm sure each an every one of us can give lots of disappointment in our family and friends when it comes to this topic. I ran into so many closed doors that I finally figured that taking care of my child was a lot easier than trying to get only one to care...
  8. V

    Addressing the Family......(VENT ALERT)

    OLE to the woos of fund raising. I'm sure each an every one of us can give lots of disappointment in our family and friends when it comes to this topic. I ran into so many closed doors that I finally figured that taking care of my child was a lot easier than trying to get only one to care...
  9. V

    Point me in the right direction

    I live in Kentucky and I am trying to find the number of CF patients in our state anyone know where or how I can find this info?
  10. V

    Point me in the right direction

    I live in Kentucky and I am trying to find the number of CF patients in our state anyone know where or how I can find this info?
  11. V

    Point me in the right direction

    I live in Kentucky and I am trying to find the number of CF patients in our state anyone know where or how I can find this info?
  12. V

    Another blonde joke.

    Blonde gose to the market but is gone for 4 days her father starts out to look for finds her sitting at a stop sign, "Peggy what are you doing" "Well Dad I've been sitting here for 4 days and this sign still hasn't turned green"
  13. V

    Another blonde joke.

    Blonde gose to the market but is gone for 4 days her father starts out to look for finds her sitting at a stop sign, "Peggy what are you doing" "Well Dad I've been sitting here for 4 days and this sign still hasn't turned green"
  14. V

    Another blonde joke.

    Blonde gose to the market but is gone for 4 days her father starts out to look for finds her sitting at a stop sign, "Peggy what are you doing" "Well Dad I've been sitting here for 4 days and this sign still hasn't turned green"
  15. V

    How do I beef up

    We went 3 years with my Vivian only weighing 38lbs, so I just threw out the meal plans and feed her whenever and what ever she wanted. It use to gross me out to see her eat a stick of butter like a candy bar but if she was eating and gaining it was all good. Also ask your doctor about scandi...
  16. V

    How do I beef up

    We went 3 years with my Vivian only weighing 38lbs, so I just threw out the meal plans and feed her whenever and what ever she wanted. It use to gross me out to see her eat a stick of butter like a candy bar but if she was eating and gaining it was all good. Also ask your doctor about scandi...
  17. V

    How do I beef up

    We went 3 years with my Vivian only weighing 38lbs, so I just threw out the meal plans and feed her whenever and what ever she wanted. It use to gross me out to see her eat a stick of butter like a candy bar but if she was eating and gaining it was all good. Also ask your doctor about scandi...
  18. V


    I have a myspace too <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>
  19. V


    I have a myspace too <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>
  20. V


    I have a myspace too <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>