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  1. V

    Please help, we might be going homeless

    the landlord was here...looking for rent money i couldnt give her a dime because we dont have a dime...seriously! we dont have two nickles to rub together. I hope who ever stole our money at the wedding stole over 4 hundred dollars. which was rent bill money. or even how they could even live...
  2. V

    Please help, we might be going homeless

    the landlord was here...looking for rent money i couldnt give her a dime because we dont have a dime...seriously! we dont have two nickles to rub together. I hope who ever stole our money at the wedding stole over 4 hundred dollars. which was rent bill money. or even how they could even live...
  3. V

    Please help, we might be going homeless

    the landlord was here...looking for rent money i couldnt give her a dime because we dont have a dime...seriously! we dont have two nickles to rub together. I hope who ever stole our money at the wedding stole over 4 hundred dollars. which was rent bill money. or even how they could even live...
  4. V


    i didnt know what to say i never heard of a RGNR before and the way they explaned it seemed like a comman cold. i wasnt really worried about it. i asked to talk to my nurse about this whole thing. i want to know the whole truth. honestly im shocked if they knew this and didnt tell me. even my...
  5. V


    I was just on myspace, my sister who also i talked to said this . she posted this to one of our friends evidently my mother called the hospital and talked to the hospital about the RGNR in my system. they never told me where i had it all they just said was it has no cure and it could hurt me and...
  6. V

    Triplet Pictures

    omg triplets !!! you have my most respect if u can carry triplets i dont think i could do it. i freaked out when i thought i am havin twins. thank good ness theres only one. IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUUUUUUUU CONGRATES your gonna have your hand full x3 now <img...
  7. V

    hospital admittance and baby news

    I got admitted into the hospital tuesday. I didnt know what was wrong with me but they told me i have RGNR which is Resistant Gram Negative Rods which is a bacteria in the body that cant get cured by anti biotics it either has to die on its own or i have it forever. I also have a bladder...
  8. V

    Pregnancy part 2.

    i thank you guys so much for replying...and grandma kitty I WUV YOU UR SO GREAT i thank you for giving me that beautiful wedding dress and a wonderful man to love. I know he will be a wonderful dad. everyone says so. I hope this pregnancy goes well so you can see your grandchild <img...
  9. V

    Pregnancy part 2.

    Ok today was my first apt. the doctor is wonderful and he really knows his stuff abotu cf and babies from what i seen. The exams were uncomfortable but i do them for me and my fiance's baby. my fiance is named clint and we are getting married next month on the 30th. So far the pregnancy is...
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    ^that was me lol
  11. V


    remember i always said i would do anything for a baby. well last night at one in the morning i went to the er over a severe back ache to see if they can give me something. Turns out im pregnant. im so happy and my bf proposed to me were telling our parents over dinner tonight at a china buffet...
  12. V

    My Insurance Company

    I have never had problems with getting my perscriptions filled i go in and grab them sign and leave..Unless they shut off my insurance..but i have it back. i figured it would be like every other time, run in grab the bags and sign for them and go home. i had to wait a hour...they wouldnt cover...
  13. V

    Sleep problems with cf

    Ok so my doc told me years ago that cf patients need more sleep because they burn more calories and energy then ppl without cf. which comes to my question and im worried about it lately i havnt been sleeping at all for two weeks i only get abouta hour and a half I woke up 3 times in two...
  14. V

    g-tube/ peg/ mickey removal

    I remember mine i got mine out like 3 years ago. I went in under the knife. My doctor had to stick inside so it would heal. And then on the outside he stitched it up. The whole would be cut a lil bigger then it already is, well it was for mine. But it will be all good. I was so excited when mine...
  15. V

    new boyfriend need help

    Okies the last four replys where EXACTLY what i was looking for and no lil debbi u didnt call me immature and i thank you for that. Im glad i got some help on this subject i was just really upset yesterday cuz i was having ahorrible day i was depressed my stomach was killin meh and i really cant...
  16. V

    new boyfriend need help

    I was trying to respectful to the mods and not say anything that could get me into trouble and trying to word it to where kids wont be able to understand it but everyone took it as im being immature and that wasnt it. Ive had a horrible day and i really dont think i can stand being called...
  17. V

    new boyfriend need help

    i am mature enuff to say where having sex and stuff and the condom broke but i didnt want to get into any trouble on here by the mods or if there where any young kids reading this. ......ok this is stupid im done with this site its making me to be a horrible immature person which im not im very...
  18. V

    new boyfriend need help

    and i dont care what celebrities are doing these days...i dont even watch movies anymore they've gotten to be so damn annoying i know i havnt gotten pregnant that doesnt mean i think i cant or im being cocky about it i just want to know how to explain to him that everything will be ok. i know...
  19. V

    new boyfriend need help

    im not trying to get pregnant with a new boyfriend -.o i dont want to get pregnant i tried earlier when i was engaged but me and the guy got intoa huge fight and he hit me and shoved me and junk so i broke it off.
  20. V

    new boyfriend need help

    Lol no jaundis thank god...liver levels were normal it was a close scare. But eyes were yellow i dont know it could have been anything