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  1. L

    diagnosis story

    I was tested when I was born and it came back negative because I had other complications. I was born with my insides hanging out so there fore I have no belly button!! Anyway from then on they said I had asthma and walking pnemonia alot and finally when I was 8 they tested me twice and both...
  2. L

    diagnosis story

    I was tested when I was born and it came back negative because I had other complications. I was born with my insides hanging out so there fore I have no belly button!! Anyway from then on they said I had asthma and walking pnemonia alot and finally when I was 8 they tested me twice and both...
  3. L

    diagnosis story

    I was tested when I was born and it came back negative because I had other complications. I was born with my insides hanging out so there fore I have no belly button!! Anyway from then on they said I had asthma and walking pnemonia alot and finally when I was 8 they tested me twice and both...
  4. L

    drivers license

    My husband is diabetic and has been since he was 5 and he has had his driver's license since he was 16 with no problems. The only license he cannot get is a CDL license to drive a semi or something big like that because it's against the law. In the law it talks about loss of conciousness...
  5. L

    drivers license

    My husband is diabetic and has been since he was 5 and he has had his driver's license since he was 16 with no problems. The only license he cannot get is a CDL license to drive a semi or something big like that because it's against the law. In the law it talks about loss of conciousness...
  6. L

    drivers license

    My husband is diabetic and has been since he was 5 and he has had his driver's license since he was 16 with no problems. The only license he cannot get is a CDL license to drive a semi or something big like that because it's against the law. In the law it talks about loss of conciousness...
  7. L

    E Flow Neb

    Thanks everyone! You made a good point Caitlin because that is the same study I am currently in (the aztreanem one). I guess they want to find out how that drug works in the study not other drugs. I guess I was just hoping to shorten a few things and wondered if I could. Maybe if I get my...
  8. L

    E Flow Neb

    Thanks everyone! You made a good point Caitlin because that is the same study I am currently in (the aztreanem one). I guess they want to find out how that drug works in the study not other drugs. I guess I was just hoping to shorten a few things and wondered if I could. Maybe if I get my...
  9. L

    E Flow Neb

    Thanks everyone! You made a good point Caitlin because that is the same study I am currently in (the aztreanem one). I guess they want to find out how that drug works in the study not other drugs. I guess I was just hoping to shorten a few things and wondered if I could. Maybe if I get my...
  10. L

    E Flow Neb

    I'm doing a study so I have the e-flow neb specifically for that study. I was told that no other drugs were approved for the eflow yet because of the doses and because it was new and hadn't been tested with other drugs. I want to know if your doctor actually approved drugs to be used in it and...
  11. L

    E Flow Neb

    I'm doing a study so I have the e-flow neb specifically for that study. I was told that no other drugs were approved for the eflow yet because of the doses and because it was new and hadn't been tested with other drugs. I want to know if your doctor actually approved drugs to be used in it and...
  12. L

    E Flow Neb

    I'm doing a study so I have the e-flow neb specifically for that study. I was told that no other drugs were approved for the eflow yet because of the doses and because it was new and hadn't been tested with other drugs. I want to know if your doctor actually approved drugs to be used in it and...
  13. L

    What meds do you use for inflammation(inhaled or oral).

    I'm on advair and albuterol on a daily basis. But when I get really tight I have to go on prednisone. Not the most fun thing in the world but it always works! Nikki 27, married with cf
  14. L

    What meds do you use for inflammation(inhaled or oral).

    I'm on advair and albuterol on a daily basis. But when I get really tight I have to go on prednisone. Not the most fun thing in the world but it always works! Nikki 27, married with cf
  15. L

    What meds do you use for inflammation(inhaled or oral).

    I'm on advair and albuterol on a daily basis. But when I get really tight I have to go on prednisone. Not the most fun thing in the world but it always works! Nikki 27, married with cf
  16. L

    For Women about Birth Control

    I have been on the pill for about 10 years now. I used to take a higher dose but now I'm on Ortho low and it works really well for me. I'm kind of in the same situation as you Sarah because we would like to try for a baby in a year or two also. When I'm on antibiotics that will effect the pill...
  17. L

    For Women about Birth Control

    I have been on the pill for about 10 years now. I used to take a higher dose but now I'm on Ortho low and it works really well for me. I'm kind of in the same situation as you Sarah because we would like to try for a baby in a year or two also. When I'm on antibiotics that will effect the pill...
  18. L

    For Women about Birth Control

    I have been on the pill for about 10 years now. I used to take a higher dose but now I'm on Ortho low and it works really well for me. I'm kind of in the same situation as you Sarah because we would like to try for a baby in a year or two also. When I'm on antibiotics that will effect the pill...
  19. L

    Pictures of Yourself!

    Here's another one from my bachelerette party.
  20. L

    Pictures of Yourself!

    Here's another one from my bachelerette party.