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  1. M

    Supreme Court Ruling Obamacare Upheld

    Printer- then if it is a private insurance carrier that the gov't chose as one of their part d options how is it any better? The gov't is then selecting private insurance carriers who are just as incompetent? CyrilCrodius---ABSOLUTELY. THAT IS HOW IT WORKS IN AMERICA. ANYONE WHO DOESN'T BELIEVE...
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    medicare eligibility

    apply for ssdi if you can. its worth a shot. i was approved first time around but that was 8 years ago.
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    Supreme Court Ruling Obamacare Upheld

    one other thing that i'm not sure other countries have is LOBBYISTS. America is notorious for them and the gov't will only do what they are pressured to do by lobbyists. THEY'RE the ones that call the shots.
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    Supreme Court Ruling Obamacare Upheld

    i have to say, if they set up the public option anything like the way they run medicare, social security, ssi, and ssd, we are in big trouble. I just got a check from my medicare part d insurer for $1.90 for a claim with a date of service 1-12-10. that means they are NOW balancing their books...
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    How do you volunteer for the VX809 phase III trial

    they may be full already. try contacting any other of the trial sites. Let them know you are willing to travel and see if you can get any more info. It might be too early as well. I remember when I was trying to get into the phase 2 it took a while for them to get back to me. They were SLAMMED...
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    Not Feeling Better

    Antibiotics are just one of the unpleasant treatment options that we have right now. yes they have side effects but for most, the benefits far outweigh the cost which is severe, permanent lung damage. As long as he/she can bounce back from the antibiotics now, he/she will be in better shape...
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    Bad smell and taste = infection?

    i have pa and I have a bad taste when I am fighting an infection. it definitely gets worse tasting the worse I feel.
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    Will this mean a P-III???

    Phase 3 to start in 2013.
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    AP for green smoothies

    I find it interesting on her site that she says "non-organic produce doesn't have any nutrition". see link below This makes her lose a LOT of creditbility. I can see why organic produce has MORE nutrition. But its dangerous to say that non-organic produce doesn't have ANY nutrition. So that...
  10. M

    Zithromycin Mon wed and fri

    I heard that it was used as an anti-inflammatory agent in CF patients. ?
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    Voriconazole/V fend

    I can't really tell when I have an aspergillus reaction vs regular cf feeling. Its hard to tell a difference for me. However, I am on Vfend right now and I do have hallucinations when I close my eyes, I get super sensitive of sunlight, (like a need sunglasses on inside the house), and my skin...
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    Visiting in the hospital

    I would go and wear mask and gloves.
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    CF adults life

    Everyone's attitude about their health is different. Some people like to keep it private and not tell anyone about it for fear of being treated weird or helpless. Others like to shout it to the mountaintops and share their experiences in the hopes of helping others and being proud of who they...
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    Obama & Healthcare

    Allll righty then. This issue is not to be taken lightly.
  15. M

    To all the green smoothies drinkers...and anyone with pseudo!!

    Tried my first green smoothie! Great! I did flip to the back of the book and observed that the author is clearly overweight...kinda makes her lose credibility.
  16. M

    Germ control and shaking hands

    Stop touching your face. That is one excellent guideline. It would help a lot of people to know that's where most of their infections start! A lot of people don't know that!
  17. M

    To all the green smoothies drinkers...and anyone with pseudo!!

    Rode my bicycle to the library to pick up the green smoothie book! Great read!
  18. M

    Obama & Healthcare

    Once again, people can have private insurance, a good job and STILL have trouble keeping up with all the costs that the employer won't pay toward the insurance. There is still high deductibles and co-insurances (not including the premiums) that can drain anyone's budget no matter how frugal you...
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    Obama & Healthcare

    There are not many options available right now for people who are adults, trying to cover costs, living expenses, necessary food requirements, and all other cf expenses. Those people have to try and live on minimal earnings (if they quality for ssi and work), and still may not get the drugs they...
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    I was wondering how much you were on and if your face was still swollen. I have not had a tx but have been on steroids 5 mg per day and I still feel like my face is huge. Does it ever go away or is it something to live with forever after tx?