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  1. E

    This insults me!

    I can't believe this. As a cfer, who has spent their whole life dealing with not being able to digest their food on their own. Who has to take pills just to be able to do what comes naturally for the "normal" person. I can't believe how lazy people have become!! You can't get your lazy ass...
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    Cfer on much music

    <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="https://">Story about Brandon here</a> This week they had a story on much music's "much is my life" about a boy with cf, just thought i'd share
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    lung function vs. body size

    I was just wondering how many of you were actually told about the size of your lungs causing low or high fev1 scores... I k now when i was younger the doctor actually told my mom that my fev1 would never hit 100 % because i generally have small lungs, now this makes sense to me.. not everyone is...
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    Yeast infections

    I know it's been posted here several times but i always forget to write it down.. cause i'm slow... but this time i promise i will write it down... i know there are certain types of things you can take especially when you're on antibiotics to help prevent yeast infections other than the normal...
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    I have taken things like tobramycin and gentomycin before so i know i'm not allergic to that family of drugs but last week i went to emerg. cause i had severe chest pains.. it hurt to take a deep breath it hurt to move it hurt to walk i could lay down and it was like that for about 5 hours.. so...
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    Allie's shirts rock!!

    Canada Post was being extra slow and finally got around to delivering my shirts today... even though i already had a replacement order shipped. But I love them!! Every time I have ordered a shirt online and ordered a small it was morelike a medium and kinda fit funny. I guess I just have to...
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    Problems with strep throat..

    Well... two things really.. first my problem.. then i'll rant.. Starting about.. august 1st, i got strep throat.. the works too.. the shortness of breath, the fever of 101, the very painful throat etc. etc. So Knowing there was something wrong cause it started as just swollen throat one day...
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    They just don't listen...

    About two weeks ago now my hemotosis (sp) got worse from two days of dry cough and lung irritation and when i woke up there was about 3 tbl spoons of blood that i coughed up, i knew it wasn't serious enough to go to the hospital and i knew i had an infection so i called the clinic to let them...
  9. E

    election results (Canada)

    Is anyone else out there very disappointed that the conservatives were elected.. on the bright side they are an minority government... but what are you thoughts on them now wanting to get rid of the 2 tier health care.( i think that's what it's called ) basically they want to make us just like...
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    Yay Christmas gifts!!!

    I just got the sick: the life and death of bob flanagan supermasochist movie for christmas from a friend.. what a great movie... it almost made me cry at the end when he dies.. I haven't gotten a chance yet to really go through the dvd and watch all the extras... i can't wait until i have time...
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    Favourite Authors

    I know at my job i don't do much... so i've started reading again... My favourite authors are Anne Rice and Kelly Armstrong. My absolute favourite is Kelly Armstrong, i'm going to buy her new book and get it signed at Chapters on June 17th.. i'm excited. I was wondering what everyone else...
  12. E

    Some People's kids!

    I was just thinking about projects. I was like "you know they're are good to ge the word out to young people about it" but then i remembered high school learning about it, and just no one paying enough attention to absorb it. Then i remembered a time in grade 11 I was taking parenting class...
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    Not to bring this up again, cause i know it's always on here but does anyone know where you can order the cytic fibrosis purple braclets... i can't seem to fine them. Ashley 20 w/cf
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    I can't remember if i got your name right.. but i'm sure you know who you are. But anyway Emily i wanted to ask you a question. I know you are the one who is taking deaf culture courses (or something along those lines) I actually got a job back in january doing bell relay. I think it's a fun...
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    Hot flashes

    I was wondering if anyone else gets really bad hotflashes. I've never had a fever, but i've had my temperature taken durning one, and it was up like a degree, nothing big, but i just sweat to death. I'm a girl and because of them i have to wear guys deoderant or else i get really bad bo. i...
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    Like many of us, I thoughout my life has always not been the best at complying to doctors wants, like doing your treatments. It wasn't until lately when I got pretty sick that I finally realized why I should do everything. It's not just for my own sake but I figured many other reasons. For...
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    To the CF girls

    Just wondering, do any of you notice that right before and during your period your CF acts up a little big more? You cough a little bit more and (if your me) you get a little incontinent. And even before you feel like you haven't taken your enzymes for a few days and your "movements" are the...
  18. E

    My boyfriend's tough question

    I'm 20, I've had CF since I was 15 months old. When I was 15 i basically met my soulmate. We didn't start dating for years to come after we met, we actually had a rather complicated relationship before. Anyway, the other night he woke me up (we live together now) and asked if we could have a...