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  1. E


    lol. thanks Em and yes anonymous. i am. but i dont think youll find it that way with some of the topics i reply on. Most are based on opinion and facts that ive only heard. nothing checked. but in this case i know many smokers and I am related to 2. so its hard not to know this stuff.
  2. E


    well my point about the smoking on the street is the side walks are only so big. its the smoke in one spot or 3 feet away from said spot. in which case there is little to no difference. And again in defence of them, smoking right by the door is actually making it easier on the people walking by...
  3. E


    Ok. I quite agree with the point about there petty bitching, and minor complaints. However i know quite a few smokers and feel the need to defend what i agree with. "Breathing in smoke on the street...." well think of it this way. when they are at a bar, they HAVE to go outside to smoke. they...
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    Idea for new Category

    i have to agree. i dont think i have seen nearly as many men issues on this section as i have women issues. possibly because its uncomfortable talking about any problem so openly. and it would be much easier to talk about in a section where there would be presumably only other men. point in...
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    awareness color?

    i say suck it up guys. Purple is plenty manly. hell id be damn happy to wear one even if it was pink.
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    Uterus Transplant?

    i was talking about the person that decided it would be a wonderfully idea to come on here and critizize someone for thinking about a transplant thats not nessicarily.....nessicary.
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    awareness color?

    yah i ordered mine in november, and just recently emailed them about it. they said they send it out this week end. although that was last sunday so im not sure if they meant last weekend, or this one. *shrug* it will get here at some point. as for the origanal topic, im pretty sure purple is...
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    Uterus Transplant?

    ahhh i love it when people come together to shove someones face in the mud....and then proceed to step on their head.
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    awareness color?

    quick off topic quest involving the Milan foundation. Has anyone else had a bit of trouble actually recieving the awareness bracelets? and how long did it take you to get them?
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    Tattoo togeather

    it is better to accept ones self, rather than put it in the back of your mind hoping it will go away.
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    what do u do when u have lost hope!

    this is where i would normally put my own words of wisdom and things like that. but im not going to this time because someone has said it muuuuuch better than i have. i hope you can find some inspiration in this song. and if you would like the song itself contact me on my screen name: Mostli...
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    what would you do??

    toche, and good point. as for the second sentence of my post that was out of pure argumentative sake, not attempting to control what people say. As far as the first part tell you the truth i dont remember what it was in responce to. I may have found a post on this thread that looked...
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    Uterus Transplant?

    "IT'S TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY WRONG!!!!!!! " ummm who are you to decide whats wrong for someone else. and another thing. whos to say its wrong. i mean surgery itself used to be only about saving lives. now look at it. There is plastic surgery, and all sorts of other surgeries that are done for...
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    Tattoo togeather

    aww come on man. Guns and roses found it manly enough. hell id do it. but i dont have cf and in not old enough for one
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    what would you do??

    all right ive been seeing a lot of talk about god can save you and all that jive. and i would like to bing out a new commandment brought to us all by a great man known as George Carlin. <b>keep thy religion to thyself</b> and another thing. Some people's reason are that god thinks that every...
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    I despised frankie. she was a freaking whore, and i have no sympathy for her what so ever. she was irrational. she reminds me of my ex, my friends Ex, and this other stupid whore named Jenn. If she didnt smoke i might have the slightest bit of sympathy for her. i can not even begin to conveye...
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    cocaine use and cystic fibrosis?

    i agree. people should know how to have a good time with out it. ive smoked weed and gotten drunk, but my best times are still while im sober.
  18. E

    My CF body...

    HAH. shows how much you know. i have.....even if only pictures. Yah i went through all the trouble of signing up for a myspace just so i could prove you wrong. i can safely say, that both cf people i have ever seen are quite hot. and im ganna go farther and say that they are damn more attractive...
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    cocaine use and cystic fibrosis?

    Sorry. niccole i want to point out, it wasnt yours i was having a problem with. it was dea. Personally i dont condone all the hard stuff like coke and such. But the ocasional bowl of weed and once and a while drunkenness is fine. hell i encorage that part. people could use some time to chill...
  20. E

    cocaine use and cystic fibrosis?

    I cant say i use alot of drugs, i have a couple times, thats about it. however the simple truth to the question "why people do it" is its an escape. not an insanely smart one. but it is one. and dea, hes got a point. You didnt have to come to this thread. its not like the title wasnt clear. and...