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  1. E

    Barbara Bush...

    Hi! Yeah, I have started a journal for Erin too. I'm going to give it to her when she's a teenager because I dont' write anything sad in it. I just write about exciting things that she does (like holding herhead up) and exciting things that happened to her. Like today at the hospital they are...
  2. E

    Barbara Bush...

    Well yeah, I know what you mean. I didn't take pictures but there were TONS of media and hospital staff there that <i>did</i> take pictures so I'm hoping we can get some of those when they get developed.
  3. E

    Father of Erin

    I just want to thank everybody for replying to Dennis. He is my boyfriend. He is at home right now. I'm in Portland at the hospital with Erin and we live about an hour away from the hospital. He works two jobs and is very very busy. But he definitely wants people to talk to. Just like I...
  4. E

    Barbara Bush...

    Hey guys! Erin got an exciting treat today. As some of you know, she's in the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital in Portland, ME. Well... Barbara Bush actually came and read to the children today and they let me take Erin off the moniters and bring her down. She slept right through it, But I...
  5. E

    EXTREMELY more sad than I've ever been!

    Thankyou all so much! It's unbelievable how much support I have in these forums. We don't even know each other yet it almost seems like we're one big family. I have a feeling that you guys are going to help me a lot throughout Erin's life and dealing with her cystic fibrosis. Thanks again, I...
  6. E

    Mother from 6,5 yrs old suspected of having CF...

    Hello... some advice about waiting for results. Umm.... My daughter is a month old today. She got the cheek swab testing done a little over a week ago. They're going to do a sweat test, they just can't yet because she's very small and she isn't sweating just yet. But this test is also...
  7. E

    EXTREMELY more sad than I've ever been!

    Well... I slept at the hosptial with Erin last night. I wanted to be there when the surgeons got there in the morning. They got there about 7:00 and they told me that Erin's test results came back and she has tested positive for cystic fibrosis. I mean... I already knew that she had it. All...
  8. E

    Just paranoid?

    I don't think that you're being paranoid at all. I think it's completely normal for a parent... if they have a child with CF... to get their other child(ren) tested and if it came back negative and you want to do it again for your own peace at mind... that's your right. Goodluck with everything!
  9. E

    New baby with CF...

    Angie... I'm happy for your concern, I'm extremely sorry that your son had to go through all of those things but I honestly have to say that you've made me a lot more scared than I was. scared of Erin's surgery and scared for her future....
  10. E


    Hi guys. They put her IV in her chest... that's where the TPN will go. It's "Total Parental Nutrition" or something like that... It's nutrition that I guess is better than breast milk... and some babies just have to have it. (Even babies without CF). It will help her gain weight faster...
  11. E

    Little bit of fun

    Jennifer... if you wouldn't mind, what is your e-mail address? I'd like to ask you some questions. Mine is
  12. E


    Hi everyone, It's Lindsay again. Good news, and scary news. I'll start with the good news. They're finally letting Erin eat again!!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> They gave her back her portagen once every three hours (60cc) I wish all of you could see how...
  13. E

    New baby with CF...

    Hi, They have started Erin on enzymes. They give her 7 pancreas (the little tiny beads) once every three hours but it's just not helping her gain weight. Her binky definitely helps. We'd be lost without it. It calms her down but she's still very fussy and mad.
  14. E

    New baby with CF...

    It was me that wrote "not a problem" i just forgot to log in. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
  15. E

    Where's Emily?

    lol. well even though you're not a baseball fan... it sounds like you definitely understand the people that are <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I love the redsox. Never been to fenway though. I'm hoping to take Erin to a game in the near future!!
  16. E

    never had lung problems

    I definitely will. Thanks... I had no idea that people were diagnosed so late and could go so long without having any symptoms.
  17. E

    Where's Emily?

    Emily, you live in Boston?? I'm originally from Haverhill. Are you a redsox fan?
  18. E

    never had lung problems

    Hello... I have a question, is there any way that you could be diagnosed with cystic fibrosis so late in life?? Has anybody ever heard of that happening because now that kristy has said that (granted the guy does sound like a quack and it probably isn't true) I'm wondering since my daughter has...
  19. E

    New baby with CF...

    I honestly have to say that coming to these forums has been the best thing for me since my daughter has been born. Aside from sitting with her, holding her and just starring at my beautiful angel... this place has helped me sooooo much and I only joined at like midnight last night. It's so...
  20. E

    New baby with CF...

    Jen, There was mention of a c-section but the only reason is because I wasn't dialating as quickly in the beginning as they thought that I should have. I had thought that maybe a c-section would be better because Erin wouldn't have to work hard at being born and I thought that would be better...