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  1. J

    I need help finding someone to give me information on who I should contact for help for CF adult prisoner !!

    RE: I need help finding someone to give me information on who I should contact for help for CF adult prisoner !! That sucks. I am so sorry that this has happened. Is it possible for you to send medicine to him, or for you or a family member to relocate closer to the prison in order to go up...
  2. J

    Tequin Allergy

    Well, I called my dr. and he called me in a prescription for steroids, etc. If it's not any better tomorrow I should call him. He said it should be out of my system by tomorrow night or next day.
  3. J

    To adult Cfers...Do you ever realize....

    I didn't appreciate my mom at all when I was young. In fact, her over-proctectiveness got on my ever last nerve. Now, as an adult, I look back on all of the late night treatments, early morning treatments, talks, doctor trips, etc - and yes, I appreciate every bit of it.
  4. J

    Tequin Allergy

    Has anyone else on here had an allergic reaction to Tequin? I think I have, and I will probably call my doctor tomorrow to see if there's anything he can do about it. I have had a very similar reaction to Penicillin ( I think it was around a year ago.) The symptoms are very similar - hives...
  5. J


    I do this all the time. I have waken myself up before.
  6. J

    another sex question...may be offensive to some.

    To the person who said that this post should be locked: Get a life. Sex is not a perversion. It's totally natural. If you don't like it, or agree with it, or whatever, then click the back button. The last time I checked this was the Adult portion of the forum. Thanks.
  7. J

    "die quietly"

    I think that was a very crappy thing to be said. I mean, people are so stupid. He doesn't know your circumstances, and just to assume that it was a funny thing to say without even thinking shows what a total prick he is.
  8. J

    How does spouse or gf/bf deal with FARTING?

    we have farting contests.
  9. J

    How is Hypertonic Saline Dispensed?

    This may be a dumb question, but how can this help cough anything up? What about it makes you cough?? It's weird, because only TOBI really gets anything out of me, and we aren't even supposed to cough while breathing TOBI. But that's what does it for me. Albuterol opens me up, but does not make...
  10. J

    How does spouse or gf/bf deal with coughing?

    My husband is an angel. I can cough all over him (And sometimes I do! ) and he does not care. I love him so much! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">
  11. J

    IM sick of CF %*()&@)&%

    I understand totally. I feel the same way at times. I'm like, I'm doing all these treatments, and still my chest gets tight. Or I get congested. It does get old. Sometimes you just have to scream and complain and get it all out. It does suck.
  12. J

    School Projects-why do we hate it so much?

    "What is it like to have CF" I get so tired of that question. If they would just READ, they would see how we feel through our posts.
  13. J

    Adoption *warning* maybe controversial

    I used to feel the same way you used to. I didn't understand why even fertile people would want to have a baby when there were so many out there to adopt. But now, I'd give anything to be able to have a baby.
  14. J

    I have to do a project about CF.

    I did a project on CF once. It was called doing my treatment. And not spamming random forums.
  15. J

    I don't have CF and I have to do a project on CF is there anyone willing to talk to me.

    RE:I don't have CF and I have to do a project on CF is there anyone willing to talk to me. I am too good to give you any information. <img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0">
  16. J

    Applying for SSDI and NOT giving up

    Hey - What's the difference between SSI and SSDI? I appologize if this has already been addressed.
  17. J


    That is great. People are so dumb! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">
  18. J

    Wanting to be Pregnant, Just for the Sake of Being Pregnant?

    Thanks for all the support, ladies! It makes me feel much better that other people share the same feelings that I do. I am not ready at this point to even think seriously about having a child, but I do have a feeling that it may be an option in the future. Thanks again for the support.
  19. J


    I take online courses from Capella University. I received my BS there and now am working on my Masters. I love it. I do the work on my own time, in my pajamas might I add, and I don't have to worry about coughing in class. If you do look for an online school, do your research to make sure they...
  20. J

    paying for the vest

    I am glad to know I'm not the only one that they hounded regarding the mileage. That was so discouraging - I was so paranoid about it too. I'd leave it on to let the hours build up. LOL My insurance eventually paid part of it or all of it, I don't remember, and then they left me alone.