Search results

  1. F

    Nebulizer compressors

    What would you guys say are the best nebulizer compressor machines?? I am looking to get a spare on ebay and just wondering what everyone thinks. I also looked online for some reviews and couldn't find anything. Thanks Angie
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    H1N1 shot

    I just read Mel's post about the H1N1 flu shot (about NY mandating it for health care workers) and I am truly concerned. I assumed all the cf'ers are getting it. I have scheduled for Brady to get his on 10/8/09 the regular flu and H1N1 flu shots. Should I not be letting him get the H1N1 shot...
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    Parent Mentor

    Does anyone know of anyone or know anything about being a parent mentor? I have a job opportunity to be one and don't know much about it. Just know you need to have a child with special needs- and I have two. Any help would be wonderful. Angie
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    Adult with CF to be featured on CBS Evening News

    A story about a marathon runner with cystic fibrosis is slated to run tonight on the "CBS Evening News with Katie Couric," which begins at 6:30 p.m. ET. The story is about living into adulthood with a childhood disease and features Cris Dopher, a 37-year-old who ran in the New York Marathon. Dr...
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    Lump under arm near port

    Brady seems to have a lump under his arm on his left side - where his port is. Kind of weird- any one else ever have this? Last month is flushed fine.
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    MRSA question

    I admit I am a little uneducated when it comes to the MRSA bug and how it can be spread. I know alot of you have knowledge on this. My question is this: There is a nurse in my son's life that he sees once every week. Yesterday I was talking to her and she goes on to say she had MRSA before. She...
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    nebulizer drying

    Brady is changing from the masks on his nebs to the tube and mouthpiece. My question is what do you guys do to get the tubing drier faster? It takes forever. I shake the heck out of it, thought maybe getting something to use to stand it up so the water can roll out of it. I know you aren't...
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    blog withdrawal

    My blog has been messed up now fir a couple of weeks. I know the guys are working on it, but I keep looking and I still can't post anything. I am wondering if you are all seeing what I am seeing when I look on my blog. A messed up mess???? Any suggestions. I hate to delete my blog. UG...
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    Blog help.....

    Well last night I was messing around with putting a background, etc on my blog and before I went to bed my blogs set up was all messed up. So this morning I looked and I was hoping it was back to normal--- no-- its still a mess. I can't seem to get to the tab that says admin back on my blog to...
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    G-tube question

    Last night Brady was complaining that his left side back was hurting him when he is breathing. It got to the point where we took him to our local ER, our CF hospital is 2 hrs away. They idd 4 x-rays, and a cat scan and found nothing. I did not hook him up for a night feeding last night, we got...
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    Hypertonic Saline Question

    I was wondering if you guys had heard the same thing, that it is not only the sterile part of not using the 10% for more than one dose (because I was) but also because it has no preservatives. This is what the pharmacy told me so I quit using it for 2 doses instead of only the one. I am...
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    Feeding tube question

    Oh boy, well I just went to hook up his G-tube for his 9 hour nightly feeding and I always flush with water first. Well the water wouldn't go right in so sometimes we have to use a syringe and give the water a little push, well it wouldn't go in at all. Any suggestions as to why this may be??? I...
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    Where's my blog????

    I just went to write in my blog and it is gone. Does anyone know what is going on?? Thanks Fourkidsmom
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    Nebs and vest

    On the adult side BelEAche posted about doing nebs/vest at the same time. This really got me thinking.... I too have been told different things from our CF clinic. Before we were told not to do pulmozyme with vest, since we started the HTS we were told to do this: Morning- 1st treatment...
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    Calling all adults with CFRD....

    How many of you have CFRD? My 6 yr old gets tested on the 29th. How old were you when you were diagnosed with it? What things do you do to control it? Any other information is appreciated. Fourkidsmom
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    Calling all kids and adults with CFRD

    How many of you have CFRD? My 6 yr old gets tested on the 29th. How old were you when you were diagnosed with it? What things do you do to control it? Any other information is appreciated. Fourkidsmom
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    Tube feeding/bed wetting

    My 6 yr old is soaked every morning after his 9 hour tube feeding. He goes to the bathroom at bedtime. It is so bad that I have plastic on his bed, and I put a towel on his bed under his bottom and he wears pull-ups (I just bought goodnites today to see if they work better), and even his sheets...
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    Anyone on Lexapro?? What are your experiences with it? Thanks any info is appreicated. Fourkidsmom
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    flat feet and cf????

    OK- this may be a silly question and I am going to research some, but how many of you with cf or your kids with cf have flat feet???? My 6 yr old has VERY flat feet. Anyway related to cf??? I don't think so but am curious. Fourkidsmom
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    An Eye-opener

    So often, we get caught up in a debate over political semantics and end up ignoring the hard-shell realities of what we're talking about. According to, here are some of the realities that Flake-Gutierrez Bill would airbrush out of the picture: Number of Illegal Aliens...