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  1. P

    Sputum Culture

    Does anyone know anything about Haemophilis Para Influenza? I called today to see what Austins sputum culture was and she said scant growth of staph (which is normal for him) and Haemophilis Para Influeza. She said she didn't think they treated it. He has cultured the Haemophilis Influenza...
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    Doctors at Dayton Childrens

    Just curious does anyone take their children to Dayton Children's Medical Center in Dayton, Ohio? If so, which CF doctor do you recommend?
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    Stuffy nose and h1n1

    Austin has a stuffy/snotty nose. i was planning on taking him to the local ealth clinic tomorrow for a h1n1 shot. Would you suggest he get it or wait? It's too late to call the CF clinic to see what they suggest.
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    Health Ins.

    Does anyone out there have two insurances? We have just been informed that Austin has Anthem ins. through his birth father. He has always been on Ohio medicaid and he also has BCMH. How do you deal with the different ins. paying. I was informed today that Anthem is his primary and Ohio...
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    Chest pains in 8 year old

    Austin was in the ER over the weekend with a temp of 101 and stabbing pains in his chest and back. He was crying that it hurt so bad. He also complained he was freezing. He asked for his treatments which he never does unless he is sick. My thing is the ER doc ordered a chest x-ray which...
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    Do you feel like you neglect your other children?

    Just curious as to how many parents or caregivers of children with cf or any other medical issues feel like they neglect the other children. I really don't know if the right word to use is neglect. For example today at my younger sons asthma check up the simple questions they ask I had a hard...
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    What is Moraxella

    I just called and got Austins sputumn culture results. She said it was heavy growth of normal flora and heavy growth of Moraxella. So what exactly is Moraxella? Never heard of that one.
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    Eye Color

    The other day Austin asked me if I would ask those people that I talk to on the site that have Cystic Fibrosis a question. So here goes: How many of people with Cystic Fibrosis eyes change colors? I don't know why he asked this question or why he wanted to know. His eyes do change from like...
  9. P

    Does lack of protein cause bruising?

    I was just wondering something. While Austin was in the hospital I started noticing his bruises. Of course there is not much to do in there. LOL! Could this be from lack of protein? He seems to have a ton of bruises on his legs.The shin area as well as other areas. He had a huge one on...
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    Thank You

    I just wanted to thank everyone for the thoughts and prayers for Austin. I showed him this and his eyes lit up. I know it means a lot to him and it means a lot to me. Again thank you for your love and prayers.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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    Cf and Transplants

    Ok I don't know if this is the right time to bring this up or not. But I have been curious. When you get a lung transplant does your Cf go away or what? How does Cf affect the rest of your body? Do you just not have Cf in your lungs anymore? Do you still do treatments? Do you still take...
  12. P

    Playing outside in the cold.

    I am asking this question in the adult forums for a few reasons. One being that the adult cf=ers were children once themselves. And also from other parents point of view. Austin wants to be outside in the snow all day. He would stay out there literally all day if I wouldn't make him come back...
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    Learning to blow noses!

    I am having problems with Austin not knowing how to blow his nose. I have tried for years but he continues to sniff it all back up in. I think that if he would just learn how to blow all that crap out instead of sucking it all back in he would feel soooooo much better. How do you teach them...
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    Silly Question?

    Ok so i have a silly question. Those instant Hot cocoa( like Swiss Miss) packets that you just mix with water well, should you take enzymes with them? Just curious.
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    Kids dumping the meds!

    I am having troubles with Austin and his nebbed meds. I get them all ready for him to do and it seems like with in 10 minutes he is done with all three. I will have them setting out for him. I go on with getting Kaydan ready for school and such. But when I check in on him he is done...
  16. P

    Differential trapping of air

    Does anyone know what it means and what they do for differential trapping of air in the lungs? This is something that showed up on Austins CT scan and I havent got to talk to the doctor about this yet. Also has anyone had anything like a density in the thymus area on a ct scan? Austin is...
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    Weird taste

    Last night Austin was whining saying his spit tasted funny! He said it tasted like he went to the dentist. What is that about? He doesn't have any cavaties or fillings. I was wondering if maybe he might be coming down with something. He doesn't seem sick and hasn;t had a cough or snotty nose.
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    Questions from Austin

    Tonight Austin had gotten his bear bank out and emptied all the coins out. He was counting all of his money. He had $16.40 He had told me he was saving it for a Bakugan toy. And then my sweet little boy said "Mom I am going to fill this jar up and give some money to Nonie. (Nonie is a lady...
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    Smelly feet!

    I was just wondering if there is a connection between having smelly feet and shoes and CF. Every pair of shoes Austin gets within a few weeks they smell as if he has had them for years. The shoes I just got him for school approx. 2 weeks ago smell so bad already. I kept smelling something and...
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    Sterilizing and cleaning?

    I was just wondering. I see alot on the forums and threads about sterilizing everything, cleaning like crazy, drinking certain waters, only eating certain foods, etc. I can't find the words I want to use with out offending anyone. Please don't take any of this personal. This is just how I...